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Lara Croft Wiki
Shay Ling

Shay Ling is a criminal organization in Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life.


Shay Ling is lead by Chen Lo and Xien Lo. Shay Ling deal in items they can sell in black market, like: guns, diamonds, antiquities. At one time Terry Sheridan worked with them.

Shay Ling was hired by Jonathan Reiss to retrieve the Mati from Luna Temple near Thira Island. When they arrived to the temple, Lara Croft was already there with some men. Shay Ling killed the men, but were unable to kill Lara, They got the Mati and the amulet though.

Back at China, Shay Ling saw the value of Mati, and Chen Lo wanted more money from Reiss. Reiss agreed to pay 12 million dollars more, if he would also kill Lara. Chen Lo agreed and sent his brother Xien Lo to Shanghai to meet with Reiss. Lara croft and Terry Sheridan arrived in the current location of Shay Ling, and were captured. Chen Lo tried to kill Lara but was unable to do so and was killed himself.

In Shanghai, Xien Lo was about to hand over the Mati, but Lara Croft again interfered. Reiss and Xien Lo agreed to try again on the roof, where Reiss shot Xien Lo.
