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Lara Croft Wiki

Robert Demur is a character in Tomb Raider comics.


In 1996 Robert Demur was on his graduate fieldwork expedition for University of Pennsylvania. A girl named Frances was part of the expedition, and Robert, was smitten with her. He even started fantasizing about being married to her later in life.

In 2016, Robert Demur was a professor in paleoethnobotany from University of Minnesota. He was hunted by the Knighthood of the Dark Spore, for his knowledge about the mushroom that they are seeking - a mushroom that extends life.

Robert Demur sent his assistant - Todd Bellamy to seek the help of Lara Croft, but Todd was killed by the Knighthood. Robert then was contacted by Lara to learn why the man was killed, and was pulled into Robert's and Knighthood conspiracy.

In China, Robert manages to escape the group just barely thanks to Lara and Jonah. He keeps the sample that Lara gathered from the cave, and tried to use it since he was dying of liver cancer. But since the mushroom was picked out of season, it was lethal and it killed Robert.


  • Robert was implied to be able to speak Mandarin to some degree.