Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

Mr. Bohannon is a character from Top Cow Productions Tomb Raider comics appearing in Tomb Raider: The Series #½ and Tomb Raider: Journeys #5.


Mr. Bohannon is a history teacher who taught Lara Croft. Lara during her school years was dismissive of his teachings, and even blackmailed him to overlook her grades as otherwise her father would stop the donations to the school.[1]

Years later Lara sent Mr. Bohannon the real crown of King Arthur with a letter of an apology.[1]

Few years after that Mr. Bohannon died and he left the Crown to Lara along with a wish to see her as cheerful as she was in school, which manifested itself with the Crown's guardian during Lara's school reunion.[2]


  • In Tomb Raider: The Series #½, Bohannon names the school as Morrison, but in Tomb Raider: Journeys #5 the school is shown to be Chesterfield Private Academy.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Tomb Raider: The Series #½
  2. ↑ Tomb Raider: Journeys #5