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Lara Croft Wiki

Inside Out is one of the Artifact Collections in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It consists of three relics and four documents, located in Porvenir Oil Fields and The Hidden City.



A Lost World[]

A Lost World - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Porvenir Oil Fields

Dominguez forbade us from mingling with the locals. Didn't want us "corrupting" them. Luckily, one of the priests developed a taste for bourbon, and as long as I bring a pint with me, he'd lend me his costume, mask and all. Walking through the lower city was like travelling five hundred years into the past.

Expedition Report[]

Expedition Report - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City

Location found. Hidden. Terrain difficult to traverse. Seems safe from the strangers intent on forcing us into slavery.

More Questions[]

More Questions - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Inside the crypt

Location: The Hidden City

I've left, and come back, and no demons haunt me. Was I just lucky, or has the cult lied to us? What do they have to gain from keeping us here?


Warning - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Look for the climbable tree and swing over to the cliffs

Location: The Hidden City

Do not leave the city. Those who leave become cursed, forced to wander the jungle, and never find peace.
