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The Journey refer to special collectible mural Documents found in Rise of the Tomb Raider.

There are five total The Journey murals in the game.

Steward of the Land[]

Mural - Steward of the Land

...when the drought of a thousand days choked the land, the Prophet led his people to the waters of life.

Lara's Thoughts[]

A mural detailing one of the miracles of the Prophet...

Mural - Death of the Prophet

Death of the Prophet[]

The Prophet was slain by The Order of Trinity as they fled Constantinople.... but his followers escaped, and took his body to the Oasis...

Lara's Thoughts[]

A mural showing the murder of the Prophet...

Mural - Prophet's Benevolence

The Prophet's Benevolence[]

A great plague descended upon the people, ravaging young and old alike. The Prophet went among the afflicted, laying his hands upon them, restoring them to the fullness of life.

Lara's Thoughts[]

A mural detailing the healing miracles of the prophet...

Mural - Prophet's Peace

The Prophet's Peace[]

When the great armies of the North invaded the land, the people rose up to meet them in battle. But the Prophet bade them to lay down their arms. He spoke to the enemy in their tongue and they did depart in peace.

Lara's Thoughts[]

A mural showing the Prophet speaking to an invading army...

Documents - Byzantine Inscriptions

The Miracles of the Prophet[]

We celebrate the miracles of the Prophet of Constantinople, who was unjustly taken from us at the hands of the Order of Trinity. But his truth can never be hidden.

Lara's Thoughts[]

This must be where they laid him to rest...
