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Documents - Soviet Crest

Soviet Crests refer to special collectible Documents found in Rise of the Tomb Raider.

There are ten total Soviet Crest documents in the game.

Star of Progress[]

A plaque celebrating the scientific achievement of the Soviets. It reads "Motherland! You've been the first to light a star of progress and peace over the Earth. Glory to science, glory to labor! Glory to the Soviet regime!"

Lara's Thoughts[]

In praise of Cosmonauts. I can get behind that...

The Warmth of Labor[]

Another plague to promote a good work ethic. It reads "Work hard to fight cold and hunger." If only it were that easy...

Lara's Thoughts[]

They had to keep production up, to compete with the West...

Warning for the Unjust[]

The plaque is a little more... belligerent than the others. It reads: "Enemies must answer for their crimes against the Motherland." The symbolism isn't exactly subtle.

Lara's Thoughts[]

A grim sentiment...

Night Work[]

An image of a man working a farm in the dead of night. It reads "Night won't prevent us from working." I can't imagine smiling about that...

Lara's Thoughts[]

Propaganda to keep people working...

Man of the People[]

The text reads "Lenin Lived, Lenin Lives, Lenin will live forever."

Lara's Thoughts[]

In praise of Lenin...

For the Motherland[]

The text on this one is a promise of redemption: "With hard work, you can help the Motherland and your crimes will be forgotten." Even in a prison, nationalism is a powerful motivator.

Lara's Thoughts[]

They wrung everything they could from the prisoners...


It's a dedication marker, for when Freedom Station first was first constructed. This place held untold prisoners for decades before it fell. There's no telling what horrors occurred in this facility.

Lara's Thoughts[]

The crest was placed when the construction was completed...

Just Rewards[]

It's a warning, of sorts: "We will eradicate the spies, saboteurs, and the agents of fascism." The cold war engendered paranoia and distrust on all sides, it seems.

Lara's Thoughts[]

Even out here, they were watchful...

A Happy Land[]

The text here is simple: "Long Live our Happy Soviet Land." Whoever placed this here had a cruel sense of irony...

Lara's Thoughts[]

Hard to imagine anyone being happy out here...

All Empires Fall[]

This one was once a simple message in praise of the heroes of the Soviet Union, but someone has etched another sentiment in the metal: "All Empires Fall." I wonder if the writer ever got to see her prediction come to pass.

Lara's Thoughts[]

Someone has added their own marks...
