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Jack Fawcett's journal during the expedition to find the Lost City of Z.

Expedition Unknown 2 is one of the Artifact Collections in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It consists of five documents, all of which can be found in the Peruvian Jungle.


Jack's Journal[]

Jack's Journal - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

23 May - Over a month has passed since our expedition departed from Cuiaba. We have consumed our provisions methodically thus far, and continue to be in high spirits.

Father's age shows when we are on foot. A few times now, I have caught Raleigh looking over his shoulder and back at us to make sure we're still keeping up. Father always returns the look with a smile and saying he'll soon be the one in the lead.

Jack's Journal 2[]

Jack's Journal 2 - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

30 May - This morning we entered uncharted territory, leaving the sun-bleached bones of dead horse camp behind. It seems the tables have turned on Raleigh, almost quite literally. His bandaged leg has slowed his pace and made him the tail of our party. When father notices, he slows, turning around to give us both an encouraging smile. His overly eager step betrays his calm demeanor as he rushes past us at the sight of every nearing turn, ridge or embankment.

Jack's Journal 3[]

Jack's Journal 3 - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

6 June - Father's outward enthusiasm is at an all-time high, though I have doubts. In the middle of the night, I have caught the whites of his eyes reflecting moonlight, his stare vacantly locked to the stars. Were it not for all the stories he has shared of the Amazon in the past, I would mistake his gaze as regretful, even mournful.

Perhaps it is simply these insects making their way through our head nets causing him such consternation.

Jack's Journal 4[]

Jack's Journal 4 - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

18 July - I awoke this morning to the sight of my father wringing his handkerchief tightly between his two hands. Wide-eyed and unblinking, he stared in Raleigh's direction. Raleigh had passed.

Infection had set into his wounds days ago and shortly after, fever took hold. Between fits of cold sweats, labored groans of pain and demented ramblings, Raleigh had somehow been able to insist on forging ahead. Father had tried to reason with him, telling him to turn back, to let us carry the torch, but Raleigh made it clear; turning our backs on him would have been leaving him there to die.

We forged ahead. We were as far away from civilization as we had ever been, and we foolishly continued to trudge forward.

So long, old friend.

Jack's Journal 5[]

Jack's Journal 5 - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Inside Challenge Tomb

1 August - Tonight, sleep escapes us. The jungle is angry and the moon is uncooperative. The human imagination wanders endlessly in the dark this deep. I can hear the jungle's breath ruffling behind my ears, its low growl shaking the very ground we lay on, its manic energy rustling through the trees above. Rest has become the lead on our search, finding us at the most inopportune time. I have caught father dozing off mid-step, his hand barely clutching his walking stick. We have run out of food and are sustained almost entirely by gathered berries and rainwater. The both of us are far too unyielding to give up. I fear the very stubbornness that led us to this point may also be that which leads us to our early graves.
