Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

"My father not only claimed this artifact creates thralls, but he used a word carved into it to control the damned things. It's hardly something you'd misplace...yet it's nowhere to be found."
―Lara about Eitr Stone[src]

Eitr Stone is used to control the thralls with the carved words, "Okh Eshivar", on it. It also can turn regular water into Eitr.


Richard James Croft found the Eitr Stone in Thailand in 1931, and brought it back to England, and hid beneath his own manor.

Lara Croft found an old file of her father describing the artefact, and returned to the remains of her manor, to search for it. She found it just in time for Doppelgänger's arrival, and used the word to release her from ever taking commands again.
