Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki
Moray Eel

Eels are enemies that appear in various Tomb Raider games.


Eels in Tomb Raider II come in two different types: long yellow ones and a giant black one. The giant black one can't be killed so Lara must avoid it. The yellow eels hide in small caves in the water, causing little damage when they bite Lara. The large black eel's bite is stronger and causes bigger damage.

A variant of eels, an Electric Eel appears in Tomb Raider (Game Boy Color).

In Shadow of the Tomb Raider moray eels appear as an obstacle underwater, they can be avoided by hiding in tall seaweed, or confronted and killed in quicktime event. Killing them lessens Lara's breath though, so she has to quickly resurface.


Tomb Raider II[]

Tomb Raider (Game Boy Color)[]

Shadow of the Tomb Raider[]

