Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

The Chirugai is Kurtis Trent's mysterious weapon. It is an heirloom from the Lux Veritatis.

The Chirugai is made from a rare meteorite alloy ferilium. Kurtis in his early years has trained with the Lux Veritatis to use the blade[1].

Kurtis used the Chirugai blade heavily in Paris, when he fights against The Cabal. After fighting mutated Kristina Boaz in an arena in Strahov Fortress, he is severely wounded, and he drops the Chirugai. When Lara returns to the Arena, she finds the Chirugai on the ground, but no sign of Kurtis. When she picks it up and holds it in the air, it starts vibrating, which probably means it is pointing to Kurtis, who probably still alive since his hit from Boaz.


  • Chir-rug-ai: in Latin means - violent measures involving surgery[1]
  • Work in progress name for it was Chatka.[2]


