Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

Arturo is a captain of a boat called "Alice". He is hired by Samantha Nishimura. Just before the crew get on his boat, he tells them that the only rule that he has is that they do what he tells them. Soon a storm approaches and Sam (possessed by Himiko) jumps into the raging waters. Lara and Arturo soon follow and as they approach Lara fights off a shark, which then comes for Arturo. He is in need of medicinal care and the gang take him to the nearest hospital. Arturo tells them that they can have "Alice" as long as they bring her back in one piece and Lara promises him that she will be like brand new.


Arturo seems level-headed and commanding, but he in not all that. He helps Sam when she jumps into the raging waters at his own cost - which is a quality for everyone to strive for.


  • When Lara and the rest take his boat she cleverly writes a note in her notebook referencing the popular "Alice in Wonderland" book.