Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki
This article is about the episode, for the artifact see Angel Spit (Artifact).
Angel Spit Episode

Angel Spit is a two part episode of Revisioned: Tomb Raider Animated Series. The story is written by Warren Ellis, the artist is Cully Hamner.


Part 1[]

A professor in the British Museum, London contacts Lara Croft and shows her the Angel Spit. He tells her that it is found to be able to cure must illnesses, and wishes Lara to procure more. He gives Lara the Log book of Captain J. C. Revere, who was the only survivor of the expedition that brought back the only Angel Spit they know. In his log Revere described how his men started dying after finding the Angel Spit, first being Hawkins, who chocked on his own tongue. by the day 176 all but the captain were dead killed by their madness. Revere sailed back with one of the Angel Spit that had gone inert to warn off anyone who'd go there.

Lara first looked up the Piri Reis Map and found some islands near Antarctica not marked on the newer maps. Lara then contacted one of the shamans she knew, Maria. She confirmed the existence of the Island and warned Lara to stay away, as it was home of the mother of the world.

Part 2[]

Angel Spit Ruins

Lara traveled to to the island via a ship and took Exo-skeletal Flying Vehicle to the island, she blasted the glacier and found ancient structures beneath the ice. Lara then proceeded to melt her way to the inside of a temple with a flamethrower. Once inside she saw the massive amount of red liquid, and pods at the ceiling. The heat of the flamethrower had warmed the chamber and the pods started to drop revealing creatures inside. Lara deducts that she is inside a womb and tried to fight the creatures but runs out of bullets and is overwhelmed. She then blasts a hole through a wall, which makes the unseen "mother" howl in pain. She run to her Exo-skeletal Flying Vehicle and escapes. Couple of the creatures managed to hitch a ride, and she gets rid of them, but misses one.


Re-Visioned- Tomb Raider - Angel Spit 1-2


Re-Visioned- Tomb Raider - Angel Spit 2-2
