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Lara Croft Wiki

Andrea is a minor character in the Tomb Raider comics by Dark Horse.


Andrea is the lead actress for Jonah Maiava's take on the famous book "Pride and Prejudice". She is firstly upset with Lara for not knowing her lines in the role of "Kitty" and leaves the set. Jonah asks Lara to go after her and she does. They chat for a while and meet up with Samantha Nishimura and Kaz Weiss in a bar. They talk for a while and Andrea says that she has to go as her boyfriend is waiting for her. Lara says that she will go with her, but a couple of thugs try and take their stuff. Lara beats them up, just to see Andrea with a terrified look on her face. She says that Lara actually enjoyed fighting those thugs and walks off telling Lara to tell Jonah that she is quitting. Her role as "Elisabeth" is given to Lara.


At first Andrea seems petty and mean-spirited, but she is actually just frustrated with Lara. After they talk, they become friends which doesn't last long revealing that Andrea is scared of Lara. More specifically the enjoyment on her face while beating thugs senseless.


  • It is unknown if Andrea continued pursuing acting after quitting being "Elisabeth" in Jonah's production.
  • It is believed that Andrea went to the show, the evidence being in the panel where Lara is running out of the theater, a blonde figure can be spotted in the crowd wearing a little red dress and smoking a cigarette.