Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

The Amazon is commonly used term for Amazon River located in South America, and the area surrounding it. Amazon River is the longest and largest river in the world.


Original Timeline[]

Lara Croft found Quaxet Temple near the Amazon River, and destroyed it in process of stopping Quaxet returning to life.

Survivor Timeline[]

In 1925 Percy Harrison Fawcett, Jack Fawcett, and Raleigh Rimmel went into Amazon to find the Lost City of Z. Only Jack survived the journey and found himself near Paititi.

In 2018 Lara Croft and Jonah Maiava traveled along the Amazon in search of a "silver-crowned" mountain. Near the Amazon river, they found a hidden city Paititi. There they hoped to find the Silver Box of Ix Chel

In-Game Appearances[]

Tomb Raider (GBA)[]

Lara Croft: Reflections[]

Shadow of the Tomb Raider[]

