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Lara Croft Wiki

A'aron is a character from Shadow of the Tomb Raider DLC The Serpent's Heart.


A'aron's sister Atzi was married to Hakan, once Atzi joined the cult Hakan was forced to kill her. A'aron hated hakan for a long time, but came to realize, that he had no choice because of their daughter Kayara.

Later in life, A'aron was asked by Hakan to search the documents in the guard barracks in the upper city he was working. A'aron's sister was very worried about him. Hakan found the guard who had a coded message on him, and attacked him with a rock. A'aron noticed a priest, and ran away without the document. A'aron returned to Hakan, and apologized not getting the document, Hakan wanted him to return, but A'aron refused, in fear of being discovered. They were interrupted by a woman, who Hakan introduced as the one who rescued him from prison. Lara then showed then the document A'aron left behind, and told A'aron that he made the right decision to run when he saw her. Hakan and Lara left to seek the thing described on the document, but Hakan told A'aron to come after them if they don't return after certain time. As Hakan feared, they didn't return, and A'aron went after them. He found Hakan captured by the cult, and attacked the cult, Hakan and A'aron fought hard, but when Hakan got injured defending A'aron, they ran away. They retreated over a bridge, and once Lara caught up with them, Hakan and she cut the bridge, cutting them off from the cult. Hakan was injured badly and confessed on killing Atzi, A'aron forgave him as Hakan was dying, saying he knew about it.
