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is in our DNA.

We believe in the power of play. It's how we figure out what we like and what we're good at. Who we are and who we might want to be. It's all about trying new stuff, pushing the boundaries of what's possible, and, most importantly, being free to have fun!
Play inspires us to create entire worlds designed for making new things, tearing them down, and starting over again. (And again, and again.) Where everyone is encouraged to try on a different outlook. Consider a new perspective. Summon a new crumpet. And change it all again the next day.
We'll never stop playing. Moving and making, tapping and transforming, experimenting and sharing. Asking kids for their opinions and turning their suggestions into real experiences. We want to keep creating worlds for future kids to do… whatever it is future kids want to do. And continue to foster generations of playful people.
Play is how we connect with ourselves and with other people, too. Want to find new ways to express yourself? Get creative! Bored of the norm? Lean into the weird. Don’t like the rules? Re-write them!
Let’s play!

What we value

This is an image of Leon, a character from Toca Boca World, holding a spray can and spraying onto a surface
This is an image of Rita, a character from Toca Boca World, standing with her arms crossed. She has her mouth open as if smiling widely or saying something

We believe in the undeniable, irresistible, power of play.


We respect kids as people — not just little versions of people. We make high-quality products that they deserve. From a kids perspective.

This is an image of two of the characters or avatars from Toca Boca Days. The character to the right has longer hair and is casually dressed in a red shirt and cool red and green cap with a red peak. They are holding what looks like a thickshake. The character to the right has a darker skin tone and is wearing an all black outfit with a purple watch. They have one arm around each other and are laughing and smiling. Both are winking at you but in their own style.

Kids are explorers. They experiment, push forward and try new things every day. Newness excites them and us. We’re pioneers of play and like doing things in new ways.


Everyone is welcome in our world. Kids can be whoever they want to be. Everyone fits in and stands out.

Our story

Toca Boca was founded in 2011 with a simple mission - to create playful experiences where kids can have fun and feel free to be themselves. And today, over 60 million kids play our games every month (that’s right, every. single. month.)
We focus on play (imagination, creativity, and self expression) instead of gaming (competition, getting stuck on a level, and addiction.) Addressing timeless human needs in an inclusive way in the digital world, has broadened the perspective on what a game is and what it means to be a gamer.
Celebrating play and diversity has helped millions of kids to explore and discover who they are. But we’re not done juuuust yet. Our vision is set on fostering generations (yes, in plural) of playful people who play well together.

Our heritage

Our past is all about fun and games. The future? The same.
“Keeping the kids' perspective as our north star, we create vibrant, playful worlds that encourage exploration, imagination, expression and creativity.”
Emil Ovemar

Co-Founder & Head of Studio

But hey, don’t just take our word for it

I often do a bank robbery story, and a hospital emergency story. And I go to the movie studio a lot. I like making up stories with members of my family.

10 year-old, UK

I can make stories and do everything I want, I’m basically the boss of the world and I really like that.

11 year-old, Belgium

I like it because it’s fun and weird. (Note: I like weird things.)

8 year-old, US

I’m in the hospital a lot. This game lets me live away from everything around me. It lets me pretend to go to school and the mall with my friends. I also like the hospital location because it lets me act out what happens in real life.

10 year-old, US


Our Campus is the heart and home of Toca Boca. It's where we meet to create, collaborate and play. It's where we invite friends and hold workshops with players. It's where we have fun and dream big. At our Campus, everyone should feel welcome, respected, and valued.

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