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Terraria Wiki

Free money[]

Is there any item that can be bought at a lower price than it is sold for? Phaser756 (talk) 04:53, 29 December 2019 (UTC)

In a word, no.

I have stumbled upon a couple of scenarios whereby items can be purchased and combined to sell back for a profit, though. The one that comes to mind is noted on the chandeliers page - the lantern crafted from boreal wood (occasionally available from the traveling merchant,) if I remember correctly. Thegeniussavant (talk) 12:04, 25 June 2020 (UTC)

Value table[]

Although I am not new to gaming (I've been at THAT for more than 3 decades,) I've been playing Terraria for more than a month (racking up somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 hours on my character,) and I am no stranger to Wikis, I am baffled by the apparent lack of a table of all the buy/sell values. I have looked everywhere I can think, but not been able to find one.

Finally, out of frustration, I decided to try and remedy the situation. I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to generate the table I'm looking for, but I don't know how to add a subsection to this page in which to nest the table. If I manage to figure it out (with or without help from the community,) you'll see the table here at some point. Thegeniussavant (talk) 12:13, 25 June 2020 (UTC)
