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Terraria Wiki

Deadly Modifier[]

The Ranged modifier "Deadly" on Minishark shows 17% damage and 12% speed and has no Critical, Velocity or Knockback modifiers. Terraria 1.1.2 Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/IAZY357.png — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 15:29, 29 September 2013 (UTC)

It has the Deadly modifier from the common section, which gives 10% damage and 10% speed. Furthermore, as noted multiple times on the page, the values may differ due to rounding. (e.g. the Minishark has 6 damage. 10% extra means 6.6 damage, which is rounded to 7 damage. The result is (7/6-1)*100%=17% damage extra. The same goes for the speed attribute.) --0icke0 (talk) 17:34, 29 September 2013 (UTC)

Sorry, I couldn't figure out the chart formatting, but deadly should say +12% speed and +8% damage, not 10 of each, at least for Melee modifiers. - 02:22, 5 November 2013 (UTC)

Mythical and Masterful on Console[]

I've found differences in the Console Version between Mythical and Masterful for Magic Modifiers where Masterful is a much larger -Mana Cost than Mythical, however on one table it lists the values as being the same for -Mana Cost. LodanSD (talk) 03:22, 20 December 2013 (UTC)

Different Mystic modifier[]

I got a Mystic Leaf Blower after beating Plantera, and it has +10% damage and -25% mana cost, while the table says Mystic is +10% dmg and -15% mana cost. Is this a new thing in 1.2? — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 23:49, 10 October 2013 (UTC)

More likely a rounding adjustment as well. 4*85%=3.4, rounds to 3, recalculates for display as (3/4-1)=-25%. — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 04:35, 31 October 2013 (UTC)

Sortable Table Bug[]

At least one of the sortable tables on this page (namely the last "complete list" table) is sorting percentage values alphanumerically. e.g. 18% is being sorted in between 10% and 5%. Specifically, I noticed this when sorting the complete list table by "Size". Sorry I don't have the knowledge of how to fix this. Roachy1 (talk) 05:58, 17 November 2013 (UTC)

Item Modifiers[]

Any item can be given a modifier via Invedits and using commands on servers such as Tshock, these modifiers can only be applied if they have ONLY speed or velocity buffs/debuffs, I don't know why this is, but you can get a Hasty Spooky Hook, which, using a calculator, should round to 17.8 velocity instead of 15.5, I'd like someone to confirm if this change in the velocity actually happens. — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 13:41, 17 January 2014 (UTC)

Delete Bug[]

The listed bug concerning deletion when exiting the reforge screen without completing the transaction is not correct for me on the PC version. If I walk away or use the Magic Mirror on accident (which I've done) the item is simply dropped where the Goblin Tinkerer was. Confirmation? Running latest version as of 1/22/2014. — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 02:58, 23 January 2014 (UTC)

Broken Modifier[]

The broken modifier should be -25% damage, not the previous -30% damage it used to be. --Feildmaster (talk) 14:24, 22 February 2014 (UTC)

Edit: I will test on a few more items to confirm. After reading some more notes I am unsure if what I'm seeing is correct or not. --Feildmaster (talk) 14:36, 22 February 2014 (UTC)

Mobile version[]

How do you reforge weapons gotten from a biome chest? I got a broken piranha gun T^T. -- commented by an anonymous user — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 04:36, 17 December 2014 (UTC)

There is a known bug with the latest mobile update where most of the 1.2 weapons cannot be reforged. The only thing you can do is wait for it to be fixed. Chrisf1020 (talk) 03:45, 17 December 2014 (UTC)

What does "speed" mean?[]

when universal modifiers such as "agile" say speed what do they mean? — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 04:15, 24 January 2015 (UTC)

Atk speed. 02:02, 20 May 2020 (UTC)


It is not possible to get armor modifiers no? Atleast on the mobile version? — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 09:18, 2 June 2015 (UTC)

No, there are no armor modifiers. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Gearzein (talkcontribs) at 09:54, 2 June 2015 (UTC)

About a glitch[]

I don't know if this is still a thing but there used to be an issue with the mobile version whereby if an item was left in the reforge slot and the goblin tinkerer's window was exited, the item was lost. Maybe, assuming it hasn't been fixed, this should be mentioned on the page as a warning. I seem to remember losing a clockwork assault rifle to it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 14:40, 23 April 2016 (UTC)


About this edit, it looks wrong for me. Reasons is because it repeats the same modifier and it is related to PVP, please check it if it is okay. And please undo me if I am incorrect or mistaken. Thanks! --IosKent (Talk Page - Contribs) 09:27, 9 September 2016 (UTC)--

I listed it separately because it applies to all types of weapons, not just summoning. Also some people will be checking the modifiers page because they plan on doing PvP, and Ruthless is usually the best modifier for PvP. Baconfry (talk) 18:42, 9 September 2016 (UTC)

Ruthless Modifier[]

Hey, I noticed something on the ruthless modifier, it gains a 20% modifier as of the current update, I can't confirm the exact update that it was changed, but I am playing on the most current update. — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 22:22, 17 November 2016 (UTC)

Are the modifiers weighted at all?[]

That is, is there always equal chance of getting any available modifier, or are they weighted? If so, this suggests that it should be possible to figure the average number of tries needed to get whatever modifier is desired, or even to get either of 2 equally-desirable modifiers. --MentalMouse42 (talk) 04:27, 8 February 2018 (UTC)

Not sure if they’re weighted, we might need someone with the source code to find out —ϟAwesome_Diamondsϟtalk 13:01, 8 February 2018 (UTC)
It seems to me that modifier chances are affected by playing time elapsed. I've noticed when I craft weapons very early in the game I get a lot of whites and greys. A blue is very rare. This seems to be part of the overall design to not allow you to get too powerful too quickly, in the same way that you will get a lot more random encounters on surface early and worms will appear at more shallow underground depths early. 12:55, 2 September 2019 (UTC)
I have not heard any indication that the modifiers are weighted (or that enemy encounters change solely from time elapsed), but this properly calls for a source-diver to confirm. --MentalMouse42 (talk) 00:24, 3 September 2019 (UTC)
As far as I can tell via Prefix(int pre) in Item.cs, modifiers are completely random, regardless of item. I'm not sure about enemy spawns changing, but I suspect a similar situation there, although it's always good to check. 4e696e6a6f795844 (talk) 02:19, 3 September 2019 (UTC)

Base Stats[]

While the best modifiers for each weapon are already listed, should we have a ‘Base Stats’ subsection where the best stat boosts are listed? This would be similar to the accessories table, where the best modifier for each stat is listed. This would be like “Mana: Adept”, and so on. Diamondcat6746 (talk) 23:57, 2 January 2019 (UTC)

Unreal Modifier[]

Could this be a reference to Unreal Tournament? Why else would this adjective be used? — Preceding unsigned comment added by at 17:03, 15 January 2019 (UTC)

Ambiguous Tip[]

The tip that states reforging with autopause leads to some advantage is quite ambiguous (there is as far as I know after 1700hs+ of play, no affect in terms of time spent thinking about reforging an item...) Is there some missing information that belongs in the tip? Or is it merely incorrect? Also maybe is it for devices rather than pc/xbox? If so shouldn't that be stated? 10:32, 1 October 2019 (UTC)

In fact, using autopause actually slows down the process, in my opinion, because you do not instantly see the new modifier without hovering over the item. If that is different on other platforms (to which the tip would therefore only apply), then yes, we would definitely need to point that out. Unfortunately, I only have access to Desktop, so I cannot provide any insight there. --Rye Greenwood (talk) 18:39, 1 October 2019 (UTC)

Chance of initial modifier seems excessive[]

Currently it lists a 75% chance of an initial modifier, and I'm pretty sure I'm not seeing that from crafting, at least. Also, directly-fished items don't seem to get initial modifiers, which is in fact not listed, but I will note it as an exception. Can we get verification from a source-diver? --MentalMouse42 (talk) 11:06, 2 October 2019 (UTC)

The chance is correct, at least for PC version PC An item's initial modifier is assigned by the function Terraria.Item.Prefix() which is called by Terraria.Item.NewItem(), the standard functions for creating new items, and in a few cases also in other places. Prefix() must be passed an integer depending on which it either does nothing and returns immediately, applies a modifier in 3 of 4 cases, or always applies one.
I can explicitly verify the second behavior, the 75% chance, for items that are obtained via looting naturally generated chests, crafting, or opening Treasure Bags and Golden Lock Boxes. Items obtained via fishing, opening Presents, or as quest rewards from the Angler are created with the first method, never receiving an initial modifier. Items obtained from crates generally also have the 75% chance, although it might be possible (unlikely, though, I guess) that certain eligible items do not get a modifier, because in the respective function, each item has its own call of the NewItem() function and I wasn't too keen on checking every single one (it's a looong function). The same goes for dropped items.
--Rye Greenwood (talk) 12:47, 5 October 2019 (UTC)
---Having just crafted 12 wooden hammers and only 4 of them received a modifier on the desktop I think there must be something more going on as the chances of me being that unlucky are stupid low if it really does have a 75% chance to have a modifier. I've only recently begun playing the game so I can't comment about items from chests and drops but crafting (at least for wooden hammers) is not a 75% chance to get a modifier. 18:13, 22 December 2019 (UTC)
I understand your doubts, but it is fairly clearly stated in the source code. This is the relevant bit in Terraria.Item.Prefix():
if (num == -1 && unifiedRandom.Next(4) == 0)
	num = 0;
num is the parameter passed to Prefix(), and that is -1 for the call in Terraria.Main.CraftItem(). A modifier is then only applied if num is -1, -2, or -3. Therefore, 3 of 4 crafted items receive a modifier while the fourth one does not.
It is very important to understand that RNG will never be statistically correct – it's random after all. With every subsequent roll, the chance approaches the statistical 3/4 (due to the law of large numbers), but it is not bound to ever reach it. This is known as the gambler's fallacy, which is described as assuming that, in this case, after not getting a modifier for five items, the sixth one should definitely get one because five ones before it didn't get one, an unusually high number for the chance of 3/4. This assumption is incorrect, however. The die is rolled anew every time you craft an item – it doesn't have a "memory" and is thus unable to favor or disfavor certain results in the long term. Another example is the misconception that you will never get two Slime Staves or two Rods of Discord in one game because of their extremely low drop rate – which is wrong; you could get two Slime Staves from the very first two slimes you defeat in a world.
Fun fact: It is even possible to never get a modifier on a crafted item. Of course, this chance decreases with every crafted item to incredibly low numbers eventually, but it will never be zero.
--Rye Greenwood (talk) 22:06, 22 December 2019 (UTC)
I really hate when people talk about statistics as if they understand anything they are saying. If the actual chance of having a modifier is 75% (3/4) then the statistical odds that I failed to get a modifier 75% of the time is so low that it is extremely unlikely to have happened with my sample size of 12. But since you are clearly willing to throw that real world example out the window I have created 20 more, wooden swords this time, and 13 had modifiers. I then created 20 wooden hammers and ONLY 7 had modifiers. I am now at a total sample size of 52 with 24 modifiers, 32 of them wooden hammers with 11 modifiers. Gambler's Fallacy does not explain away real world results and those real world results clearly indicate there is something else going on to reduce the actual chance of getting a modifier to something much less than 75%. If you feel that I am simply the unluckiest person in the world feel free to do your own test and see if you get anything near 75% of them with a modifier. I don't know if you simply don't understand the code you are looking at or if there is something faulty with the random function itself but there is clearly something less than a 75% chance to get a modifier, especially for wooden hammers. 04:49, 25 December 2019 (UTC)
Personally, "I really hate" when somebody comes into a discussion and starts insulting anyone who contradicts them (anonymously, yet!). Setting that aside, I can see one possible way in which the wooden hammer in particular could be glitched: It and the copper axe "cannot be affected by modifiers that alter their damage by 15% or less", which is a wholelot of the melee modifiers. I'd assume that the Goblin Tinker automatically rerolls invalid modifiers (I've never seen it leave an item without a modifier), but does item crafting? If crafting gives "no modifiers" instead of an ineligible one, that might explain your results. BTW, here's a link to an AnyDie setup that should model the rolls. --MentalMouse42 (talk) 20:13, 25 December 2019 (UTC)
And I really hate when some idiot jumps into a discussion and falsely accuses someone of insulting someone else but I guess you don't care about that since you are the idiot doing the false accusations. That by the way is what an actual insult looks like. Either way wooden hammers still don't have a 75% chance to get a modifier and since you have nothing useful to add to the conversation do everyone here a favor and see your way out of it. 20:57, 26 December 2019 (UTC)
I would say that calling someone inexperienced at something with absolutely no prior justification would be an insult. That aside, what Rye has said is correct, and you've disregarded important information. —ϟAwesome_Diamondsϟtalk 21:07, 26 December 2019 (UTC)
Oh, and as a side note, your comment about lack of usefulness is quite ironic, as your comment objectively had zero information to add to the discussion. I'll now see my own way out, as I have other things to do on the wiki. —ϟAwesome_Diamondsϟtalk 21:10, 26 December 2019 (UTC)
Not to mention that I actually started this discussion! (Under my customary logname, not as an anonymous IP...) But hey anonymoid, go on digging your hole until you cross enough lines (and admins) to get your IP banned. --MentalMouse42 (talk) 01:02, 27 December 2019 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Oh my, I apologize if I came off as arrogant or didactic in some way – I didn't mean to! I don't appreciate the snark either, but let's just take this back to an objective level: I think I have found the error! There is indeed something else reducing the chance to get an initial modifier. So the Prefix() function, the one that assigns modifiers to items, has a large if-else statement (it's still rather small in comparison to some other if-else monsters, phew) where items are grouped together and assigned one modifier out of a set of possible ones, depending on their group – that is the general differentiation between accessory modifiers and the different damage type modifiers. Every eligible item gets a modifier here (if the initial 3/4 roll that I described above succeeds), so the Wooden Hammer would be assigned one out of 40 modifiers (unifiedRandom.Next(40) in the source; with the terms on the page: 14 universal + 10 common + 16 melee).

The crucial point is what follows: If the Prefix() function was called with a -1 as parameter (which Terraria.Main.CraftItem() does – but Terraria.Main.DrawInventory(), where reforging is handled, does not, for instance), then there is a 2/3 chance (unifiedRandom.Next(3) != 0) that the item does not get any modifier, but only if the modifier it got in the first roll is one of the "bad" ones (Tiny, Terrible, Small, Dull, Unhappy, Awful, Lethargic, Awkward, Inept, Ignorant, Deranged, Broken, Damaged, Shoddy, Slow, Sluggish, Lazy, or Weak; note that it doesn't include the other four bad modifiers, Annoying, Shameful, Frenzying, and Intense). In our example, 12 (out of those 40) modifiers for the Wooden Hammer are "bad". Therefore, we have a chance of to get a "good" modifier plus a chance of to get a "bad" modifier but pass the 1/3 roll. In total, the chance to get an initial modifier upon crafting a Wooden Hammer is 3/5 or 60%.

I hope everything is clear now; this total chance should also fit the in-game tests that have been carried out. Unfortunately, due to the fact that different groups of items can get different numbers of "bad" modifiers, it will probably be hard to make a general statement. Perhaps we can note the chance for every group in its respective section?

--Rye Greenwood (talk) 01:52, 27 December 2019 (UTC)

So I was partly right (as was our anonymoid's initial complaint), there is something screwy about crafting! For noting it on the page, I'd start by just summarizing your discovery: "When crafting weapons, a "bad" modifier has a 2/3 chance of being ignored, leaving the new item without a modifier." Adding any other case you can find where this applies, and then listing the officially-bad modifiers. As far as listing the per-type chances... well, it's not just the main damage types, there are individual weapons/tools that have additional restrictions. Admittedly I just ignored those for my own notes on price bonuses, which are themselves kinda borked by this discovery. (At least they're a lower bound.) --MentalMouse42 (talk) 02:27, 27 December 2019 (UTC)
Sounds good! This behavior applies to all items which have that first 1/4 chance of not getting a modifier, which would be items obtained via looting naturally generated chests, crafting, or opening Treasure Bags and Golden Lock Boxes. Keep in mind that it generally also applies to items obtained from crates and dropped items, but to be completely sure, one would have to check every single NewItem() call in the respective functions, which would get very tedious. --Rye Greenwood (talk) 03:44, 27 December 2019 (UTC)
So, this applies to all those 3/4 things, probably, unless the devs made an exception or a mistake.... I'm again feeling the urge to smack the devs, that's an awful fail at modularization. At least it allows for straightforward-if-cumbersome correction of the prices. --MentalMouse42 (talk) 14:45, 27 December 2019 (UTC)
So, I've got a quick-and-dirty calculation of the price changes. Unfortunately I'm not getting the same results for "reforge" adjustments as I got the first time I calculated them. Admittedly, the first time was even more quick-and-dirty, so I don't have calculations to compare. Live and learn.... Anybody want to check my work? (You will need to look at the source.) The TLDR is that for magic and ranged, the 1/4 chance of no modifier mostly cancels out the skipped penalties, while the other classes get an extra couple of percent on crafted items. --MentalMouse42 (talk) 02:49, 28 December 2019 (UTC)

Summon Weapons[]

it seems like some of the summon weapon modifiers have been changed. Mystical along with other provide an 18% increase to damage without the drawback of Ruthless. Was this a change in 1.4? I have only been able to test it with the Vampire Frog Staff and the Imp Staff but a lot of modifiers increase the damage by 18% with also adding other benifits. The822man95725 (talk) 18:14, 21 May 2020 (UTC)

Second Legendary modifier[]

There is a modifier that provides +17% damage, +17% knockback, and +8% crit referred to as Legendary2 in the game's code and only obtainable on the Terrarian, this appears to be new in 1.4. Tyfyter (talk) 01:30, 25 May 2020 (UTC)

Modifier Reroll on Death[]

Is it intended that, when i drop my items on death, they get their Modifiers changed? --Everything come from the Void, everything will go back to the Void. (talk) 20:03, 7 June 2021 (UTC)
