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Terraria Wiki

I found all of the mushroom biome enemies spawning on the surface in a freshly created world, as soon as I made a surface biome (It was the first thing I did.) The mushroom zombies would spawn during the day, as well.

I have found that in the water at night a fungi fish will spawn. It has 50 hp drops a few silver and looks like the bulb of the fungi snatcher.

Thanks for reporting it and fixing the page if that was you. I don't know why but the mushroom biome I made on my surface doesn't spawn any mobs, and it's about 3 screens long (has the background and music, too). They only come out on a blood moon. Maybe it was something they fixed after the initial release, or somehow I got a bugged zone. - Camelotcrusade (talk) 04:30, 10 October 2013 (UTC)

It seems that the amount of mushroom that grows seems to determine the biome rather than the blocks themselves, oddly. DodgingRain (talk) 16:00, 19 October 2013 (UTC)

Probably because mushrooms are counted as biome blocks too and as such add a lot to the biome detection. Barhandar (talk) 16:08, 19 October 2013 (UTC)

Mob Spawning in Shroom Biomes in 1.2.4[]

I could be wrong about this, but I don't think mushroom mobs spawn in mushroom biomes anymore until Hardmode. As far as I know, it wasn't mentioned in the changelog, so if someone could test this more thoroughly that'd be awesome. 14:41, 12 May 2014 (UTC)

In my main pre-hardmode world, I have an above-ground artificial Mushroom Biome made of many rows of glowing grass mud blocks. I have seen it spawn Mushroom Zombies, Spore Zombies, Fungi Bulb, Anomura Fungus, and the only Glowing Snail I have ever encountered. Interestingly, an underground natural mushroom biome in the same world spawns none of these. It may be related to the fact that this is a pre-1.2 created world, but that's just a guess. FyreNWater (talk) 20:57, 12 May 2014 (UTC)

Surface Mushroom Biomes[]

i have a surface mushroom biome that isnt being registered because of the background and music, tell me whats wrong in this image,please help me! https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7240/7297872610_13d9fd3d69.jpg 7th april 2015 (UTC)

You're better off asking this question at the forum: http://forums.terraria.org. Equazcion (talk) 21:15, 7 Apr 2015 (UTC)

Funkytown glitch?[]

It seems that if you are in an underground mushroom biome, and then use a Magic Mirror (and possibly also a recall potion), you get the achievement. This may or may not be a glitch, but should be added none the less. Also if it is a glitch it should be reported.

Tips for finding?[]

Does anyone have any tips for finding Underground Mushroom Biomes? Doginator1105 (talk) 00:37, 11 June 2018 (UTC)

Mushroom Vines aren't growing below 0 depth for my Glowing Mushroom Biome farm[]

Why don't I get mushroom vines growing in the underground layer? All the ceilings in the surface layer have already grown vines. --pooiyx (talk) 17:02, 30 August 2020 (UTC)

Incorrect/outdated information in the notes section[]

These 2 lines:
"While the area functionally changes to a Glowing Mushroom biome at 101 related blocks, the background of a Glowing Mushroom biome will not appear until 201 Glowing Mushroom biome blocks are present."
"The Funkytown achievement requires 200 Glowing Mushroom biome blocks nearby the player."
state that a minimum of 200/201 tiles are needed, however when I tested it in game, the achievement only required a minimum of 100 tiles, and the background changes in 2 stages. At 100 tiles, the giant mushrooms appear in the background, and at 160 tiles the sky darkens. Can anyone confirm this information or double check the code for exact/actual values? Stranded at sea (talk) 13:12, 17 March 2021 (UTC)
