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Deliver code modernization projects faster

Understand and decipher your legacy code 60% faster. Help teams efficiently reverse engineer original specs and user stories.

Break the monolith
Understand and split components 38% faster
Modernize old technologies
Map your current stack so you can analyze it faster
Legacy code discovery
Quickly make legacy code transparent and accessible

Modernization is risky and time-consuming when teams

Legacy code is undocumented
It’s challenging to determine the original intent behind the code
Exploration is difficult
Diving into complex flows and dependencies is a long, manual process
Experienced engineers are bottlenecks
Modernization teams rely on your top engineers to understand legacy code functionality
Immediate system-level orientation

Immediate system-level orientation

Quickly understand functionality, core modules, and structures across your repo with auto-generated overview documentation. Give your teams a clear map to your codebase.

AI-powered code investigations

AI-powered code investigations

Dive deeper into flows and processes using Swimm codebase analysis and AI chat.

Make legacy systems accessible

Make legacy systems accessible

Quickly turn legacy system research into extensive specs and user stories that enable teams to work faster and more independently. Enhance clarity and navigation with integrated code references and diagrams.

Decouple with confidence

Decouple with confidence

Use visibility into context and dependencies to work on system components without breaking anything. Improve test coverage and monitoring, avoiding downtime.

Join other Fortune 500 companies already modernizing faster

Built for enterprise

Code and content never leaves your network. Also available as on premise. Swimm is SOC 2 and ISO 27001 compliant.
Swimm smoothly scales to thousands of developers and tens of millions of lines of code.
Support & services
Dedicated enterprise support and implementation teams.