

Second boss too difficult?
The demo is great, I absolutely love it. It has many great ideas and plays fluently ... were it not for the second boss. The difficulty of that fight seems totally out of sync with the overall difficulty of the game. I tried like 20 times but just can't beat it. Often, The spikes coming up from the floor are just too much, making evasive maneuvers almost impossible. Often, I don't even see where my character is because there is so much going on on the screen. A health bar of the boss would also help, so that one could at least see how close one got to winning.

That leaves me a little bit frustrated because I can't complete an otherwise amazing demo.
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Ok, after 5 additional tries I finally manged. But boy was that hard!
Maddie @ Kwalee  [developer] Jul 12 @ 5:33am 
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback on our demo!

We're really sorry about the difficulty of the final boss fight, but this information will be really useful for us when it comes to balancing the difficulty of the game, so thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you for the great demo and for considering the feedback :)
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