

Demo Feedback (Positives and Negatives)
- Controls feel smooth and response
- Art style and OST are great throughout the demo (took me 35 minutes)
- Void Anchor mechanic for unlocking fast travel is a nice touch
- Interactive stone puzzle things diversify overall gameplay
- Color-coded map cells (purple for save points etc) is a nice touch. I really like that the light shining from the entrance to a save point is also purple. It allows the player to understand that save point is near before even entering the room where the save point is located.
- Map pins are a great idea and imo should be included in practically every metroidvania.
- The passive and active ability system is cool. I didn't buy any of them from the merchant, but did find the "blue-ish orb" ability while exploring.

- I hope that if there are future demos, Early Access etc, the game's mechanics are better communicated. I've played metroidvanias for a long time and didn't have a problem understanding what the game was asking of me, but Voidwrought strikes me as a metroidvania that assumes a certain level of experience with this sub-genre. For example, using downward attacks on enemies to maneuver across dangerous areas. Someone new to the genre may not understand what the game is asking of them or what is even possible.

- Another example of what I found to be poor communication. There's an enemy that disappears and either teleports above the player and does a downward attack or teleports to the side of the player and does a sideways attack. My complaint is that I didn't notice any way to predict which of the two attacks was going to happen. I found myself just guessing. If I guess wrong and jump expecting the enemy to perform a sideways attack, but the enemy performs the downward attack I'm taking damage with no real understanding of how this enemy behaves. To be fair, maybe I just didn't notice the "tell" as to which attack was coming.

- The "grappling hook" ability is responsive with its button input, but is not intuitive to control. I can imagine some players will be annoyed by gameplay sections that require this ability to be chained in quick succession.

- The boss at the end of the demo had a cool design and I defeated it on my third attempt (only deaths during my playtime). However, it suffered from a similar lack of communication. For example, the attack where it projects a bunch of gore from its midsection was an attack that I had to trial and error in order to figure out how it's supposed to be avoided. The overall art and concept of the boss was cool though.

Overall, I enjoyed the 35 minutes I spent completing the demo and I will wishlist Voidwrought as I see potential for a great metroidvania here.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Maddie @ Kwalee  [developer] Jun 12 @ 7:34am 
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such detailed feedback on what you enjoyed and where you could see room for improvement. We really appreciate you taking the time to do this, as it'll really help us when it comes to implementing or making changes to the final game!

I've added your feedback to our document now, but please feel free to share any other thoughts/suggestions with us. This type of specific and targeted feedback is hugely helpful for us!
I just want to offer a major second to a few of these notes. What's missing--at least from the demo--are "lessons" for the special abilities. The trick is to make the game teach the player how to play itself without seeming like it is. The case in point is the tendril--the first thing you have to do once you get it is use it to jump over pits, but if you mess up (and I did, multiple times), you lose health. In theory, there should be a chance for the player to learn how to use the tendril without taking damage first. It's not the most intuitive.

(Similarly, I was surprised that the Tendril didn't figure into the second boss fight, giving the player the ability to leap over the Prince when he dashes across the screen.)

That said, I really liked the demo. The game looks fantastic and I eagerly await more!
Maddie @ Kwalee  [developer] Jun 19 @ 5:01am 
Originally posted by tabula-rasa:
I just want to offer a major second to a few of these notes. What's missing--at least from the demo--are "lessons" for the special abilities. The trick is to make the game teach the player how to play itself without seeming like it is. The case in point is the tendril--the first thing you have to do once you get it is use it to jump over pits, but if you mess up (and I did, multiple times), you lose health. In theory, there should be a chance for the player to learn how to use the tendril without taking damage first. It's not the most intuitive.

(Similarly, I was surprised that the Tendril didn't figure into the second boss fight, giving the player the ability to leap over the Prince when he dashes across the screen.)

That said, I really liked the demo. The game looks fantastic and I eagerly await more!

Thank you so much for taking the time to +1 the above feedback and provide additional feedback as well! This is hugely helpful for us. We're going to be looking into adding more tutorial elements.

I'm really happy to hear you like the demo and our art style!
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