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This guy has all character to God of Destruction, here's his tier list

If you don't wanna watch the video, here's his tierlist:

Super Hard: Steve, Devil Jin, Kazuya, Hwoarang
Hard: Yoshimitsu, Zafina, Leroy
Meh: Reina, Leo, Paul, Law, Raven, Xiaoyu
Easy: Lili, King, Lee, Bryan, Panda, Kuma, Asuka, Shaheen, Claudio
Super easy: Victor, Eddy, Dragunov, Jin, Jun, Nina, Alisa, Azucena, Feng, Jack-8, Lars
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Reina ff2 spam harder than Bryan/Lee?

Also Yoshimitsu mixing 3,1 and 3,2 is harder than 99% of the cast.


Btw, I can show evidence if you want over years including some of the best pro's in each genre making absolutely useless lists, info, advice or just generally having no idea how to coach etc.

Being good at something doesn't make you good at understanding it.

This is why Pilots do not do Aerodynamic Engineering/Research and neither do the Researchers Pilot.

Example, most Military Fighter Pilots have some basic understanding of Aerodynamics but by basic I mean a kid taking a class at school has the same level of knowledge.

Explanations/understanding is a completely different field from execution/talent etc.

Also the guy is fickle, already caving into disagreeing comments in his section.

Honestly I think he's just reached close to elite tier and wants to capitalize on it.

But as Knee/Ars have shown from time to time, even they say some stupid ♥♥♥♥.

This is definitely a dumb tier list.
Last edited by Space Builder w/o Toaster; Jul 8 @ 6:31am
Originally posted by Vuoto:

If you don't wanna watch the video, here's his tierlist:

Super Hard: Steve, Devil Jin, Kazuya, Hwoarang
Hard: Yoshimitsu, Zafina, Leroy
Meh: Reina, Leo, Paul, Law, Raven, Xiaoyu
Easy: Lili, King, Lee, Bryan, Panda, Kuma, Asuka, Shaheen, Claudio
Super easy: Victor, Eddy, Dragunov, Jin, Jun, Nina, Alisa, Azucena, Feng, Jack-8, Lars
damn thats a crazy feat...

Originally posted by Vuoto:

If you don't wanna watch the video, here's his tierlist:

Super Hard: Steve, Devil Jin, Kazuya, Hwoarang
Hard: Yoshimitsu, Zafina, Leroy
Meh: Reina, Leo, Paul, Law, Raven, Xiaoyu
Easy: Lili, King, Lee, Bryan, Panda, Kuma, Asuka, Shaheen, Claudio
Super easy: Victor, Eddy, Dragunov, Jin, Jun, Nina, Alisa, Azucena, Feng, Jack-8, Lars
Thank you very much my friend. It will be interesting to listen what this guy think.
Originally posted by Space Builder w/o Toaster:
Reina ff2 spam harder than Bryan/Lee?

Also Yoshimitsu mixing 3,1 and 3,2 is harder than 99% of the cast.


Btw, I can show evidence if you want over years including some of the best pro's in each genre making absolutely useless lists, info, advice or just generally having no idea how to coach etc.

Being good at something doesn't make you good at understanding it.

This is why Pilots do not do Aerodynamic Engineering/Research and neither do the Researchers Pilot.

Example, most Military Fighter Pilots have some basic understanding of Aerodynamics but by basic I mean a kid taking a class at school has the same level of knowledge.

Explanations/understanding is a completely different field from execution/talent etc.

Also the guy is fickle, already caving into disagreeing comments in his section.

Honestly I think he's just reached close to elite tier and wants to capitalize on it.

But as Knee/Ars have shown from time to time, even they say some stupid ♥♥♥♥.

This is definitely a dumb tier list.
Tell me you're envious of someones skill without saying it. Being good doesn't make someone understand it? Dude he has every character at GOD. Yeah I think he has an understanding lmao
Geneaux Jul 8 @ 8:32am 
Originally posted by Wystoroyah:
Originally posted by Space Builder w/o Toaster:
Reina ff2 spam harder than Bryan/Lee?

Also Yoshimitsu mixing 3,1 and 3,2 is harder than 99% of the cast.


Btw, I can show evidence if you want over years including some of the best pro's in each genre making absolutely useless lists, info, advice or just generally having no idea how to coach etc.

Being good at something doesn't make you good at understanding it.

This is why Pilots do not do Aerodynamic Engineering/Research and neither do the Researchers Pilot.

Example, most Military Fighter Pilots have some basic understanding of Aerodynamics but by basic I mean a kid taking a class at school has the same level of knowledge.

Explanations/understanding is a completely different field from execution/talent etc.

Also the guy is fickle, already caving into disagreeing comments in his section.

Honestly I think he's just reached close to elite tier and wants to capitalize on it.

But as Knee/Ars have shown from time to time, even they say some stupid ♥♥♥♥.

This is definitely a dumb tier list.
Tell me you're envious of someones skill without saying it. Being good doesn't make someone understand it? Dude he has every character at GOD. Yeah I think he has an understanding lmao
I *wanna* give benefit of the doubt to this guy... but who am I kidding, lmao.

Yeah, getting GoD on every character is *not* easy task, especially if you're casual and/or don't (or can't) go to a local. Much less huge regional qualifiers. IRL tournaments might be the "real" proving grounds but it doesn't mean online stats can't indicate anything. Interpreting someone's 'skill level' at a given rank by analyzing their W/L ratio by character is an example.

Tangent: Also most folks, especially anyone who considers themselves below an intermediate skill level, shouldn't even be giving tier lists significant weight, IMHO. It's value is weighted far more on a given player's insight and not necessarily just accumulated knowledge. A high or intermediate player can cross reference all of that with their own thought processes and biases to perhaps see some flaws that can be worked on. That's hard or impossible to do if you have little experience. This is why tier lists by unknown players get scoffed at: there's just so much copycat overlap in the tier lists themselves and very little in unique discussions, while the Jeonddings, Knees (lol), and Arslan Ashes of the world will get a listen. It's not just about the characters when you listen to people's perspectives.
Last edited by Geneaux; Jul 8 @ 8:33am
Originally posted by Space Builder w/o Toaster:

The guy is rating his tier on list on how easy it was for him to get each character to GoD. He's not necessarily saying Reina is harder than Bryan and such per se, just that he found climbing with Bryan easier.
Last edited by BACKSTABUUU; Jul 8 @ 8:39am
Can't even be mad at the list. Just sucks to see a once respected complex character like Lee made so braindead. I swear having your hobby go mainstream is a death sentence for fun
Originally posted by Braxton414:
Can't even be mad at the list. Just sucks to see a once respected complex character like Lee made so braindead. I swear having your hobby go mainstream is a death sentence for fun
Wait till the Jin mains find out where jin is in the list.
Rank means very little in this awful game
Originally posted by Braxton414:
Can't even be mad at the list. Just sucks to see a once respected complex character like Lee made so braindead. I swear having your hobby go mainstream is a death sentence for fun
Not gonna lie I still wouldn't put Lee in easy nor bryan... I think it has to be because he is so experienced he doesnt struggle with the "average joe" problems like I do.

And Hwo at the very top of the list also applies just for the GoDs otherwise he really is not that hard at all. I wouldn't want to play him in tourney if I could play the game though...
Last edited by pablonesmrtelny; Jul 8 @ 11:18am
Originally posted by Wystoroyah:
Originally posted by Space Builder w/o Toaster:
Reina ff2 spam harder than Bryan/Lee?

Also Yoshimitsu mixing 3,1 and 3,2 is harder than 99% of the cast.


Btw, I can show evidence if you want over years including some of the best pro's in each genre making absolutely useless lists, info, advice or just generally having no idea how to coach etc.

Being good at something doesn't make you good at understanding it.

This is why Pilots do not do Aerodynamic Engineering/Research and neither do the Researchers Pilot.

Example, most Military Fighter Pilots have some basic understanding of Aerodynamics but by basic I mean a kid taking a class at school has the same level of knowledge.

Explanations/understanding is a completely different field from execution/talent etc.

Also the guy is fickle, already caving into disagreeing comments in his section.

Honestly I think he's just reached close to elite tier and wants to capitalize on it.

But as Knee/Ars have shown from time to time, even they say some stupid ♥♥♥♥.

This is definitely a dumb tier list.
Tell me you're envious of someones skill without saying it. Being good doesn't make someone understand it? Dude he has every character at GOD. Yeah I think he has an understanding lmao

So you think Yoshi is much harder than Lee to rank up? Way harder than Bryan?

Man you guys say some wild stuff in here.

And no, being a professional at something does not make you educated on the subject. to the point you can make proper judgements on coaching etc a lot of the time.

It is obvious you've never been in any circles of Elite players because up there, it is same as down below, some people actually understand properly how to explain, coach and educate on core principles or make precise judgements, others just have an amazing feel for the game an say dumb stuff 24/7.

Knee is a great example so is Arslan, absolutely insane players, more than likely the two best.

Boy go look at their insight into the game from time to time, not only do they make dumb comments consistently for their entire career, they also contradict and act hypocritical and even make statements that outright misalign with previous statements or again contradict them.

Being good does not mean you understand, can explain or make proper judgements 24/7. It means you have the talent and innate skillset to just be good at the sport.

Anyway, you make implication I'm envious and have no right to talk because I must be bad, want to engage in a 1v1 and see if that is the case?

I'll outright obliterate you with two of those chars that are listed as "very hard" because you have no idea what's going on. Guarantee you did not lab anything.
Last edited by Space Builder w/o Toaster; Jul 8 @ 11:53am
C1REX Jul 8 @ 12:00pm 
It’s his personal tier list.

Some characters match his playstyle better than others even if they are weaker otherwise.
Also he did play them in some order. So maybe some characters fell more OP if used closer to release (Victor, Dragugunov) but wouldn’t be that easy now. Or other way around with Leroy.

It’s an interesting info from a strong player but not a tournament tier list.
Azarad0 Jul 8 @ 12:08pm 
Lee easy? pffffffft yeah right i clocked 440h and i still only managed to get king to fujin and lee to bushin, hwoarang hard? reina hard? yeah right....
Originally posted by Space Builder w/o Toaster:
Originally posted by Wystoroyah:
Tell me you're envious of someones skill without saying it. Being good doesn't make someone understand it? Dude he has every character at GOD. Yeah I think he has an understanding lmao

So you think Yoshi is much harder than Lee to rank up? Way harder than Bryan?

Man you guys say some wild stuff in here.

And no, being a professional at something does not make you educated on the subject. to the point you can make proper judgements on coaching etc a lot of the time.

It is obvious you've never been in any circles of Elite players because up there, it is same as down below, some people actually understand properly how to explain, coach and educate on core principles or make precise judgements, others just have an amazing feel for the game an say dumb stuff 24/7.

Knee is a great example so is Arslan, absolutely insane players, more than likely the two best.

Boy go look at their insight into the game from time to time, not only do they make dumb comments consistently for their entire career, they also contradict and act hypocritical and even make statements that outright misalign with previous statements or again contradict them.

Being good does not mean you understand, can explain or make proper judgements 24/7. It means you have the talent and innate skillset to just be good at the sport.

Anyway, you make implication I'm envious and have no right to talk because I must be bad, want to engage in a 1v1 and see if that is the case?

I'll outright obliterate you with two of those chars that are listed as "very hard" because you have no idea what's going on. Guarantee you did not lab anything.
I mean being good at something DOES make you educated on the subject.

You just gotta be careful how to interpret the information they share especially if they have a very distant perspective from your own or different motivations.

Of course when someone who has every char on GoD says that a char X is easy FOR HIM that has very little value for a Fujin or something. The difficulties he is facing are not the same difficulties a fujin faces.
Originally posted by Space Builder w/o Toaster:
Originally posted by Wystoroyah:
Tell me you're envious of someones skill without saying it. Being good doesn't make someone understand it? Dude he has every character at GOD. Yeah I think he has an understanding lmao

So you think Yoshi is much harder than Lee to rank up? Way harder than Bryan?

Man you guys say some wild stuff in here.

And no, being a professional at something does not make you educated on the subject. to the point you can make proper judgements on coaching etc a lot of the time.

It is obvious you've never been in any circles of Elite players because up there, it is same as down below, some people actually understand properly how to explain, coach and educate on core principles or make precise judgements, others just have an amazing feel for the game an say dumb stuff 24/7.

Knee is a great example so is Arslan, absolutely insane players, more than likely the two best.

Boy go look at their insight into the game from time to time, not only do they make dumb comments consistently for their entire career, they also contradict and act hypocritical and even make statements that outright misalign with previous statements or again contradict them.

Being good does not mean you understand, can explain or make proper judgements 24/7. It means you have the talent and innate skillset to just be good at the sport.

Anyway, you make implication I'm envious and have no right to talk because I must be bad, want to engage in a 1v1 and see if that is the case?

I'll outright obliterate you with two of those chars that are listed as "very hard" because you have no idea what's going on. Guarantee you did not lab anything.
Sure we can play some rounds, if it'll shut your ass up
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