Star Wars: Card Trader Wiki
Star Wars: Card Trader Wiki


Wave I[]

Wave II[]

Card list[]

Wave I[]

  • Another Happy Landing!
  • Army of the Republic Descends on Geonosis
  • Crew of the Millennium Falcon Make Their Escape
  • The First Death Star Destroyed
  • Flitchee's Victory Cry
  • Han Solo Braves the Frozen Wastelands of Hoth
  • Poe Dameron's Heroics on Starkiller Base
  • Outcheating a Cheater
  • Securing the Death Star Plans
  • Skirmish Over the Sarlacc Pit
  • So Uncivilized
  • The First Victory Over the Empire (Wave I Speed Award)
  • Rey's Awakening With The Force (Wave I Award)

Wave II[]

  • And Now…It Calls to You
  • The First Transport is Away!
  • Galen Erso's Message Received
  • Hyperspace Collisions
  • Anakin Skywalker's First Place Run
  • Luke Skywalker Refuses to Turn Against His Father
  • Navigating the Kessel Run's Maelstrom
  • Raid on the Second Death Star
  • Showdown with the Rancor
  • Trade Federation Faces Defeat
  • Unlearning What Was Learned
  • Death Star Plans Land in Rebel Hands (Wave II Speed Award)
  • Projecting Through The Force (Wave II Award)

Notes and references[]
