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Empty traces due to some UI/React issues

Traces cannot be displayed due to some UI/React issues. UI screenshot Browser console screenshot The issue has been reproduced with both, the elasticsearch and mem storages on the latest version of ...
François Rosière's user avatar
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Zipkin : zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter$BoundedAsyncReporter flush Dropped 1 spans due to SocketTimeoutException(connect timed out)

Small Zipkin question, how to set the time out please? I am writing a very simple piece of code, where I am the client, and sending requests to a server. import brave.Span; import brave.Tracing; ...
PatPanda's user avatar
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Java Brave Zipkin: TraceId unchanged for each different http requests

Small tracing question regarding Java and Brave/Zipkin please. I am having a very small program, using Java 11 and Brave with versions as follow: <dependency> <groupId>...
PatPanda's user avatar
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Java - Brave / Zipkin: Current Span Null

Small question regarding a Java application, with Brave / Zipkin for traces please. I have a very simple piece of code (code + maven pom attached, ready to run and reproduce the issue) import io.netty....
PatPanda's user avatar
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TraceID in Microservice Logs

I have been trying to add a trace id to my logs of micro services. I have tried using sleuth and spring cloud and it is working. But I dont want to load spring cloud just to add trace id to my log.Is ...
Sreyas's user avatar
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Why is brave.Tracer not autowired?

We have a lot of services using Spring Boot 2.0.x and io.zipkin.brave.Tracer is used and it works properly. Tracer is used in a class annotated with @Component and it has a constructor with Tracer as ...
du-it's user avatar
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How to use TraceContext to set a traceId in Spring Sleuth and brave?

I need to set the traceId with an existing Id (we have created some kind of correlation-id from the main origin app) into brave tracer. I don't want to use the Spring Sleuth/brave created one as I ...
user8479984's user avatar
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Zipkin Integration With RabbitMQ for tracing

I have two Microservices (Spring boot application) . For tracing I am using <artifactId>spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin</artifactId> along with zipkin. Service A is producer and send message ...
Noshaf's user avatar
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zipkin brave implementation using tomcat server without using profiles

I am looking for a Tracing tool for my spring web-mvc application and i ended up with using Brave-zipkin[]. Everything looks fine ...
dzoneuser's user avatar
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Zipkin for Java application

I have Java application that is sending requests to Spring Boot applications. I have implemented zipkin+sleuth on the Spring Boot applications and get traces. Now I want to implement zipkin on the ...
xmlParser's user avatar
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gRPC spring-boot-starter can not bind @GRpcGlobalInterceptor?

I m using <dependency> <groupId>org.lognet</groupId> <artifactId>grpc-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>2.1.4</version> <...
zhatian diao's user avatar
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Adding custom trace id in sleuth

I am using sleuth 2.0.x, I want to add my own trace id apart from its own. I`m going through the given link
Akkave's user avatar
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How to support multiple samplers for multiple reporters?

When using Tracing.newBuilder() to create tracing, I found I can only specify 1 sampler and 1 reporter. I'm trying to have: 100% sample for reporter A 1% sample for reporter B Is it doable? Thanks ...
anuni's user avatar
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