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Discussions guidelines

When participating in Discussions, users should always adhere to the Stack Exchange Code of Conduct. Any debate should be civil and respectful, and users should be mindful that other participants may be at different stages of their learning journeys.

Additionally, the following guidelines should be considered when creating a new Discussions post or replying to an existing post.


  • Advice on best practices and/or approaches to a technical problem
  • Theoretical and/or conceptual discussions related to the topic
  • Collaboration on open source projects
    • Brainstorming ideas for a project
    • Providing or receiving feedback on a project
  • Basic or foundational knowledge about the topic
  • Discussions that expand on existing Stack Overflow questions/answers
    • Please link to the Q&A posts you are discussing
  • Sharing resources and information (articles, videos, etc.) related to the topic
    • Posts must include substantive context about why the link/resource is interesting, and a discussion question or prompt.
  • Recommendations on software or tooling
    • Posts must be non-promotional; if you mention a product, website, etc. that you're affiliated with, you must disclose that in your post.
    • Such posts should aim to start a discussion about the software or tool; they should not consist solely of a review/opinion.


  • Programming-specific questions that belong in Stack Overflow Q&A
  • Posting a link to an unanswered question in order to draw attention to it
  • Discussions about the Stack Overflow experience broadly
  • Sharing or requesting information about specific courses/bootcamps/certifications without substantive discussion
  • Career advice or posts about open roles
  • Posts focused solely on networking or professionally connecting with others
  • Event announcements
  • Reviews of what it's like to work at relevant companies or for specific people in the field


  • Promotion of your own projects or content for the purpose of driving traffic
  • Content created by generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT and other LLMs)