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What happens when a provider-focused collective transitions to become a topic-focused collective?

When sponsorship of a provider-focused collective concludes, the collective may be transitioned to a community-run collective, continuing to be focused on the same technologies.

The changes include:

  • “Employee” badges and labeling will be removed from any employee Members

  • Admins of the collective will be Stack Overflow Community Managers; former admins from the sponsoring organization will become regular Members

  • Articles in the collective will become editable by the broader community

  • Labels that currently read “Recognized by” (for users) and  “Recommended by” (for answers) will change to reflect that this designation is from the collective and not the former sponsor organization.

  • Bulletins from the former sponsor may be archived or deleted

  • Some Recognized Members may be removed from that role, and new Recognized Members may be invited to the role

Recognized Members are the group that will recommend answers, review article submissions, discuss potential changes to the collective’s processes, oversee collective-specific content (such as Collections), and drive conversations about the area of practice defined by the collective's tags.

What will happen to answers that have been recommended by the collective?

Legacy notation of recommended answers will remain, even if the author is no longer a Recognized Member or Employee. These answers will be labeled as “Recommended by” the collective and not the former sponsor organization. Current Recognized Members retain the ability to set or remove a recommendation on any answer.