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Homepage || StackOverflow 2.0 || Necromancer #2 in 2016-06 || Vote Fraud Script

The Chinese characters on my username and profile picture are censored by the Chinese government:

  • Profile picture: satirical photoshopped picture of China's president that got artist Dai Jianyong arrested

  • 华涌低端人口:

  • 六四事件: Tiananmen square protests of 1989
  • 法轮功: Falun Gong, 70M follower religion banned in 1999. Christians also persecuted. I'm agnostic. Gay rights? No minority is safe.

Censorship circumvention:

Why I'm doing this:

  • spark: in March 2015 my girlfriend's mother was kept 15 days in jail for doing Falun Gong.
  • fuel: censorship aversion


  • increase the cost of censorship. Using the Great Firewall GFW to block political keywords? Then lose money with worse IT. If you know better words tell me. Good word lists.
  • promote freedom of speech, religion and politics
  • meet more Chinese to better understand China. Contact me on Twitter or Weibo or GitHub. Public contact preferred, even if anonymous. Read the FAQ first. If you really need privacy, [at]

I am against violence. I love China.

Anti-commie info:


Other dissident users.

Can I do this?

  • User's political display name triggering government action against users who view it - what should I do?
  • Are political profiles that could possibly affect the participations of other users allowed?
  • Are political avatars and profiles OK?
  • Can a username be considered spam?

But not in China :-(

Music! Joan Baez - China || Phillip Morgan - Blood is on the square

Random pics of beautiful and ugly things mixed up:

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