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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

We’re heating up! Devil Engine Expansion Pack ‘Ignition’ announced!

Here’s some of the heat we’re packin’ -

  • 6 new stages, doubling the size of the game
  • New arranged soundtrack by a variety of veteran composers, such as Shinji Hosoe (Street Fighter EX), Saitama Saisyu Heiki (Koihime Enbu) and Loser Kashiwagi (CHO REN SHA 68K)
  • Fan favorite secret ship “Scathach” is now available from the start
  • All new ship “Boudicca”, exclusive to Ignition
  • New unlockable shaders and features to customize your game
  • A new announcer powered by Vocaloid technology
  • Legacy controller support (courtesy @indivisiblerpg ‘s Lab Zero Games) exclusively on PS4

We’ll have more details rolling out over the Bitsummit weekend on our twitter, so sit tight!

devilengine devil engine shmups stg pixel art gamedev

We’re gold!

Quick development update; Game’s 100% done. Solid gold mastered, translations are done, T’s dotted and i’s crossed, etc.

Problem now’s that we have to sit and wait for ratings boards (mostly CERO) and console manufacturers to sign off on it, and that process takes foreeeever.

So sit tight readers, the time’s not going to waste. EXAciting new content’s heating up in the meantime.

Also, I heard some rabble about tumblr exploding, so as a reminder you can also find us over @protoculturegames on twitter.

Post demo update

I’m overjoyed about how positive the reception from the demo was. With over 500 entries on the steam leaderboards and a ton more downloads, looks like a lot of you were super down with the devil.

Unfortunately I’ve got good news and bad news, so let’s get the bad out of the way;

The PC version’s not coming this year. The decision was made to push it back to be a simultaneous release with the console version (Which should be early next year). The initial plan was to put it on PC first as a test to see what needed polishing for the console versions, but Dangen convinced me (with NUMBERS and STATISTICS) that this’d be a bad idea in the long run. The original planned release date was actually October 16th, but as you can see by the demo it needs some polish around the edges first (And if you were following along on twitter, my computer also ate shit right before the demo’s release, which would have been even worse if it was the full game instead).

The good news: We’ve taken the opportunity to integrate what was going to DLC that was going to ship with the console version into the main game. We won’t detail exactly that entails yet, but it’s a pretty significant chunk of content that I think you’re gonna have a blast with. To tease your curiosity more, we even got another guest musician specifically for the new stuff! We’re also applying a general coat of polish all over the game, so in the end I think it’ll turn out for the best.

As always, thanks for playing and sticking with the development!
We’ve got some other stuff in the pipe I can’t talk about, so stick with us as we bunker down to get this sucker done!

(For anyone wondering; my sneaky smurf entry on the leaderboard was “Noble”, now sitting at 11th place)

devilengine devlog