A downloadable visual novel for Windows and macOS

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You were born cursed, with hands that twist the mind of any human you touch.

Desperation leads you to the shadowy city of Eridia, where your fate intertwines with 5 monstrous strangers. Each can offer you salvation…or damnation. 

How far will you go to cure yourself?

Red Spring Studio is a small, POC and queer-owned indie studio made up of veteran game developers from Riot Games, Nix Hydra, Bungie, and more. The demo for TOUCHSTARVED contains the entire Prologue.

Choose your main character’s pronouns and origin story, and guide them through a thrilling journey with branching storylines, character based routes, and multiple endings. Your choices determine whether the story ends with gothic romance or blood-curdling horror. Will you lose your humanity in search for a cure, or will you find a way to save yourself and those you love?

Play our DEMO to meet your fate...


Kuras ✦ The Repentant Angel 

“I rarely come across so fascinating a patient.” 

An otherworldly angel condemned to eons spent among humanity, Kuras masquerades as a mortal doctor to hide his true intentions.

Ais ✦ The Demon Renegade 

“You look lost, little sparrow.” 

An intimidating outsider with violent ambitions, Ais offers miracles for the forsaken, but at a terrible cost.

Mhin ✦ The Cursed Outsider 

"If you come any closer, you'll get hurt." 

A moody hunter more skilled at killing than conversation, Mhin pushes people away to hide their deadly secret.

Vere ✦ The Chained Charlatan 

"All that suffering has made your soul irresistible…" 

Beautiful and dangerous, Vere is a cunning fox spirit born of the depths of the Shroud and bound by a magic collar.

Leander ✦ The Heroic Mage 

"I can keep you safe as long as you trust me." 

A dashing and rebellious mage, Leander seems like a perfect hero, but a darkness haunts his chivalry.


✦ Customizable characters

Choose your Main Character’s name and pronouns (She, He, or They), and select from one of three unique backstories.

✦ Choose from 3 unique origins: The Unnamed, The Hound, or The Alchemist

Your origin affects your abilities and interactions with other characters. Each origin reveals hidden secrets and choices.

✦ TOUCHSTARVED is designed to be played multiple times

Replay the game to experience as much of the story and learn as much about the characters as possible.  Your choices determine whether the story ends with gothic romance or blood-curdling horror.

✦ TOUCHSTARVED features 5 interconnected routes with 16+ hours of gameplay

Each route features a rich branching storyline rife with unique threats and horrors reflective of the character’s themes.

✦ With multiple endings for each route, TOUCHSTARVED contains 15+ possible endings

In a world steeped in horror, your decisions determine whether you can save yourself and the one you love. Not every ending has a happily-ever-after. You’ll have to choose carefully or you and your Love Interest may meet a gruesome end.

Social Media

Content Warning 

TOUCHSTARVED contains mature themes and is intended for an older audience. Player discretion is advised. Specific warnings for this demo include but are not limited to: horror, unwanted advances, violence, alcohol and drug references, strong language, and serious injury.

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Release date Mar 21, 2023
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(1,618 total ratings)
AuthorRed Spring Studio
GenreVisual Novel, Survival
Made withUnity
TagsDating Sim, Fantasy, Horror, Indie, Monsters, Narrative, Romance, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few hours


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Mac Instructions.pdf 416 kB

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WHAAAAA???!?!?!?! it just ends when you choose your fate? Oh my lord I cannot wait for the full game this is a masterpiece already!!!



Super cool, REALLY high in quality considering all aspects. Story draws you right in and I find the choice of bak-story really helps immersion. Speaking of the story, it is very intriguing and I found myself yearning for more by the end of the demo. Looking forward to the full game 5/5 stars


I'm touchstarved for touchstarved. I literally cannot wait much further for the full release of this game. Just take my money now, I want Ais rn.


i loved Ais's ending the best omg also...

blushing while saying he's not like others?

do we have a ship on our hands?? Ais x Vere???

they're so in love.... ;;;;


espero con ansias la version completa y espero en algun momento tenga traduccion al esp heh<3

I hope it also has it for Android, it looks beautiful and well.


Gay ahh pose fr


Please!I really wanna play the full release!I need it!


same I'm so hype


im so impaitnent for the full release


It's estimated to come out sometime in 2025 so we actually have to be patient monarchs for this one😔🙏

lets hope sooner haahahahh 

Fr lmao 😭 Praying for January 1st 🥰


probably one of the most high quality dating sim demos ive seen in a while?!


Literally such a good game. I can't wait for more content, keep up the amazing work! 


Does anyone know how much the full release would cost? I hope its free, but I don't mind spending my money on this game since it's so amazing so far!


15-30$ I think


Thank you!!


I have played more games than I can remember but this one I remember and I'm waiting for the full game I've played through the demo multiple times and I can't get enough I'm so excited to see what's next


IM IN LOVE I can't wait for the full release this game is phenomenal!!!

I'm blown away with the great writing, art, and music/sfx! Can't wait until the full game comes out. 


sooo... just finished playing the demo
(spoilers, and so sorry for rambling :'DD)

first thoughts, I liked Kuras because he was pretty, and I have a thing for angels. By the end, I LOVE HIM EVEN MORE HAHAGDDGADG GOD I CANT WAIT TO PURSUE HIMM!!
like-- he's pretty mischievous ooo~ 
Since he's a repentant angel and all... I really wonder what secrets does he hide... Has he done the... the SIN?? HAS HE BEEN SINNING?? haha I don't know, but that wont stop me from pursuing him! (well-- maybe) (unless that sin is wanting me then-- HSDYIGDFASYIGFAYIGAFG) (I AM JOKING PLEASE DONT SMITE ME--)

I didn't think much about Leander, but when I met him, OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAHA I started liking him because he was FREEEEAKY OMGGG this guy is down bad, I love it. (you can tell I have a thing for submissive men-) 
He can also be touched without going insane?? I really wonder what causes that to happen... what if he's already insane?? oH NO-- 
nah nah probably not. maybe I'm just overthinking things.
(I still don't trust this man a bit, this guy is too good to be true)

I also didn't think much about Vere, other than he was very pretty and a bit flirty.... but as I played the demo, gosh he's so interesting. What the heck is he hiding?? he kinda almost killed me at the end there (haha totally didn't pick 'surrender' because I was curious ahah--). Like, does he want to eat us?? (that's hot--) (-COUGH COUGH-) well to that, I say... NUH UH. (like take me to dinner first, gaddamn--)
also... he's the only character who doesn't let us ask about every character. So I'm definitely hoping to play his route and give him a happy ending! 

Ais seems like that typical "bad boy but has a soft spot" guy. 
And I love me some of that! It may be an oldie, but its a goodie!
Love that we get to talk back to the guy! (tho, I'm assuming that we shouldn't do it too much because he might just kill us.)
(still not stopping me from standing up for myself)
Honestly, he seems like a powerful demon (and a hot one at that), but while he didn't seem to kill us and all. I'm pretty sure that thing living in his head rent free (I forgot the name, but that's probably for the best--) is not going to be all nice. (or maybe it will, honestly I don't know anything about it other than Ais sees it as a 'friend') And don't forget about the seaspring... like, there's no way I'm going in there. I would like to keep my mind in tact thank you very much. (besides, I think I'd get kicked out of the hivemind anyways.) 
before I forget, AIS AND VERE HAS SOMETHING GOIN ONN OOOOO (I am being uh.. I dunno the word in English, but I am very chismosa, mhm mhm.)

When I first saw Mhin, I thought they were pretty and graceful. and when I met Mhin, I decided that I was only right with one thing. 
Well-- they were pretty and cool!! :DD until they started berating me, in which I am happy that my character can retort back and still be liking Mhin!
I see this as a rivals to lovers kinda thing (maybe I am stupid and that's not how its going to be) and I also love this type of thing!! While I don't know much about them, I am excited to learn much more about them and team up with them :DD (ooo~ power of friendship, ah?? ah?? no?? aw alright.) (THEN HOW ABOUT THE POWER OF ROMANC-- still no?? fine.)

all in all, I'm excited for the full game!!! and I love all of them!! (still not trusting all of you fully tho, since you guys have secrets) (but fair, since I have secrets too, but its just my hands, I swear I'm not an evildoer!! T-T) (well... rather I wasn't aware at first, I picked to be unnamed :DD) 

BUT THE ART??? OMG SCRUPTIOUS-- THEY ARE ALL SO PRETTY AND AND-- there are no words to describe it, but just like vere, I would devour them if I ever see them in my sights I swear to god-- WATCH YOURSELVES 

OMG? I have the same theory for Leander too! Great minds think alike amiright?

HELL YEAH!! same braincell activity 😔✊


I'm not even 30 minutes in and I'm dying, can't tell if it's because im desperate or if its because the characters are just hot

Mihn give me a chance please.🙏 Anyhow the game was enjoyable :D


‼️long as hell, and may contain spoilers‼️

this was SO amazing. the art style, writing, every single detail was just on point. i want to say mhin and vere are my favorites but i can't really choose, all of the guys are so interesting (and hot lol). i love the mc's dynamic with all of them. 

leander is the super nice guy, people just wonder how is he not tired of being so nice?? he can also be quite scary though, i'd think. and he's the one that isn't affected by mc's curse, so they can find escape in him when they need to. kuras is the levelheaded, logical one of the group, but underneath that he's also a silly little guy that apparently likes fucking with people. or just with the senobium. he's taken care of mc and made sure (or tried to make sure) they didn't do anything life-threateningly stupid. but he's also practically toured mc through all of lowtown in one night running from a senby (that's officially what i'm calling senobium people lmao)! ais is the irritating little asswipe (said with love) that looks like he could kill you and absolutely would lol, but he's still super chill and careless, and overall is a nice guy! you can always trust a dog person‼️ loves annoying mc. vere is the wildly inappropriate and irresponsible yet all knowing one. i've seen a lot of him, yet i still can't exactly pin his relationship with mc and i love that. he's complicated in the best way. can't wait to see more of him! and mhin thinks mc is a complete and utter idiot, but they still have some sort of attraction to mc, though it would probably make them puke to even consider that.

do i have them all pinned down or am i horribly wrong and did i write a novel for nothing lmao

i love this demo so much though!! as soon as the full game is out i'm playing every. single. ending. i'm excited!!

(also there's totally something going on with vere and ais. what did you do to make his tail fluff up, ais? what did you do????)





a fling probably? like vere said he's big... EVERYWHERE? (im jealous rn) 

(1 edit) (+2)

HELPPP im jealous such as much as you are rn TwT I would probably LOVE a fanfic abt those 2, that would actually be EPIC 


Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knows if this will be available on Android, as most of my devices are android. Have a wonderful day~

Does the full game have customization? 


Beyond choosing mc's name and pronouns and three origin background stories no 


Really loved the demo I hope to remember this website so I can see the finished product. 


willing to deal with the horrors of existing for as long as it takes to be able to play the full game


This demo is genuinely awesome. The characters, the atmosphere, and the story overall are already so fleshed out, and don't even get me started on the beautiful music and art! (I'd die to figure out how to draw like that)

I could hardly put it down when I needed to, haha. I'm really excited for the full game to be released, and so curious about what might happen next! Thank you for treating us with such a long demo <3

This is also the first visual novel I've played where I didn't already fixate on one of the love interests from the very beginning, which made it all the more exciting for me. I was actually curious to find out, over the course of the game, who I'd end up choosing (unless there'll be an option to engage with all of them more deeply to an extent ??? I'd be down for that)

All in all, top-notch! <3


When will the full game release


If I recall correctly, they're last estimation was that it''l be finished sometime next year (2025) I could be wrong though.


Thank you smm 😭😭😭


i only have ais for ais ^-^


i ♥️ dis game so much..... can't wait 4 its full release........... (vere & ais 💞)

I LOVEEEEEEEEE IT SO BAD! I can't wait to see the full version and can't wait to support! Leander is almost my dream lover <3 but Mhin is also BEAUTIFUL I love them too

Hi sorry if i am wasting your time but this game gonna have for Android?

(1 edit) (+3)

Red Spring Studio is a small, POC and queer-owned indie studio made up of veteran game developers


Choose your main character’s pronouns and origin story, and guide them

Shiiiit, that’s all you had to say.


 just wanted to point out that I have a screenshot of the opening part in case some people didn't see it :D


Can There be a route where you can be with Ais and Leander!!!!! or call me greedy all of them!! No cheating just one big freaky frendship(fuckship?) lol


leander marry me please you can keep me in your basement 




this game is so beautiful, i am so excited for the full version and can't wait to support! <3

Haii !! Sorry to bother but do you have any idea when the full version is being released ?? >_< 

Does anyone know when the full version is released?

maybe in the next year, someone told me

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