Write for the Circle Blog

Thank you for your interest in the Circle blog. We love to share content about the world of professional web design. We accept pitches for articles year-round, reviewing submissions quarterly and responding as quickly as we can.

Due to a high volume of submissions, contributors will only be notified via email should their pitch be accepted.

Guidelines for Contributors & Freelancers

The Circle blog only publishes original content from creatives in the web design space. Our audience is made up of professional web designers, developers, copywriters, SEO professionals, freelancers, and more. Commissioned content will live in perpetuity on the Circle blog, alongside the writer’s first and last names, and website or LinkedIn profile. 

Note: Contributing writers may be promoted through our website, social media, and email.

Additional Details

  • We will only consider well-written and high-quality original (e.g., no plagiarism, no use of generative AI) articles.

  • We prefer articles written in second person. 

  • We prefer articles that do not feature self-promotion. Our content is meant to be educational and informative.

  • We will include a headshot and short author bio including a maximum of one anchor text link to your own website or LinkedIn account.

  • Squarespace reserves the right to edit content as we see fit and update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

  • Squarespace reserves the right to include calls-to-action to Squarespace content, including but not limited to other blog posts, products, newsletters, campaigns, downloadable content, and more.

  • Contributing writers receive contributions for their work. Upon confirmation that your pitch has been accepted, we will discuss our rates. 

Send Us Your Pitch

Still interested in writing for the Circle blog? Submit a pitch with the following details. Information you submit is subject to the Squarespace Privacy Policy.