Superpower Wiki

This is the Category for all Fanon pages!

Powers in this category are specially subject to Rule 2m.

2m. Powers which do not meet the criteria for the main space of the wiki are considered 'Fan Powers', which are understood to be creative works by their writers and not documentation of a power in fiction. These powers can either be made as blogs or within the Fanon namespace. Powers should be kept in a blog if the creator wishes to exercise full authorial control over the page. Powers should instead be added to the Fanon namespace if the creator wishes to collaborate on the page with others. Click Expand for details.

  • 2m.a. Powers in the fanon space must still abide by Fandom guidelines and policy for acceptable content, as well as Rule 2h.
  • 2m.b. In order to move a page to the Fanon space from the Main space, non-staff members must create a comment on that page citing what specific criteria makes the page unsuitable for the main space. At least 5 unique users (including the initiator) need to chip in support for the page either moving or staying as a reply to that comment, and the majority have to agree that moving the page to Fanon space is for the best. The soonest the page may be moved is 48 hours after the first comment was made. Pages should only ever be moved from the Main space because they do not meet on of the standards required there (such as the Requirements for Powers & Their Users) and the initiator needs to clearly state which standards are not being met.
  • 2m.c. You may not link from Main space power pages to the Fanon space.
    • 2m.c.a. For example, you could not link to a Fanon page as an Application of a Main space power. Fanon pages are allowed to link to the Main space, however
  • 2m.d. While no particular bar for quality will be set for Fanon pages, pages which are entirely nonsensical or of especially low effort will not be allowed. The purpose of the Fanon space is to allow a space for creativity, not a place for people to dump garbage. Pages in the Fanon space should still be about powers, and significant deviations from this (e.g. copy/pasted movie description or Wikipedia articles, rambling essays, etc.) aren't appropriate in the Fanon space.

Note that powers in sub-pages of user pages can also be added to Fanon if the creator wishes.

This is not a Fanon page if other users can't edit it. If you are going to add your page to the fanon category, you should move the page to the "fanon" title so that other users can edit it. If you don't want other users to edit it, remove your page from the fanon category. Don't get confused, Category and Title are different from each other. If you want to move a page to fanon, you must set both Title and Category to fanon. Click Expand to learn how to move Category and Title.

  • To move your page to the fanon title;
    1. Click on the 3 dots at the top right of the page.
    2. Click the "Move" button.
    3. Click on the "New title" section on the page that appears and select "Fanon".
    4. Delete any prefixes such as userblog or your username from the page's name.
    5. Say "Move Page".
  • To move your page to the fanon category;
    1. Click the Edit button.
    2. Click the settings button in the top right.
    3. Click the Categories button.
    4. Add the Fanon category and save the page.

All items (847)
