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Overgrown Rover (そだちすぎたポチ, Sodachisugita Pochi; Viz: Overgrown Pochi), also called Rover (ポチ, Pochi; Viz: Pochi), is a Dragon-level Mysterious Being and an executive member of the Monster Association. Its role is to guard the Monster Association Headquarters.

After the Monster Association's downfall, it becomes Saitama's pet alongside Black Sperm, and is currently entrusted to Forte, Chain'n'toad, and Butterfly DX.[citation needed]


Rover is a very large, black, six-eyed dog monster. Its eyes are ruby-colored and seem to have a glow. It has very large fangs and four toes per paw. Its fur is very shaggy and roughed up, especially on the outer part, whereas the inner part of its body presents less hair and shows clearly its muscles. It has no visible ears or a nose.

After the Monster Association incident, in the webcomic, Rover shrinks to the size of a puppy, while in the manga, it is the size of a big dog.


Rover behaves like a guard dog. It is a diligent and loyal protection animal, who instantly tracked down Garou after the Hero Hunter helped Tareo escape and did not stop pursuing his quarry under any circumstances. However, under intense and traumatic conditioning, it was forced to learn to sit even if the command was given by an enemy.

Rover, however, does not instantly grow hostile toward intruders, as it neither attacked nor followed Garou and Tareo in its initial encounter with the pair, leaving them alone when they backed off slowly. Additionally, Rover does not seem to differentiate between friend or foe when angered, as it attacked and killed a fellow monster, Unihorn after the latter accidentally hit Rover during a fight with Garou.

Rover's canine behavior also means that it can be trained by someone, though they must have enough physical strength to do so. Garou jokingly tells it to sit during their battle before striking it to no effect; however, Saitama did the same thing and successfully conditioned Rover into obeying the command to "sit", which Bang unintentionally exploited later when he rhetorically asked why Rover couldn't simply be quiet and sit down, immediately prompting the Dragon-level threat to obediently sit and stop fighting. It also came to fear Saitama because of this encounter, and disobeyed Orochi's command to attack the Caped Baldy, choosing to flee instead.

After shrinking, Rover shows a far more docile side to itself. The Dragon-level threat shows no hostility when in the presence of Genos and Saitama, not even when both heroes pick it up. In fact, it behaves much like a normal dog, sniffing Saitama's hand when offered without attacking him. It even jumps into the bald hero's arms, licking his face affectionately.


Human Monster Saga[]

Monster Association Arc[]

Garou encounters Overgrown Rover

Rover encounters Garou

Rover encounters Garou and Tareo when the two are trying to escape the Monster Association Headquarters.

After the two slowly sneak away from Rover without provoking it, three other Demon-level monsters, Super Mouse, Showerhead and Unihorn appear and fight the Hero Hunter. Unihorn and his associates use their Trinity Demon Bursting Speed Thrust attack to launch Unihorn at the Human Monster but Garou easily brushes him aside, sending him shooting into the distance before realizing that it was in the same direction where the Monster Association cadre was, hearing its enraged roar. Unihorn's head is then thrown back all broken up. After a moment, Rover finally joins in the battle and fires an energy core from its mouth. Garou grabs Tareo and narrowly outruns it while the remaining two Demon-level monsters are eviscerated in the blast. Once Garou makes it to the surface, he tells Tareo to run while he handles Rover.

Garou punches Overgrown Rover

Garou lands a blow on Rover

The Hero Hunter strikes at Rover's front left leg in an attempt to throw it off balance, but Rover merely shrugs it off and fires another blast at him point-blank. This time, Garou is unable to escape it and is forced to take the full brunt of the assault, destroying several floors of the Monster Association headquarters in the process. When Rover sees the intruder still standing, it fires a rapid barrage of explosive sphere's as it runs across the damaged walls. This time, Garou manages to avoid all of the attacks, and strikes a powerful blow on Rover's snout.

C113 - Saitama punches Rover Version 2

Saitama punches Rover into submission

However, Rover merely bounces back, literally shaking off the attack and coming out completely unharmed, shocking Garou. Rover then bites down on his leg and flails him around like a rag doll before shooting another close-range discharge at Garou, which destroys several more floors of the headquarters. Afterward, Rover stops pursuing Garou and allows Psykos to deal with him.

Overgrown Rover retreats

Rover retreats

While roaming the Monster Association hideout, Rover encounters the wayward Saitama after he has finished killing a band of monsters. Saitama attempts to offer Rover a bone while asking it for the location of monsters who has caused noises around in return, but Rover simply angrily assaults him with its energy blasts. The bald hero manages to dodge the attack, remarking at its lack of training and wondering if it was one of the things responsible for making the noise. Saitama then tells Rover to sit as he punches it into submission, sending a shockwave throughout the entirety of the Monster Association HQ.[2]

When Saitama meets Orochi, and during the ensuing battle, Rover wakes up. Orochi notices Rover is still alive and orders Rover to attack Saitama. The monstrous canine looks at Saitama for a second, but upon seeing him, recognizes its assailant and immediately retreats in terror, surprising Orochi and prompting him to ask Saitama what he did to Rover. Saitama simply tells Orochi that he gave Rover a beating, and the two begin their battle.

Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki dodging Overgrown Rover

Rover fires blasts at Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki

Later, after Do-S blew a dog whistle,[3] Rover appears and encounters Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki; firing multiple energy blasts at them while in hot pursuit.[4] Despite its injuries from Saitama, Rover continues to pressure its attack on the three outsiders with its lethal energy cores. The latter three manage to hide from it for a time, but Rover quickly catches them by surprise and nearly ends the trio with a sneak attack.

The elder martial artists are saved at the last second via psychic reinforcement by Fubuki whom suggest they use their newfound vigor to retreat while they still can. As Rover proceeds to attack by firing multiple energy balls at them, Fubuki charges towards the energy spheres in an attempt to deal with them on her own, but the two martial artists appear in front of her and deflect them away, protecting her. They later use their combination attack Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist on the dog-like monster.[5] Despite their best efforts, Rover still survives their onslaught without visible injuries. Out of annoyance, Bang rhetorically asks why Rover couldn't simply be quiet and sit down. Rover, remembering being forced into submission by Saitama after he gave the same command, obediently sat and stopped the fighting.

After the destruction of the Monster Association, Rover's enormous size begins to reduce drastically until it becomes no bigger than an average dog. The reason for its shrinking is unclear.

Neo Heroes Saga[]

Psychic Sisters Arc[]

At some point after the downfall of the Monster Association, Rover is discovered by Genos, who lifts the canine monster up to show Saitama. Saitama, uncaring of the fact that Rover is a Mysterious Being, instead comments on Rover's new size. Black Sperm watches in the distance, commenting on Rover's apparent misfortune in encountering two strong enemies, and prepares to use the fellow monster's situation as an opportunity to flee. However, instead of harming Rover, the bald hero gives Rover his hand to sniff, and lifts up the six-eyed canine again, calling him a nice dog. As Saitama and Rover play, Genos heads out after getting a notification from the Hero Association. The Caped Baldy is still holding the monster dog when Black Sperm reappears, hopping towards Saitama and making monkey noises, much to the hero's confusion.

Later, with Black Sperm on its back and following Saitama, Rover arrives at the Hero Association Headquarters, where it and Black Sperm are detected by the building's defense system. When a robot is dispensed to kill them, Rover opens its mouth at the threat but watches as the robot is destroyed by Saitama. No soon after that, more robots emerge and open fire their weapons at the monsters, forcing them to flee till the robot too are destroyed by Saitama. Rover then walks back to Saitama, with Black Sperm underneath it, and they enter the Headquarters. Rover and Black Sperm are later entrusted to Butterfly DX, Chain'n'toad, and Forte after the latter lost a bet with Saitama. Even though the heroes protested at first, after Forte finally witnessed Saitama's true strength, he accepted responsibility for them with his compatriots and advised them to work on being accepted by Saitama as well. Forte is later seen building a dog house for Saitama's new pets.

When King comes over to Saitama's apartment after unsuccessfully looking for a dojo that would help him become strong, Fubuki also visits Saitama. She once again tries to recruit Saitama into the Blizzard Group, this time offering him a package of high-quality beef. Out of nowhere, Rover snatches the beef from Fubuki's hands and eats the entire package whole. Frustrated, Fubuki leaves, and Rover follows her car all the way back to the Blizzard Group's Headquarters. Once they arrive, they get a call about the sudden appearance of a monster, and the group mobilizes to defeat it. The monster proves strong enough to give the Blizzard Group trouble, but Rover simply obliterates it with a single energy blast. Fubuki then promptly inducts Rover into the Blizzard Group as their pet. However, it later returns to its doghouse at the Hero Association apartment.

Neo Heroes Introduction Arc[]

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Ninjas Arc[]

Rover is taken for a walk by Butterfly DX and Chain'n'Toad while his handler; Saitama, has conversations with the S Rank hero Flashy Flash, both of whom wondering if Forte's judgement was sound or not. Rover is next seen with Genos taking it for a walk as his master heads out to settle scores with Sonic and Flash.

Warning Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

Supreme Hero Arc[]

Rover's next seen being cared for by the three A-Class heroes when Saitama next returns with dogfood for his pet. Butterfly DX admonishes Saitama for his poor choice of kibble for the pet and rushes out to get the right kind, with Chain'n'toad asking to get a new chew toy for Rover as well. In the meantime before and after Saitama's arrival, Black Sperm confides in Rover about whether the collective of Mysterious Beings was effective in destabilizing society after all, given how the upstart hero group is undermining the veteran heroes at every turn.

Neo Heroes Uprising Arc[]

Rover and Black Sperm overhear about five Dragon-level threats striking at several major cities simultaneously.

Abilities and Powers[]

As a high-ranked member and a Dragon-level Mysterious Being of the Monster Association, Overgrown Rover is an extremely powerful being. During its battle with Garou, Rover effortlessly withstood multiple blows from him and held the advantage for the entire match. Additionally, both Gyoro Gyoro and Orochi were in shock and disbelief that Rover was not only defeated but immediately fled when given an order to attack Saitama, showing that defeating such a monster, even in the eyes of the leaders of the Monster Association, is extremely difficult.

After being shrunk to the size of a normal dog following the Monster Association's downfall, Rover seems to have lost its strength as a Dragon-level threat and thus become much weaker than before. Despite this, it was still capable of easily annihilating a flowerlike monster that was powerful enough to give the Blizzard Group trouble.

Supernatural Abilities[]

Overgrown Rover's energy blasts

Rover's rapid barrage of energy blasts

Energy Projection: Rover is capable of firing destructive energy bursts in rapid succession from its mouth. These energy blasts are powerful enough to incinerate stone, level city blocks, and destroy several floors of the Monster Association Headquarters with ease along with severely injuring Garou and killing two Demon-level beings in a single shot.[6] Rover's energy blasts can also cause shock waves strong enough to shake the surrounding surface area of Z-City that Saitama mistook as an earthquake.[7] While the projectiles are presumably energy balls, Saitama noted it to be "fire".[2]

  • Trajectory Bending: Rover can change the trajectory of its energy balls, causing them to chase after their targets.[8]

Physical Abilities[]

Immense Strength: As a Dragon-level monster, Rover boasts a tremendous amount of strength and power. It was able to slam Garou against the wall and floor with ease and break Unihorn, a monster that boasted a nigh-unbreakable horn.[9]

Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist

Rover withstanding Bang and Bomb's combination attack

Immense Durability: Rover is extremely durable and tough, as it was able to withstand a punch from Saitama which shook the entire Monster Association Headquarters and left a massive crater where Saitama had struck it.[2] The powerful punch only left the monster unconscious for a short time, though, as pointed out by Bomb later on, the punch had noticeably weakened it.[10] Despite this, it was implied that Saitama was going easy on Rover due to him seeing it as a huge dog rather than an actual monster.[11]

In addition, Rover was capable of taking hits from S-Class level combatants such as Bang, Bomb, and Garou while sustaining little to no damage whatsoever.[12][13] After taking Bang and Bomb's Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist, a technique more powerful than even the one used against Elder Centipede,[14] and even though Rover had already been weakened by Saitama, this powerful attack still had seemingly no effect on it.[15]

Immense Speed: Rover is quite fast. It was able to keep up with Garou in his half-monster state and was fast enough to run horizontally across the walls of the Monster Association Headquarters.[16] Rover was also fast enough to catch Bang and Bomb by surprise.[17] In his smaller state following the demise of the Monster Association, Rover was able to keep up with the Blizzard Group’s car and follow it all the way back to their headquarters, even while it drove a 100 (kmh).

Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki vs

Rover catching Bang, Bomb and Fubuki by surprise

Enhanced Stealth: Despite its enormous size, Rover is stealthy enough to appear behind Garou and Tareo without either of them noticing until Garou turned around.[18] It is even skillful enough to sneak up on veteran martial practitioners like Bang and his brother without revealing a hint of its presence.[19]

Enhanced Senses: Rover apparently has a very sharp sense of smell and hearing, similar to an actual dog. It was able to detect the location of Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki when they were hiding.[20]

Fighting Style[]

Rover has no refined fighting style; its attacks are limited to bombarding its enemies with energy blasts or biting and shaking them like a dog. Whenever an enemy enters its domain with hostile intent, Rover relentlessly attacks until the target escapes or dies.

Guard Dog: Due to its canine nature, Rover is assigned to guard the entrances to the Monster Association against intruders.

Major Battles[]

Participants Chapter(s) Episode(s) Result
Overgrown Rover, Unihorn, Showerhead and Super Mouse vs. Garou 93 None Interrupted by Overgrown Rover
Overgrown Rover vs. Garou 93 None Interrupted by Gyoro Gyoro
Overgrown Rover and Nyan vs. Saitama 113 None Loss
Overgrown Rover vs. Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki 123, 124, 125 None Overgrown Rover ceases fighting


  • Rover's Japanese name "Pochi" is a common name for dogs in Japan, similar to "Rover" for the western world. Moreover, this name is similar to poochy, which refers to the disproportionate size of Rover.
  • Murata showed Rover's design on a wedding card before the monster's manga debut.
  • In the webcomic, Garou and Rover begin to fight without encountering Unihorn, Showerhead, and Super Mouse. Garou puts a much better showing and ends up telling Rover to sit. Garou punches Rover into the ground where they were fighting, leading them to fall into the headquarters' basement.
  • Rover may be based on the Kai Ken, a Japanese hunting dog breed known for its developed muscles and agility.
Warning Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.
  • Rover is the second Mysterious Being to survive a punch from Saitama, the others being Boros, Orochi, Awakened Garou, and Evil Natural Water. Though in Rover's case, Saitama was holding back and had no intention of killing it.
  • According to Butterfly DX, Rover is around 4 months old.[21]


  1. One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 124, page 5
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 113 (Online)
  3. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 110
  4. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 123 (Online), page 24
  5. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 124 (Online), page 16-17
  6. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 93, page 26-41
  7. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 93, page 46
  8. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 124 (Online), page 2-3
  9. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 93, page 25 & 52
  10. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 124 (Online), page 4
  11. Tonari
  12. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 93, page 50-51
  13. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 125 (Online), page 6
  14. One-Punch Man Stream; November 2017
  15. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 125 (Online), page 7
  16. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 93, page 42-45
  17. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 124 (Online), page 5
  18. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 92, page 44-45
  19. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 124 (Online), page 6
  20. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 124 (Online), page 4-5
  21. One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 124, page 5


Monster Association
Executives Black SpermElder Centipede Evil Natural Water Fuhrer Ugly Gouketsu Gums Homeless Emperor Nyan Overgrown Rover
Demon Awakened Cockroach Baquma Bug God Building Booper Devil Long Hair *Do-S *Eyesight Face Ripper Fist Fight Djinn Free Hugger G5 Hundred-Eyes Octopus Rafflesidon Rhino Wrestler Royal Ripper Senior Centipede Showerhead Super Mouse The Great Food Tub The Three Crows Unihorn Vampire (Pureblood) 
Unknown Benpatsu *Choze Evil Eggs Evil Eye Gale Goddess Glasses Gyoffrey Hamukichi *Haragiri Hellfire Junior Centipede ManakoPlatinum Sperm Raptora Reptera *Rosie Sword Devil Executioner The Three Tempest BrothersVenus Mantrap Volten *
Mysterious Beings
Dragon (or higher) Boros Orochi 
Demon 170,000-Year-Old Cicada Larva 170,000-Year-Old Cicada Adult Armored GorillaAwakened Cockroach Baquma Beast King Bruinado Bug God Building Booper Deep Sea King Demonic Fan Devil Long Hair *Do-S *Eyesight Face Ripper Fist Fight Djinn Free Hugger G4 G5 Game-Berus Giant Crow Giant Snowman Grizzly Nyah Hundred-Eyes Octopus Internet Surfers Jumping Spider Lord of Mountains Macho Daikon Mosquito GirlRafflesidon Rhino Wrestler Royal Ripper Scaledon Senior Centipede Showerhead Sky King Subterranean King Super Mouse Surprise-Attack Plum The Great Food Tub The Three Crows Twin-Headed Tsuchinoko Unihorn Vampire (Pureblood) 
Wolf Beer BelleeHimawari Hotdog Messenger of the Seafolk Piggy Bancon Tongue StretcherShiverhuahua 
Less than Wolf
Unknown Alien Seer *Ancient King Angry Grandpa Autumn Phantom Red Golden-ringed Dragonfly *Benpatsu *Choze Cruel Dragon DarkDark Matter Gunner Dirt Earthworm Eagle Empty VoidEnamel Evil Eggs Evil Eye Evil Natural Water Falcon Fish of DarknessGale Giant Salamander Gigakigan GodGoddess Glasses Gyoffrey Hamukichi *Haragiri Hawk Hellfire Junior Centipede Kite Lord Great White Manako *Men's Esthetician Man *Platinum Sperm Rosie Raptora Reptera *Rangor Research Hybrid Monster Sage Centipede Sea SlugSnake-type monster Super Custom YO649Z Mk. II Suppon Sword Devil Executioner The Mad CyborgThe Three Tempest BrothersTV Junkyard Monster Venus Mantrap Volten *