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What We Do

The Office of Audits and Evaluations conducts reviews that examine the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the Board's and the CFPB's programs and operations; the agencies' compliance with applicable laws and regulations; the effectiveness of their internal controls; and the presentation and accuracy of the Board's and the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's financial statements. We conduct required reviews of failed state member banks under Board supervision as well as audits and evaluations of priority topics identified during our risk-based planning process. 

We issue reports that explain why we conducted the review, the issues we found that should be corrected or improved, and specific recommendations for agency corrective action.

The office has three functional oversight sections: Supervision and Regulation, Management and Operations, and Financial Management and Internal Controls. Information technology audits are conducted by our Office of Information Technology.


Audits FAQs

See common Audits questions and answers.

Audit Reports

View a sortable list of audits, evaluations, and other reviews.