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Current status of the project: On break

This is a project I'm starting to put the hype I'm getting from watching One Piece into something. It is currently in very early development.

Next fight to be implemented:
Zoro vs Mihawk!


  • Added Mihawk
  • Some of Zoro's skills were slightly buffed


  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added an indicator on how much you need to score to win against Mihawk
    • Also, lowered it to 900 instead of the previous 1000

    (This is an unofficial nonprofit fangame, I do not own the rights to this franchise, and will take it down if required)
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
GenreStrategy, Role Playing
TagsGodot, one-piece, Tactical RPG


One Piece Tactics (Mac) 40 MB
One Piece Tactics (Win).zip 26 MB
One Piece Tactics (Linux).zip 28 MB

Development log

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Este Juego es Genial...Merece mas reconocimiento espero que tu juego siga progresando y mejorando !


This game is really cool! I really like your artstyle and the gameplay in fun too. 

Don't know if you plan to expand the game, but my sugestion would be to go in a more sandbox direction, adding a free mode. Would be nice if i  could mess more with the characters and play with the villains too(in weakers versions maybe). Nice game, waiting for new updates.

currently my plans are just to expand the game till arlong, and no plans for much else for now. being honest, all your suggestions are way too complex and time consuming for me and my time lol


Is a really funny game!!! The only problem that I had was in Kuro battle that the game clash, but could be my pc.

The boss and battles are very funny and the art is cool too 10/10

ive been aware that this can happen, do you remember what was happening on the game when it happened? still have not gotten around to fixing it bc I'm not sure what's causing it
the fight is still winnable like 90% of the time tho, you were probably just very unlucky with this pesky bug.

If I remember correctly was before the second stage of Kuro and was in the moment before I had to move. And the only one sleeping was Usopp

i remember seeing this happen when a player got completely surrounded by other characters, making the pathfinding algo softlock when trying to figure out how to hit someone, did you think that happened here too?

It can be, I try that stage again and some times crash too over there, and I was surrounded by the cat brothers

thats probably it then yeah


Awesome game, great job!


I love this game!!


That's pretty cool, how long did it take you to make ? 

kinda hard to answer, the base " engine" i made took me around 3 months, but i did a while ago, like 2021 i think, each stage here takes me between 2 weeks or a lil over a month to finish, longest by far was kuro, i think this last update (mihawk) was 3 weeks

You "made " the engine for this ? what is it running on ?

i made it on godot, i guess engine is not the best word but more like a general framework for the battle system in general that's easily customizable (by me), which greatly decreases the time it takes for me to develop an idea of mechanic

Would you be up to join any teams at the moment ? if so what's your discord, I want to show you what we are up to 

im not interested


amazing game i love the work with the UI and the art reminds me alot of dofus, is it open source? i would love to look under the hood mess a little with the mechanics.

heya, no it isnt open source mostly bc my code's a mess and i have no idea on how to even open source it lol

i think you only need to upload the project to a public git on github, 

can you make it checkable for malware? i cant download it.

i dont really know how to do that, you cant play it on the browser?

either way you could try deactivating your antivirus before downloading too, as you can see a lot of people already tried and commented and no one had any trouble with this (and i can guarantee theres no malicious files in the project)

ah ok!! i do have an antivirus thing up
i can play on the browser but at school its locked and i thought downloading might've worked

(1 edit) (+1)

Created a account just to say this. As a massive fan of the tactics genre and a player of most games in it. This game as a proof of concept is absolutely amazing. It hits every single important part of combat that makes good tactics game.


Great game! Look forward to upcoming updates!




as a big fan of one piece i had to try this took me like 10 minutes to figure out the controlls didnt like i had to click on luffy to use my abilities and when i got a idea on how the controlls worked it was deeply fun for me becuase it was actualy a little challanging 

honestly i should make the character turn start immediately when there's only one to select, no reason for that extra click indeed.


Really cool game! Please make more levels I'm dying to see more playable characters!!

good news for you! im currently working on kuro's stage

here's what i have published of it so far


ESSE JOGO É INCRIVEL!Eu adorei a arte do jogo,o estilo de luta,ele não é tão simples de se passar e isso o torna divertido,o fato de você ter que pensar bastante e quebrar a cabeça pra passar é meio chato,mas o jeito que você fez o jogo deixa isso divertido!Estou ansioso para ver mais partes e referências do anime.


Luffy getting hurt by pistol is not very realistic, tststs. Great game, please give me more <3


oh absolutely
i did ruminate about this for a while but ended up deciding that the game is more fun this way

it also won't be the only unrealistic thing about the game hehe


Really great little demo, tons of potential. I thought the gameplay would be bland but I actually found the use of the environment and positioning in combat really interesting and fun. My main criticism is that the level is quite tough for being an introduction (the enemies hit like trucks), but since it's a demo I'll assume that's the reason for it. Can't wait to see more!

thats perfectly understandable yeah! even though its a demo i wanted to make sure that you couldnt just facetank everything and still win, i may have overdone it a bit haha

(1 edit)

Sugestão de Banner para a Pagina do Fangame:

One-Piece-Logo-500x281.png (500×281) (


eu provavelmente vou redesenhar essa logo dps e usar minha versão redesenhada, mas por agora vai ficar só aquele print mesmo, vou ir atualizando tudo com calma

vai ficar top

Gostei bastante, sugiro que adicione os sons dos golpes tirados do anime.

Tipo quando Luffy Grita antes do golpe: Gomu Gomu no pistol.


isso eu não vou fazer pq imagino q ficaria bem irritante ja q golpes ocorrem com bem maior frequencia ai no jogo, no anime inimigos geralmente são derrotados com poucos golpes "nomeados" (geralmente 1 ou 2 ja basta)

E se tu só adicionasse no golpe final ao matar um inimigo?


pois então, pra isso eu provavelmente teria que adicionar mais efeitos sonoros em tudo pra n ficar meio destoante, junto com tb fazer uma versão estendida de cada animação pra versão que eles falam o nome, ja q o tempo atual seria mt rapido pra isso

no geral ainda to incerto se vou colocar sons no jogo, eu tava considerando em realmente só deixar o jogo sem nenhum som ou música, ja q minhas habilidades de composição ainda não são tao boas e n qro sair pegando covers dos outros ou ripando musica do anime


actually very nice, the animations for movement and attacks ar great, just adding more characters and more maps would make this game very interesting

i just thing the instruction should be clearer, took me some tries to actually understand the order of things


yeah i'm aware the game's mechanics need a better introduction overall, will tackle that in a later update

more characters are definitely planned btw, the game will be overall team based, not just luffy.

ill recontextualize some fights to be group stuff too, for example in orange town, instead of a fight between luffy and mohji, then zoro vs cabaji and then luffy vs buggy, ill condense all that into one fight with zoro + luffy against the 3

same for syrup village, usopp + zoro + luffy vs kuro + jango + sham + buchi

nami won't appear in fights until arabasta, without her weather weapon she doesnt do much, so i think its better to leave her out for now

will you be adding optional bosses from the tv specials and movies like Captain Joke and Ganzack? love your style.

I dont think so, just adding the cannon ones is already being a lot of work so I'll stick to that for now, maybe in the future if I end up watching the movies