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A Gallup-Walton Family Foundation survey finds that when Gen Zers are upset, they are at least twice as likely to want their parents to listen and give them space than to want their parents to offer advice.

Gallup's Economic Confidence Index is holding at -35 in July, with 13% naming inflation as the most important problem.

Social & Policy Issues

While LGBTQ+ Americans view society as having become more accepting, one in four have received poor treatment or harassment in the past year.

Thirty-five percent of Americans plan to watch at least a fair amount of the 2024 Olympics, far lower than what Gallup has measured for prior Summer Games.

President Joe Biden's latest 36% job approval rating is the lowest of his presidency.

A majority of Americans believe God played at least some role in humans' origin, but a majority also believe humans evolved from less advanced forms of life.

More Americans have a negative than positive opinion of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, similar to prior speakers.

Americans' confidence in the police has increased eight points since last year, but average confidence across 14 U.S. institutions remains historically low.

For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans think immigration to the U.S. should be decreased.

Social & Policy Issues

Gallup data show U.S. marriage rates have declined since 1980, especially among Democrats compared with Republicans.

More Americans continue to disapprove than approve of Israel's military action in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is viewed unfavorably on balance.

A majority of women in the U.S. struggle to make their health a top priority. This is especially true for younger women and women caring for children at home.

Lumina and Gallup find Americans are more confident in community colleges than four-year universities. The greatest difference between the two is cost.

Americans now split into roughly equal thirds as to whether they have a lot of (36%), some (32%) or very little (32%) confidence in higher education.

A steady 41% of U.S. adults, including a majority of Republicans but fewer Democrats and independents, say they are extremely proud to be American.

Social & Policy Issues

Sharply more Americans than 20 years ago say antisemitism is a very serious problem, as Jewish Americans' reports of poor treatment exceed those of other faith groups.

June's Economic Confidence Index holds at -33, reflecting Americans' ongoing economic concerns.

Though neither is viewed positively overall ahead of the first presidential debate, Trump is viewed more positively than Biden on several measures.

Incumbents' approval ratings usually rise among their party's supporters in reelection years. Among independents, the historical pattern is mixed.

Gallup and Walton Family Foundation study finds U.S. students grade schools B-, and lower-income students rate their schools worse.