This article is about the cultist. For other uses, see Tsuzumi (disambiguation).
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Tsuzumi - Boro's Cult
ツヅミ Tsuzumi
Anime Boruto Episode #210
Appears in Anime
Voice Actors
Sex Gender Male Male
Status Deceased
  • Cultist

Tsuzumi (ツヅミ, Tsuzumi) was a follower of an Ōtsutsuki Cult.


Tsuzumi was a faithful follower of Boro, and grew worried upon hearing of his death. He was aware of some of the cult's secrets, such as the usage of viruses to deceptively recruit more followers. However, he claimed to know nothing of Kara.


Tsuzumi was an elderly man with grey eyebrows and a beard that split apart at the bottom. He wore all white robes and a matching pointed hood.

New Era[]

Kawaki Arc[]

Main article: Kawaki Arc Konohamaru Sarutobi and Sai investigated the cult Boro left behind after his death and met with Tsuzumi and Shirabe, feigning their curiosity in joining the cult. To gain more information, the Konoha shinobi revealed Boro's fate to Tsuzumi that they claimed they overheard from other shinobi and followed him to a hidden room, where he went to see if there was truth to the rumors. Seeing that the cultist knew more than he let on, Konohamaru and Sai attempted to interrogate Tsuzumi, but he threw a vial of Boro's virus to cover his escape.

Thanks to the antibodies they obtained, the two caught up to him. Cornered, Tsuzumi rallied the cultists together to apprehend them. Although Konohamaru seemingly convinced the cultists of Boro's deception, Shirabe reminded them of their reasons of joining the cult to retain their firm beliefs. Suddenly, Delta attacked the facility in order to destroy Boro's Space-Time Gate from being used by outsiders. Tsuzumi was soon crushed to death by the falling debris.
