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ボロ Boro

  • Saviour (救世主, Kyūseishu)[1]
Manga Boruto Chapter #15
Anime Boruto Episode #157
Game Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections
Appears in Anime, Manga, Game
Voice Actors
Sex Gender Male Male
Status Deceased
Kekkei Genkai
  • Inner
  • Cult Leader
Nature Type


Boro (ボロ) was an Inner from the organisation Kara and the leader of an Ōtsutsuki-worshipping cult.


At some point, Boro established his own cult to follow his fanatical views. In the anime, he would secretly poison lands and then appear as the "Saviour", using his abilities to cleanse the lands and become revered by all around him, promising a world of bliss and salvation to those who joined his cult. He preached to his followers that the Ōtsutsuki Clan were benevolent gods and benevolent to humanity, whose guidance would grant them world peace through the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He also angrily lamented on how the Five Great Shinobi Countries had killed three of them and undid the Infinite Tsukuyomi, claiming they did to selfishly preserve their own status quo in the world.[1] At some point, he was ordered by Jigen to destroy the powerful cyborgs Amado had created. However, Boro instead had Ada stored away after Boro became affected by her alluring power, alongside her brother, Daemon at his cult's base.


Much like other members of Kara, Boro carried himself with a very confident, if not smug, attitude. He openly viewed himself as a man chosen by God and laughed at Victor's misfortunes saying he was forsaken. At the same time, he was willing to disobey orders he didn't agree with, hiding the truth to serve his own purpose (albeit he was physically unable to follow through with Ada's disposal due to her ability). In the anime, his shameless nature was also shown to be very manipulative, poisoning people and then saving them to make them blind followers of his cult. Despite knowing his powers were a deception, he deluded himself into believing he was a true miracle maker, saving the world through his actions. He even viewed his modifications as the ultimate body and power that cannot be matched by any shinobi. Upon facing the various abilities of Team 7 and Kawaki, he faced them down in a very condescending nature, viewing their efforts as pointless. Additionally, he was also shown to have a teasing side, mocking Delta over her defeat at Naruto's hands and stating he wanted to see her down face. Also a committed man, he remained vigilant in his mission to safeguard the sealed Seventh Hokage. Very knowledgeable, Boro was shown able to quickly determine and handle most threats with little shock. As with Jigen, he was devoted to Kara's goal, and was uninterested in other matters such as Mitsuki's attempts to attack him, even being willing to let him escape had he not continued to attack him, but became ever more grateful for Boruto Uzumaki's status as Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki's vessel, desiring to capture him for Kara's benefit. Like with Delta and Jigen, he saw Kawaki's attachment to Konoha as being a weakness in their coveted vessel and expressed his desire to retrain him from scratch as soon as he brought Kawaki back. When his core was destroyed by Sarada's Chidori and his body began to mutate, he lost his composure and went into an insane rage, attacking anyone around him with wild swings.


Boro's Cloaked Appearance

Boro's full appearance.

Boro was a tall middle-aged man with a heavily-built and well-muscled frame. He had short spiky white hair on the very top of his head, a trimmed moustache, a beard stretching along his jawline to his temple, and violet eyes. He also sported a trio of thick-line tattoos running down his face; two under each eye and the third one between his eyes from the nose to his head. These tattoos appeared to form the Roman numeral "Ⅲ". He also had a disk embedded on both sides of his temples, one on each of his pectorals, two on both his forearms, two on his shoulder-blades, and two at his hips. His body was also apparently modified to be void of gender-based anatomy.

Like other Inner members of Kara, he wore a dark hooded robe. Beneath his robes, he wore a black coat over a blue shirt with a row of buttons on the right side; he tended to leave the bottom buttons undone. He also wore black pants with blue shinobi sandals and armbands with metal plates on the forearms. In the anime, Boro wore a white robe with a high collar while working as the leader of his cult.


Being an Inner of Kara, Boro was regarded as completely monstrous in terms of power[2] and made even stronger with his body modified by Amado.[3] Noted as stronger than fellow Inner Delta, he was stated to be the next person to face Naruto after the strongest shinobi had just decisively defeated Delta in order to retrieve Kawaki from him. Kawaki claims he was in some ways even worse than Jigen.[4] Kara held his abilities in high regards, having him guard the sealing coffin that held Naruto while expecting Sasuke Uchiha to save him. His might proved to be able to easily take on and overpower the combined might of Team 7 and Kawaki with his unique abilities.[5]

Physical Prowess[]

Befitting his large stature, Boro was very strong, able to easily lift the massive sealing kettle that contained Naruto with a single hand and hurl it a great distance. He could also easily break out of being restrained by Mitsuki's snakes. He was deceptively fast, able to skilfully escape from his enemies' sights after creating a diversion and quickly intercept his opponent's escape.[6][7] Boro's body was also highly resilient, able to remain standing after taking a direct hit from a Rasengan and effortlessly shrug an attack from Kawaki's transformed arm.[8] Additionally, he showed great pain tolerance, able to take all of Team 7 and Kawaki's blows that landed that could destroy his body. He was also shown to be very proficient in taijutsu, able to easily fend off the combined assault Team 7 and Kawaki with punishing blows.[9]


He was also able to perform a regeneration technique that could rapidly undo all physical damage to his being and even negate the effects of poison.[10] He had proficiency in shurikenjutsu, able to stealthily launch shurikens laced with gunpowder. He could also produce a dark mist that was unaffected by Wind Release techniques and acted as a carrier for other surprise attacks, such as mixing it with gunpowder to instantly detonate with the slightest spark.[11]

Nature Transformation[]

Yoton Rakuseiha

Boro using Lava Release.

Boro was able to use Fire, Earth, and Water Release. By combining the first two, he could use Lava Release to create a potent acid able to release still easily melt shuriken.[12][13] With Water Release, he could produce surging walls that could easily repel Mitsuki Lightning Release: Snake Lightning,[14] and Sarada's Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique. Also, utilising Yin Release, he could communicate with others via genjutsu.[15]

Scientific Ninja Tools[]

Boro Dark Virus

Boro releasing his virus.

Like with all other members of Kara, Boro's body had been modified with Scientific Ninja Tools by Amado, with which Boro was able to release a fast-acting virus that is carried by his dark mist. The virus paralysed his opponents upon contact, and as it was a form of physical matter rather than chakra, it could not be absorbed by Kāma.[16] Boro himself was immune to this virus due to carrying the antibodies for it in his bloodstream.[17] His body was also modified with a special core that he could migrate inside body, which served to instantly activate and augment his healing technique, enough to survive virtually any damage and regenerate within seconds, even if his head was completely obliterated.[18] At the same time, his modifications were dependent on the core to keep his body stabilised, as without it his body would mutate uncontrollably, causing him to enter Rampage Mode (暴走モード, Bōsō Mōdo), in which he grew to extraordinary size and his limbs transformed into tentacles.[19]


Boro was very proficient in manipulating other people, discreetly polluting the lands and then appearing to cleanse the diseases, giving the illusion of himself as a miracle healer in order to gain their trust. He was a skilled orator, using his alleged experiences of the Infinite Tsukuyomi to coax many people into following him, and persuading them that the Ōtsutsuki clan are benevolent gods despite their antagonistic actions. His brainwashing was so powerful and in-depth that, despite his revealed death and exposed crimes, his followers remained utterly delusional in him being their saviour.

New Era[]

Kara Actuation Arc[]

Main article: Kara Actuation Arc In the anime, Boro was present when Jigen called a meeting with the Inners, informing them of the destruction of one of their facilities in Amegakure set by an Outer.

Ao Arc[]

Main article: Ao Arc Boro attended a meeting held by Jigen to discuss the urgent situation relating to the missing "vessel". As Jigen dispelled the genjutsu, he voiced that they must recover the vessel at all costs. In the anime, he was called by Amado alongside the other Inners to have their bodies checked to detect anything suspicious regarding the traitor under the pretense of just being a maintenance. However he only showed up by hologram and complained that if Amado wanted something to come to him instead. He also revealed that he knew about Victor's betrayal and execution.

Kawaki Arc[]

Main article: Kawaki Arc

Boro's Cult

Boro with his cult arriving in a town affected by his plague.

In the anime, as Boro continued the expansion of his cult, he was approached by Code, who was assigned to bring Boro in for a maintenance check. While initially refusing, Boro chose not to let things resort to violence and agreed to come. After Delta was defeated by Naruto, Boro was present and teased her over her defeat. He attended the meeting with the other Inners and he was informed that Boruto Uzumaki had his own genuine Kāma. In the anime, after his maintenance check was completed with no problems, he overheard that his tests were actually meant to scan his memories for the chance of him being the traitor. Boro was furious at both the traitor still not being discovered and even more that he was suspected of it. Later, Boro began his own investigation into Victor's crashed airship. At the crash site, he found something within the control systems, which made him suspect Koji Kashin of treason. He later returned to his cult and preached salvation by the Ōtsutsuki through the Infinite Tsukuyomi. During his sermon, he alleged that Kaguya Ōtsutsuki was killed by the shinobi of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, and lied that the Infinite Tsukuyomi was destroyed by the great nations to retain their control on the world.

Koji Kashin and Boro talking

Boro confronts Koji.

Later in the anime, Boro approached Koji via genjutsu as he was still hiding in Konoha. He revealed to Koji the spy toad of his that he recovered from the crashed airship, accusing Koji of being the traitor. Koji however did not deny it was his toad, explaining that Jigen suspected trouble during the transfer of Kawaki and had Koji keep an eye on things. He also noted that Jigen had recently entered the village and spotted Koji, yet did nothing to him. As Boro accepted Koji's explanation, annoyed at hitting a dead end on his investigation, he was pleased to hear some good news. Hearing that Kawaki's Kāma was already showing much maturity thanks to his continued interaction with Boruto's Kāma, Boro declared they now had much more time to work with. He ended the communication as he was contacted elsewhere.

Team 7 vs

Boro guarding Naruto from Team 7 and Kawaki.

He was assigned to keep watch on the Hokage as he was sealed in a tea pot in Kara's dimension. Shortly after, a group of children came into his vicinity, leading to Boro joyfully recognising Kawaki. As the children prepared to fight the Inner member, Boro quickly displayed his might, changing the landscape with his Lava Release. As Kawaki absorbed the technique with his Kāma, Boro went for a sneak attack, which was absorbed by Boruto's Kāma. Boro was amazed to see another Kāma wielder. As Boro continued to endure Kawaki and Boruto's attacks and quickly heal, even from Mitsuki's venomous snake bites, he exposed them to his Dark Cloud, sapping away their strength. Boro expressed his delight in meeting Boruto, noting that Boruto's Kāma meant that Kara's time limit for completing their plans can now extended through Boruto as the vessel of Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki. While planning to take Boruto back to Kara along with Kawaki, the combined effort of Mitsuki and Sarada Uchiha gave the team an opening to retreat. Boro however remained calm, knowing they would return since their goal for coming here was the Hokage.

Boro battles Sarada

Boro battles Sarada.

Soon after, Boro was approached by Sarada, who revealed to know the truth behind his Dark Cloud. Impressed at her insight, he quickly attacked her, forcing her on the defence as he worked to infect Sarada like the others. Ultimately, he caught and infected her. He began mocking her situation, but was surprised by her ability to launch a Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique on him and powerful punch. With Boro injured by the attack, Boruto and Kawaki also made their move, fully recovered from the virus, and obliterated the man's head. Boro however reacted in time to activate his regeneration technique before being hit, letting him survive and completely recover. Boro deduced that Mitsuki's snake took some of his blood and harvested the antibodies in it, giving the kids immunity to his virus. Impressed by their abilities, Boro decided he would have to throw them off their team-strategy and went for the sealed Hokage, tricking Kawaki into breaking formation.

Boro's Rampage Mode

Boro mutated from his Shinobi-Ware being destroyed.

Boro launched some shuriken at Kawaki, who blocked them, only for them to explode. Boro was amazed that despite being injured, Kawaki still moved to protect the sealed Hokage. Boro voiced his displeasure at Kawaki's new soft nature, he swore to have Kawaki retrained from scratch. The children continued their team assault on Boro, who repeatedly regenerated from everything that was done to him. As he began to beat down the exhausted foes, Sarada struck at Boro's core with her Chidori, having located it and learned of its significance for his regeneration from Kawaki. Successfully removing the core, Boro's body began mutating without its stabiliser into a massive and misshapen form. As Boruto and Kawaki used their Kāma to free Naruto from the seal, Boro managed to regain some control of himself, he turned his rage on the kids and quickly overpowered them. Suddenly, Boruto's Kāma evolved further, replacing his consciousness with Momoshiki's, who exhibited a massive boost in power to effortlessly destroy Boro.


In his arrogance, Boro revealed a critical clue to Boruto about Kara's plans. Upon facing Isshiki, Boruto realised from Boro's words that Isshiki required Boruto alive to accelerate his plans for the God Tree.

Code later assaulted Boro's cult compound in search of the cyborgs he had hidden away in violation of Jigen's orders to destroy them, threatening Bug to take him to Ada, and later encountering Daemon.

In the anime, after his death, Konohamaru Sarutobi and Sai Yamanaka infiltrated Boro's cult to gather more information on Kara. They managed to uncover evidence that revealed Boro's crimes and fraudulence, but his followers denied all of Boro's wrongdoing or and his death, remaining faithful to him as their saviour. Even as Delta arrived to destroy the headquarters, they firmly refused not to run because of their belief in Boro, ultimately dying from the assault. Those who did survive were left in a traumatised state with no hope for anything.

In Other Media[]

Video Games[]

Boro is a playable character in the following video games:

Game nameJapanese releaseEnglish release
Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections16 November 202317 November 2023



  1. 1.0 1.1 Boruto episode 199
  2. Boruto chapter 31, page 3
  3. Boruto chapter 42, page 23
  4. Boruto chapter 39, page 41
  5. Boruto chapter 40
  6. Boruto chapter 40, pages 5-9
  7. Boruto chapter 41, page 16
  8. Boruto chapter 40, pages 17-20
  9. Boruto chapter 41
  10. Boruto chapter 40, page 36
  11. Boruto chapter 42
  12. Boruto chapter 40, pages 10-12
  13. Boruto chapter 42, page 13
  14. Boruto chapter 40, page 33
  15. Boruto chapter 34, page 18
  16. Boruto chapter 42, pages 2-8
  17. Boruto chapter 41, page 37
  18. Boruto chapter 41, pages 28-36
  19. Boruto chapter 43