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ヴィクタ Vikuta
Manga Boruto Chapter #15
Anime Boruto Episode #157
Appears in Anime, Manga
Voice Actors
Sex Gender Male Male
Status Deceased
  • Inner
  • Company President (Anime only)
Nature Type


Victor (ヴィクタ, Vikuta) was an Inner from the secret organisation Kara. Formerly a shinobi, he became the president of a huge medical care manufacturing company in the Land of Valleys.[2]


In the anime, Victor took part in the Fourth Shinobi World War, costing him his right leg and right eye. After the Allied Shinobi Forces's victory in the war, Victor secretly harvested some fragments of the dead God Tree. Afterwards, Victor returned to the Land of Valleys, where he spent years establishing a new medical care and research company. In the quest for power and to restore his damaged body and gain immortality, he joined Kara. Deepa implies that Victor only became an Inner because of a large donation his company made to the organisation. At some point he acquired a cursed seal in an attempt to help sustain his life, but also worsened his already failing health the more he exerted himself. At some point in the past, he was responsible for recruiting the ex-Kirigakure shinobi Ao as an Outer, giving the man a new sense of purpose after his body's injuries prevented him from returning to a life of a shinobi. Fearing his death may arrive before Kara's plans come to fruition, Victor conspired with Deepa to siphon from the organisation's resources to create their own artificial God Tree sooner.


In the anime, when first introduced, he was shown to be a very humble and compassionate man. Having seen the horrors and losses of war, he came to appreciate life in all its forms. So much did he care, he committed all his time and resources into establishing a medical care company with the hope of helping all people, regardless of status or wealth, to heal from their wounds, no matter how crippling. His goal was also to revolutionise medical care, finding the means to not only restore damaged or lost anatomy in people, but even extend their longevity. He also valued his clients enough to join a search party for them.

In truth, he cared only for success in general, willingly discarding people once they become of no value to him. His ultimate goals, to restore his physical health and gain eternal life, had made him completely self-serving, willing to sacrifice countless people for the sake of power. He openly viewed it as survival of the fittest, akin to how the Five Great Nations had used smaller nations in the past. With Kara, Victor was shown impatient and quick to anger, lashing at his colleagues for questioning him. He was shown to be arrogant and reckless in his goals, having not properly checked his research before progressing in development. He did not like to be compared with Deepa in terms of his trustworthiness within the organisation, and threatened him with death for suggesting that Victor bribed his way into being an Inner. Even more, he was revealed to be extremely self-entitled, operating behind his colleague's back to use Kara's resources for his own goals, and then pinning the blame on his dead colleague to escape punishment. Ultimately, he had no true loyalty to anyone but himself, opting to sabotage Kara's plans and highjack their key tool to gain leverage over them. Even in his old age, he was a proud and headstrong man who was not afraid to fight the younger Koji.


Victor's Appearance

Victor's full appearance.

Victor was a short, stocky, elderly man with grey hair. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt, pants, and sandals with bandages around his waist and ankles, along with the typical black coloured cloak worn by Kara members with a button fastened on the front, a black eye-patch over his right eye, which also was missing an eyebrow, and a peg right leg. Like his colleagues, he had a tattoo of the Roman numeral "Ⅴ" on his left temple.

In the anime, as the president of his medical company, he wore a long ankle length dark grey kimono with yellow accents, a black cape over it and a top hat. He also covered up the Roman numeral tattoo on his face.


Despite his advanced age and various handicaps, as an Inner of Kara whose body was modified with Scientific Ninja Tools by Amado,[3] Victor was regarded as being completely monstrous in terms of power and ability,[4] with his abilities being viewed as superhuman.[5] In the anime, he proved able to calmly repel the combined efforts of two of Konohagakure's most capable jōnin.[6] He could also hold his own against Orochimaru, one of the Sannin, with Orochimaru even commenting on how stubborn he was.[7]

Physical Prowess[]

In the anime, despite his peg leg, Victor had shown deceptive speed. He could blitz his opponents in an instant. He also showed considerable taijutsu prowess, able to skilfully fend off an opponent's assault with his cane.[6]


Victor's Ability

Victor manifests arms.

He had powerful regenerative abilities at his disposal.[8] In the anime, he could instantly regrow his arms and even his head unfazed.[7] Alternatively, should his limbs be severed, he could still manipulate their movements and even reconnect them by using his blood as tendrils to retrieve them.[9] Victor could also manifest two additional giant arms to aid him in battle, which were capable of using hand seals to perform jutsu.[6] He apparently had skill in juinjutsu having applied a cursed seal on himself to extend his life. However, the cursed seal gradually eroded at his health and physical form, especially each time he used his regenerative powers. Ultimately, his over-usage of his regenerative power cost him his right eye and leg permanently and likewise left him extremely drained.[10]

Nature Transformation[]

In the anime, Victor was also one of the few shinobi capable of naturally using all five nature transformations. With Wind Release, he could produce twisters.[6][9] He could use Lightning Release to produce lightning bolts[6] or enhance his strikes.[7] With Earth Release, he could rupture the ground and create a large wave of dust.[11] With Water Release, he was able to create defensive water walls and with Fire Release, he could release multiple fiery blasts.[7] He could also use Yin Release to project an image of himself to talk with people from a distance.[12]


In the anime, Victor was shown to be a very brilliant man. A talented businessman and scientist, he was able to create his own successful company with revolutionary new technology.[13] His knowledge of science could even stabilise the famous cells of Hashirama Senju for his own experiments, creating a artificial God Tree. Victor also proved himself to be very sneaky and manipulative, convincing an entire country into believing he was a honourable and selfless man, all the while continuing his immoral experiments.[9]

New Era[]

Kara Actuation Arc[]

Main article: Kara Actuation Arc In the anime, Victor was present when Jigen called a meeting with the Inners, informing them of the destruction of one their facilities in Amegakure set by an Outer. Questioning why the abandoned facility was left standing for so long, Jigen gave Victor a look of suspicion, who frowned in return, before brushing it off as nothing incriminating in the long run.

Victor explains the plan

Victor working with Team 7 and Mugino.

As his company suddenly had a research team disappear, Victor headed up a search party, under the guise of taking a vacation. After much searching, they found that several of the researchers were killed. Soon after, they chanced upon Team 7 of Konohagakure. They revealed to Victor that the wife of one of his missing researchers, Anato, hired them to help find him. Victor decided to join efforts. With new information presented by Anato's wife, they found a cave. Inside, they found Anato, whose body was altered and was a reduced to a mindless berserker that attack them.

Ultimately, Victor had his men strike down Anato. Victor promised the Konoha-nin that his staff would work to treat Anato, prompting them to accept their mission as completed and return to Konohagakure. Back at his research headquarters, Victor had Anato thoroughly analysed for a special component. Upon learning that Anato's body could not be harvested, Victor angrily ordered Anato to be killed. He was also notified that there was still one researcher missing, which intrigued Victor. Later, he learned that the Hashirama Cell was sold in the Land of Silence. Victor brought in Deepa to retrieve it. He insisted him to be as covert as possible in his mission, but Deepa didn't listen.

Mugino Vs Victor

Victor fighting Mugino.

Ultimately, deciding that Deepa was taking too long and drawing too much attention, Victor caught up with him as he faced down the Konoha-nin. Revealing his alliance with Deepa, Victor decided to face off the two jōnin while Deepa handled the genin. Quickly, Victor proved himself a fearsome foe as his unique abilities overwhelmed Konohamaru and Mugino. Upon noticing the unusual commotion at Deepa's battle, Victor decided to investigate. He learned that the genin had escaped, but Deepa had retrieved the Hashirama Cell. Deciding that the Konoha-nin weren't important, he and Deepa returned to the lab.

Upon returning to Victor's laboratory and getting into an argument on with Deepa on where they both stood in Kara, Victor worked on stabilising the Hashirama Cell. He sent Deepa to retrieve another important item. Days later, Konohamaru and Mugino arrived at Victor's company to investigate. Tensions rose when discussions turned to the Hashirama Cell, but Victor pointed out they couldn't force the issue without escalating the situation into a diplomatic incident. He had the Konoha jōnin escorted out.

Victor meets Deepa

Victor chastises Deepa.

Later, Deepa returned to Victor's company, where he made no efforts to go unseen, storming through the front entrance and striking down the guard who tried to stop him. Victor was annoyed again by Deepa's lack of restraint. He was even more annoyed to hear Deepa's mission to recover one of Urashiki Ōtsutsuki's puppets was a failure. Deepa decided go take a nap while Victor tended to an inspection from the Land of Valleys' daimyō. Victor reminded Deepa that the experiment was nearing its final stage.

Soon the daimyō arrived with his guards for an inspection. They were brought into the central laboratory, where they underwent sterilisation. Victor presented the daimyō with several people safely in stasis as they were be treated of various incurable illnesses. Suddenly, the daimyō's released him from the genjutsu Victor had administered during "sterilisation". The people in stasis were in fact being used as nourishment for Victor's true project. The guards revealed themselves to be Konohamaru and Mugino and subdued Victor as they explained the situation. While the daimyō was ashamed of his blindness to Victor's deceit, he agreed to let the Konoha-nin act as needed. Victor however activated his experiment, revealing an artificial God Tree that began consuming all targets in the area while he and his secretary escaped.

Victor Restrained

Victor restrained by his God Tree.

As Mugino was sent away to save the daimyō, Victor sent his secretary after them. He then approached Konohamaru, who was by chance joined by Boruto and Sarada. He explained how he harvested this new God Tree from the one left over from the Fourth Shinobi World War. As he looked on with delight at the carnage and eagerness at the production of Chakra Fruit, Victor separated the genin from their sensei, rupturing the ground to drop them below. As he continued to pressure Konohamaru, the Konoha-nin voiced his disgust at Victor's shameless manipulations and sacrificing of people. Victor countered that all survival comes from leeching of others. Suddenly, Orochimaru arrived to intervene. He voiced his anger at Victor for stealing the Hashirama Cell from one of his laboratories. Victor refused to be scared of the Sannin and attacked him. Orochimaru however calmly repelled Victor's efforts. As Orochimaru continued to toy with Victor, the Inner decided to go after the God Tree's fruit for more power. To his horror, the God Tree ensnared him like the other victims. Orochimaru calmly told Victor that his recreated God Tree was but a crude imitation unable to produce such fruit, much to Victor's shock.

Having barely survived the God Tree's destruction and lost his company, Victor had a private meeting with Jigen, putting the blame on the deceased Deepa for his failed plot. After being left off with a warning, Victor decided that the only course of action was to steal the "Vessel".

Ao Arc[]

Main article: Ao Arc

Victor's Scheme

Victor downloads Kara's files.

In the anime, when his body started to reach his limit, he reluctantly went to Amado to help him. After analysing Victor, Amado told Victor his extended use of his cursed seal has continued to deteriorate his body, made worse from his repeated usage of his healing powers. After refusing to let Amado do any more experimenting on him, Victor voiced his anger that all his contributions to Kara would be for nothing if he died before the plans came to fruition. Suddenly, he collapsed from a seizure. After Amado stabilised him, he was called away by Delta. Once alone, Victor awoke, having feigned a seizure through earlier drug administration. He sent a drone to enter the main room of the facilities, planning to steal Kara's "Vessel" for his own usage. He learned that the Vessel was already in Phase 3 of their plans. After downloading a copy of all Kara's files, he approached Jigen and Amado, feigning just overhearing their plan to set up a field test for the Vessel. Victor offered his new stealth blimp. It was accepted on the condition that Victor not play a part in the events. He agreed, but later revealed to have hacked the system to control its destination. However, there was a malfunction in the blimp causing it to crash.

Koji's Fire Release

Victor being incinerated.

Victor attended a meeting held by Jigen to discuss the urgent situation relating to the missing Vessel. As Jigen dispelled the genjutsu, he voiced that they must recover the vessel at all costs. In the anime, after the meeting, Victor accessed his secret safe to retrieve the stolen data from Kara, preparing for the next part of his own plans. Before he could move, Victor discovered that Koji infiltrated his whereabouts with the intent of assassinating him. Despite trying to counterattack, Victor was quickly overpowered by Koji who disposed of him with the True Fire of Samadhi technique.


  • The Allied Shinobi Forces consists of shinobi from the Five Great Shinobi Countries and samurai from the Land of Iron. Victor being a member of the alliance would be inconsistent, since he's from the Land of Valleys, a country not in the alliance. However, it is possible that Victor was originally from one of the Allied countries and only later emigrated to the Land of Valleys.
  • In the anime, Victor's tattoo was absent after retrieving the Hashirama Senju's cell up until his meeting with Jigen. This may be an animation error or Victor may have done so purposely as not to arouse suspicion.
  • In the anime, Victor also wanted one of the puppets that Urashiki Ōtsutsuki left behind, for reasons unknown. He was rather displeased that Deepa failed to retrieve it.
  • While the manga did not provide any specific reason why Koji killed Victor, the anime reveals that Jigen ordered it after learning of Victor's betrayal from Deepa's recovered head.
  • Victor's name may be a reference to Victor Technology LCC, a calculator manufacturer that also developed airplane parts during World War II.


  1. V-JUMP 11/2019 issue
  2. Boruto episode 158
  3. Boruto chapter 42, page 23
  4. Boruto chapter 31, page 3
  5. Boruto episode 187
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Boruto episode 166
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Boruto episode 175
  8. Boruto chapter 16, page 15
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Boruto episode 173
  10. Boruto episode 179
  11. Boruto episode 174
  12. Boruto chapter 16
  13. Boruto episode 158