
Image of him stopping Kakashi from killing Obito[]

Can somebody please put that image into his "Return of Madara Arc" section? I'm not good with manga images...Idontcareaboutmyname (talk) 17:27, February 1, 2014 (UTC)

Bump.Idontcareaboutmyname (talk) 15:40, February 2, 2014 (UTC)
Nobody?Idontcareaboutmyname (talk) 10:41, February 3, 2014 (UTC)

If you where to give me the page and chapter I would be glad to help out and get the picture.First Bodygurad and Protege (talk) 02:14, February 12, 2014 (UTC)

His age has been narrowed down.[]

Minato's age can now be guessed at better, jiraiya trained minato starting from him being ten, that was right after jiraya left the ame orphans, and we know now that yahiko was 20yrs at death, so that means that Minato was either 17 or 20 when he became Hokage, meaning he was either 18 or 21 when he died. ItachiWasAHero (talk) 07:13, February 7, 2014 (UTC)

Ok so I did the math and what not, Nagato was born in september, minato in january i believe, so it was 4 month after leaving amegakure that Jiraiya became Minato's sensei, Minato was 3 years younger than the Ame Orhpans and Yahiko died at age 20 in the same year Minato became a Kage, meaning Minato became a Hokage around december 10th when he was 17, january 25th he was 18 and about 9 months later he died at 18, on October 10th. That makes him the youngest Hokage ever. Gaara still has the title of youngest Kage ever I believe. But that means he was Team Minato's sensei at the age of 13, and I believe it as Itachi was 170cm tall, very mature and already a Anbu Captain at the age of 13. So Minato was already a Jonin at 13 almost 14, which means he became a Chunin and then Jonin within him being 10-13yrs old. Jiraiya already stated he was so much of a prodigy and Ei stated nobody could beat him pretty much So I believe it 100% ItachiWasAHero (talk) 08:02, February 7, 2014 (UTC)

At this point, if it's not something as simple as B and Motoi's age, I no longer bother with doing the math. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 15:35, February 7, 2014 (UTC)

Ok so seelentau retranslated Yahiko's age from pierrot, it says seinen which means 18-30 so the age should be put back to 25-30. That means Minato became a kage at 22 not 17 and died at 24...

Sensor for 1000th time[]

Are we sure to be sure this time for sure? Wasn't that because of QB or something? I guess he may be a sensor then, but not a good one, nowhere near Karin or Tobirama's level--Elveonora (talk) 11:52, February 12, 2014 (UTC)

His "I can tell the enemy's presence by laying a finger on the ground" would have been enough for me to list him a long time ago. I mean, the exact same thing is mentioned on Tobirama's page as well. And yes, Minato realised that Naruto's Kurama-half was extracted before his own half confirmed it. I vote for listing him as a sensor. Idontcareaboutmyname (talk) 12:05, February 12, 2014 (UTC)
Hm, I thought him having sensory abilities was confirmed a while ago. He just seems to only use them consciously, not sensing all the time like those who are "primarily" sensors, meaning he probably learned the skill instead of having it from birth. --kiadony --talk to me-- 12:12, February 12, 2014 (UTC)
Tobirama was shown not to sense all the time either, he has to "use" sensing to sense.--Elveonora (talk) 12:23, February 12, 2014 (UTC)

That too. He mentioned that he has to "knead chakra" to sense. I don't think Kishimoto ever made it completely clear about all that passive/active sensing skills but we did assume that some are naturally sensitive and some are trained. Tobirama might be a very skilled sensor but not a natural one, while Karin and Yamanaka people have that affinity/ability from birth. I'm pretty sure that they ("natural" sensors) can't sense if they somehow suppress or disrupt their chakra flow (like Karin did during the Summit) but do they need to use a specific technique, "turn on" their ability every time? It's still unclear if I understand correctly. --kiadony --talk to me-- 13:00, February 12, 2014 (UTC)

sage mode[]

in the latest chapter 655 Minato had the same eyes as Naruto in sage mode. --Tchad1 (talk) 08:29, February 19, 2014 (UTC)

We know, it is already in the article. Jacce | Talk | Contributions 08:45, February 19, 2014 (UTC)

No, we've jumped to conclusions way too quickly. He said Senjutsu, not Sage Mode, he's most probably utilising it in the same way as Orochimaru. Pesa123456789 (talk) 14:54, February 21, 2014 (UTC)

Senjutsu = Sage Mode. He even has toad eyes and pigmentation--Elveonora (talk) 15:02, February 21, 2014 (UTC)

And as soon as he used Rasengan, it was gone. He augmented his ninjutsu with senjutsu, with the markings being a sign of mixing natural energy and normal chakra. Pesa123456789 (talk) 15:50, March 4, 2014 (UTC)

As Fukasaku stated, those markings are the proof that the user has become a true Sage. Therefore, Minato did enter Sage Mode.--JOA20 (talk) 16:47, March 4, 2014 (UTC)

Fastest in history[]

Two things bother me about this: 1. When was he actually said to be the fastest, dont get me wrong I know he's fast but as far as I know it was never said he was the fastest just faster than A and by extension the Third Raikage.

2. Maybe this is the wrong place to talk about it but still: Wouldn't the fact that he was acknowledged as the fastest if not, one of the fastest add to the need for "the fastest shinobi" as a title. Tobirama, Third Raikage, Minato, and A have all been said to be the fastest. Now obviously we may never know who is the fastest among them but it is a possibility that the title is a generational thing like the "God of Shinobi" title seems to be. --Youngjusticeplayer007 (talk) 23:09, March 3, 2014 (UTC)

correct me if I'm wrong[]

But he was blasted to nothingness with Madara's orbs, wasn't he?--Elveonora (talk) 14:04, April 24, 2014 (UTC)

Possible. He could also just have several ball shaped holes in his back, considering his head survived I wouldn't say he's dead (dead-er) yet. And that implies the Balls were set to "Ninjutsu Off" mode when he threw them at Guy.--TheUltimate3 Allied Shinobi Forces Symbol (talk) 14:09, April 24, 2014 (UTC)
Dunno, chapter 669 makes it look like he is a goner, he crumbled away--Elveonora (talk) 14:37, April 24, 2014 (UTC)
The article reads as if he ported himself out. The lines that typically indicate super fast moment was used. But who knows. I doubt he's a goner, if for no reason other than story element, because we just had a heartfelt moment for Guy, then they just kill(er) Minato and nobody bats an eyelash.--TheUltimate3 Allied Shinobi Forces Symbol (talk) 14:42, April 24, 2014 (UTC) I'm sure he is dead-dead, only his bottom half can be seen on the next panel and it's crumbling too. Same case as Killer B, people refuse to acknowledge that someone has died unless Kishi sits on their laps and screams so into their ears.--Elveonora (talk) 14:58, April 24, 2014 (UTC)
I can't see anything crumbling to be honest. Are you talking about him vanishing after being hit by the Truth-Seeking Balls? Noweeaboohoo (talk) 15:12, April 24, 2014 (UTC)

When only his bottom part can be seen left, his feet is also crumbling--Elveonora (talk) 15:26, April 24, 2014 (UTC)

...That wasn't Minato's lower half. That was Guy's >_> Unless, of course, I'm looking in the wrong place. But in 669, after Minato "vanishes", he isn't seen again that chapter. That shot where you just see someone's lower half... is Guy divebombing Madara. ~ Ten Tailed Fox Yamagakure Symbol 16:14, April 24, 2014 (UTC)
Why was he drawn with no feet then? :P--Elveonora (talk) 09:51, April 25, 2014 (UTC)
Elve, look at it. Its Guy. You can see him divebombing Madara. He's wearing a flack jacket and no Hokage cape. Minato isn't seen again in that chapter. At all. He jumps immediately after being struck. Not to mention, Minato's feet didn't get hit by the TSB, his upper back did. ~ Ten Tailed Fox Yamagakure Symbol 02:49, April 26, 2014 (UTC)

I guess you are right. Minato may be anywhere or nowhere at the moment :P Although unless he was in Sage Mode while hit, he shouldn't have "survived" the orbs, so I don't hope for better.--Elveonora (talk) 11:49, April 26, 2014 (UTC)

A's comments[]

Why can't they be added to the introduction area of the abilities section? Its not in reference to his speed, its in reference to his power. A flat out said he thought Minato couldn't be surpassed after several fights against him during the Third Shinobi World War. --SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 17:50, May 2, 2014 (UTC)

Have you read the second sentence of that section? ~SnapperTo 18:37, May 2, 2014 (UTC)

FTG's speed[]

I wonder if it can be added to his S/T section that in the anime his FTG was shown to be faster than Tobirama's. When the Hokage teleported to their Monument faces so to speak, Tobirama and Hashirama teleported first, and then Minato and Hiruzen. However, Minato arrived first because of his FTG being faster. That was shown in the manga as well, but perhaps not as clearly as in the Anime.

I also think his feet of teleporting to the Kunai that Lee threw in front of Guy, and then teleported away before Guy in his 8th Gate stage could even move is a noteworthy and an important feet to show his speed.Rex-05 (talk) 16:17, August 4, 2014 (UTC)

How can something that's instantaneous be faster than... instantaneous?--Elveonora (talk) 16:26, August 4, 2014 (UTC)

it's fiction. Every thing is possible, and that's what was shown in the Anime regardless. Even in the manga Tobirama stated that the clones' usage of the FTG is slower, he did not ask your question about how instantaneous be faster, did he? And Minato agreed with him as well, no? Rex-05 (talk) 16:58, August 4, 2014 (UTC)


Does it worth to mention that Tobirama stated that Minato is fast as striking too? (talk) 19:06, August 16, 2014 (UTC)

Picture change?[]

I found a "really good image" of him on the very bottom right slide of Pg 16 of chapter 122, Sasuke427 (talk) 06:55, August 23, 2014 (UTC)

No. We only use manga images when the anime version (or colored manga) isn't available. The wiki prefers colored images rather than black and white. The current image is fine. WindStar7125 WindStar7125 Task (Talk) (Contributions) 06:59, August 23, 2014 (UTC)


Can we change Minato's info box image to this? The current one doesn't show off Minato's trademark bright yellow hair unlike the image im suggesting and visually, it shows more of his spikey hair on the top of his head. --Sarutobii2 (talk) 08:06, October 20, 2014 (UTC)

Looks good to me. --Sajuuk [Mod] Talk Page | Contribs | Channel 08:08, October 20, 2014 (UTC)

Uzumaki Clan[]

I know I put this topic up a while back but if Minato doesn't belong into a clan then wouldn't that make him marrying into the Uzumaki clan?Cloudtheavenger (talk) 22:45, November 9, 2014 (UTC)

No, because:
  1. There's no Uzumaki Clan anymore, it was destroyed.
  2. Women marry into a clan/take their husband's surname, not the other way around.--Elve [Mod] Talk Page|Contribs 23:06, November 9, 2014 (UTC)


I don't know where to put this honestly, but is it me, or his page lost tons of the context it had before?

Minato's enemies[]

Did the manga ever mention, who these ominous enemies of Minato were Naruto was to be kept safe from? --Boris Baran (talk) 23:45, February 4, 2015 (UTC)

Nope, they were never mentioned, but it can probably be assumed to be any shinobi he fought when he lived... --Sajuuk [Mod] talk | contribs | Channel 23:46, February 4, 2015 (UTC)


The manga only mentioned Minato in chapter one. Shouldn't we change it to the chapter he actually debuted?Cloudtheavenger (talk) 19:14, March 18, 2015 (UTC)

I agree. ~SnapperTo 17:54, March 19, 2015 (UTC)

Correct me if I'm wrong...[]

...but wasn't the Flying Thunder God Technique explicitly made part of Minato's speed, which is why he got the reputation. In that case, his speed with it shouldn't be taken out and his feats of avoiding the Lightning Straight or outpacing the Eight Gates Released Formation shouldn't be deleted from his article.--SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 19:01, March 24, 2015 (UTC)

He got his reputation from both. The info your added should be placed in his space–time ninjutsu section. Minato's natural speed and his FTG are two different things.--Kuroiraikou (talk) 19:55, March 24, 2015 (UTC)
I'll add that his space-time ninjutsu section already says he can teleport somewhere instantly with FTG. I do not believe "instantly" needs to be further defined in terms of what jutsu are slower than it. ~SnapperTo 20:04, March 24, 2015 (UTC)

Anime Debut[]

I've been thinking. Minato only appeared as a silhouette is episode 1. If that were to be the case would his actual debut be when Hiruzen battled Orochimaru? Or Shippuden adapation of Kakashi Gaiden?Cloudtheavenger (talk) 18:05, April 27, 2015 (UTC)

Can someone reply to this thread and tell me if my point was good or not?Cloudtheavenger (talk) 20:39, April 28, 2015 (UTC)

Image needs changing again[]

I must say that the current image being used for minatos profile is absolutely terrible. That particular episode had poor animation, and you can see it in minatos face. The drawing looks really cheap, especially the hair, it doesn't even flow like natural hair, it looks extra spiky when it's not like that. I suggest this image [1] in the link below as his main wiki profile image. You can see the animation looks very good and clean and nicely shows all his facial features. This one actually looks like minato namikaze drawn by Kishimoto, compared to that cheap one currently displayed on the page. --Madez (talk) 17:38, June 6, 2015 (UTC)

Don't agree for any picture change, it represents him just fine, maybe you should read up the character appearance section. Just because you think that episode had poor animation doesn't mean it didn't provide good screenshots for Minato. Plus, your suggested picture is uploaded to (lol) and contains a watermark, so it won't be used here anyway. --Sajuuk [Mod] talk | contribs | Channel 20:13, June 6, 2015 (UTC)
Per Sajuuk. Nothing wrong with the current image at all. If the reasons you listed were taken into account for every potential image change, we'd have endless debates on which images should be discarded or used to portray each character. Just so long as it best depicts what's noted in the appearance section.--Mina Hatake Symbol talk | contribs 21:08, June 6, 2015 (UTC)
I didn't mean to use that exact fanpop image, I was just suggesting an image similar to that. I took a couple screenshots of my own that look better and have no water marks, so before dismissing my suggestion, at least know I tried:
[2] (this one shows almost his entire head and top of his hair, unlike the others)
[3] (this one shows a bit less but looks bolder).
Either of the two I just posted, I believe would look a lot better and more suitable. They resemble the character more to the art style of the author, the animation used in this episode is considerably better and clearer compared to the current picture being used. Also they're actually images from canon episodes and not filler like the current one. If you guys honestly feel that the current one is better than these, then I'm sorry for wasting anyone's time. I just thought why not use an actual image that resembles the character instead of one that looks like fan art. Madez (talk) 02:53, June 7, 2015 (UTC)
The current image depicts the characters fine imo. The color of his hair in those images your suggesting are way to light. --Bio havik (talk) 04:14, June 7, 2015 (UTC)
Lol. The episode in question where the current image came from is not filler. This wiki does not make decisions of taking images only from canon episodes, we just use an image that best describes the character in question, regardless of where that comes from. --Sajuuk [Mod] talk | contribs | Channel 08:34, June 7, 2015 (UTC)


Why didnt we add Menma Uzumaki as his Child with the movie only tag and Menma Namikaze as his child with anime only tag? The same with Kushinas infobox--Keeptfighting (talk) 08:36, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

Other than "The Last" and "Boruto", movie stuff isn't canon, so it doesn't get listed in the infoboxes of manga and anime. The Menma from the anime technically doesn't exist. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 14:06, September 4, 2015 (UTC)
Ok, get it. Thanks--Keeptfighting (talk) 17:49, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

Physical Prowess[]

Can we really say that was the Body Flicker? Kakashi had a Flying Thunder God Kunai on him, did he not?Cloudtheavenger (talk) 18:03, September 14, 2015 (UTC)

Yes it was body flicker. The kanji displayed on the page is the high speed movement symbol which is used for body flicker. The he teleported to the FTG kunai, it would have been said.Madez (talk) 11:13, September 28, 2015 (UTC)

Shouldnt the Body Flicker Technique be added to his jutsu list? Hear me out, minato was known for his speed which was in part because of his use of the flying thunder god technique but also because of his natural raw speed which came from his use of the body flicker technique. It was even stated in his physical prowess section so i don't understand why its not in his jutsu list. yes, i understand that when it comes to basic jutsu's which body flicker is its a common technique among ninja and isnt considered a special or unique skill of ninja. But theyre a exceptions, shisui who made a name for himself using the technique, which also applies to minato because as i stated earlier and also as its been stated on this site aswell, part of his fame because of the use of his speed partly stems from his use of this technique. thanks for listening, looking forward to your reply.Me1 (talk) 12:21, May 16, 2016 (UTC)

Minato relies more on FTG than BFT. There's also the issue of the manga regularly misattributing actual spacetime ninjutsu feats to BFT when Minato is concerned. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 16:40, May 16, 2016 (UTC)

Sage Mode 2[]

Shouldn't Minato's article read 'haven't used it much in actual combat' rather than 'Never using it in battle' for his sage mode? I think the viz scan also said the same and the raw scans translated in the nf page also supported it. --Minatoblitz (talk) 05:36, March 22, 2017 (UTC)

Timeline Inconsistency[]

Minato said he and A would someday meet at Kage, would that not mean Minato was chosen by Hiruzen to be the fourth hokage, but was simply not inaugurated yet?Cloudtheavenger (talk) 16:18, June 16, 2017 (UTC)

Don't particularly recall the exact words, but I believe he said something like "we'll probably meet as Kage someday", as in "we're both strong shinobi, and likely to become Kage". Like I said, specific wording could paint a different picture. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 16:30, June 16, 2017 (UTC)
No inconsistency there. I suppose it could be compared to Danzo. Plus, there was the third war going on, so the situation might be a little more difficult. • Seelentau 愛 18:59, June 16, 2017 (UTC)

Misconception being inserted into page[]

The new Gaiden has a scene where the Uzumaki are being talked about, and Minato is trying to add to Kushina's Jinchuriki seal to keep Kurama from coming free. Kurama compares that prowess to Hashirama so in context he is referring to sealing jutsu prowess but some fans are on here adding that it means Minato is the same calibre as Hashirama which it doesn't. If we insert that then we have to insert on Itachi's page how Hashirama himself says Itachi is a better Shinobi than he is and we both know how that will go. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 01:00, 17 July 2023 (UTC)

I made the addition. There is a difference between Itachi's comparison to Hashirama and Minato's. Hashirama was talking more about Itachi's resolve. But, I will concede that maybe only Minato's fuinjutsu was the subject.Steveo920 (talk) 05:47, 17 July 2023 (UTC)

I noticed, it wouldn't make sense that Minato's power was being compared to Hashirama anyway especially when you consider that he and his team got whooped earlier by Han and Roshi and all of them including Jiraiya were beat up so Minato had to use FTG for them all to escape when if that was Hashirama he would have beaten both of them with ease. He also goes on to say Kushina is stronger than he is. That SuperSaiyanMan person is edit warring over this. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 19:42, 17 July 2023 (UTC)

According to different translations, Kurama said "A most powerful Shinobi ranking alongside First Hokage Hashirana, unbelievable" or "A Shinobi of the caliber of the first Hokage Hashirama... there are others like him still around"? instead of writing that Kurama compared Minato's sealing abilities to Hashirama, when he never explicitly said "his sealing abilities are like those of Hashirama's", Kurama's statement should be left as stated in the manga, and leave the interpretation of its meaning to the reader...

If we're going to talk about interpretation in this case, then this applies to other pages too, which means I have an edit to go do. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 01:13, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

    • There is no 'open up to interpretation here'. Kurama explicitly compared Minato's power to Hashirama's. This is different than Hashirama comparing Itachi to himself as a ninja since it wasn't about power he was talking about there. We had an explicit statement of power between two individuals and Minato's power was even shown when his Rasengan stalemated Kurama's Bijudama. You're just trying to make excuses to make fanboyesque edits to pages you like.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 01:33, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Incorrect, Kurama talked about the Uzumaki and the seal and in context with him saying "he's not even Uzumaki" then making the comparison we can see that he was referring to Minato's sealing jutus prowess, especially considering it was Hashirama who sealed Kurama into Mito. But since this is supposed to be left up to interpretation then that's how it will be and you are the one doing fanboyesque nonsense and edit warring, removing that line from Itachi's page and being a hypocrite. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 01:37, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

  • He only mentioned the statement about Minato's power and prowess AFTER seeing the seal. He explicitly said through multiple translations that Minato was as strong or of the same calibre as Hashirama. You're downplaying it or trying to make edits to Itachi's page (or others) to boost them since you have a little bit of a agenda. Hashirama laughed and joked Itachi was a better ninja than him SINE HE HAD THE RESOLVE TO KILL HIS OWN FAMILY FOR THE VILLAGE. He didn't say Itachi was on his level of power or that he was as strong as him. You leave out the context. And its not even the same thing with Minato here since Kurama explicitly calls Minato as strong or of the same caliber as Hashirama. So you're not only wrong you are pushing your agenda.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 01:41, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Gaiden page 30 Kurama notices a sealing jutsu being used "Sealing Jutsu?! By Whom?!" Gaiden page 31, Kurama says "The Brat... he's not even of the Uzumaki Clan and yet... ... He's augmenting the Tetragram Seal in his own Style! A most powerful Shinobi ranking alongside First Hokage Hashirama... Unbelievable!" "Why is a SHINOBI... of your caliber fussing over this lass?!" Minato responds with "I like strong people... people STRONGER than me!"

Going by this, Kushina is stronger than Minato according to Minato, going by this Kurama is referring to his sealing capabilities. But again we are to be leaving it to fan interpretation which means you need to stop edit warring on Itachi's page. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 01:47, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

  • !. You are not a mod, the only one having an issue with the edits here is you. You're trying to make it seem like an issue when its not. Seeing such a complex sealing jutsu surprised Kurama and then he explicitly says Minato is as strong as Hashirama. There's no 'interpretation' there, its flat out fact.
  • 2. You're adding things to the power and abilities portion of Itachi's article which not only don't fit, it is out of context so you can justify pushing Itachi on a level he's not.

^ 3. Minato thinks Kushina is stronger than him based on the context of her having to deal with Kurama ll the time yet have not given into despair or lost hope. And not only that its because he loves her. Could Kushina be stronger? Maybe, we don't have the feats or other statements but the context is different than what you're trying to put in.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 01:55, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Fan interpretation, that's what you are missing here. Hashirama said that Itachi is a better Shinobi than he is. You don't like that? That's too bad, we are to leave it up to fan interpretation. Being a better Shinobi, or the same calibre of Shinobi are both in the same vein. Stop edit warring. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 01:56, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Its not 'fan interpretation'. Hashirama's statement was after he heard Itachi had killed his own Clan, his own Family for the sake of Konoha. With no knowledge of Itachi's abilities at all. Saying he is a 'better shinobi' means he could follow through with his orders and burden the hatred of the world better than Hashirama could. You're making the interpretation when its about power. when it was explicitly put about his character, not his abilities. Again, you're trying to use this to justify fanboyesque edits while taking this out of context again. You remind me of the Itachi fanboys that used to be on this site and tried to make him the strongest character of the verse years ago despite their edits not being true in the slightest.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:01, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Your ad hominems don't help you. Minato was using a sealing jutsu to try and strengthen her seal. That was literally it. There was nothing else Kurama could have been comparing it to in context so obviously it was referring to Sealing Jutsu prowess in context. But since you want it to be as if Minato is Hashirama's level despite him getting folded by Roshi and Han and having to retreat along with Jiraiya when we all know Hashirama would have folded both of them on his own with no help then you can leave that up there, but stop edit warring on the Itachi page. Leave the words up to fan interpretation. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 02:04, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

The statement isn't up for interpretation at all. He said Minato's caliber was the same as Hashirama's and he was amazed a shinobi this strong was still alive. Especially seeing how complex the sealing jutsu that Minato made. Minato wasn't fighting Roshi and Han, he was getting his allies out of there since they were vulnerable. And then we have Minato later, after perfecting the Rasengan? Matching Kurama's Bijudama with it. Making Kurama's statement have more weight than just his sealing prowess.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:08, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Rasengan is made to match the Bijuu Dama, we see that happen and then a bright light and Minato wakes up in the hospital so again that's your interpretation. You are adding your own interpretations here as fact but get upset when others do so in other pages, all the while adding in ad hominems and edit warring. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 02:10, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

I'm not adding my own interpretations. I'm putting in facts. This is what happened. YOU are making interpretations to justify things. SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:13, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Hashirama literally says "A Shinobi even greater than I!" when referring to Itachi. That's the line, that's the statement. It's just fine in the abilities section, you just don't want it there due to YOUR interpretation. Leave it to fan interpretation and stop edit warring. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 02:15, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

And that statement is because Itachi was able to shoulder the hatred of the village on him for killing the Uchiha even though he was saving it. That's why Hashirama called him a better shinobi since he was willing to take that burden. You wonder why it was never added to Itachi's ability section before, that's why. Since the context made it not a power statement, but a personality trait that Itachi had. This was attempted to be added in the past but ruled it wasn't a power statement in the slightest especially since Hashirama had no context of Itachi's skills or powers. We have Kurama, who fought Hashirama, make a direct comparisonto Minato's power being of the same level or at it to Hashirama, that's different since he has the context and knowledge of both character's abilities. And Minato later would show, with a BASIC RASENGAN, to match Kurama's own Bijudama which is unprecedented. You're comparing apples to oranges, these two statements are not the same and should not be considered the same. Do you understand now.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:23, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

The lines before that were "at all of seven years of age, he thoguht quite like a hokage... we left everything to Itachi, in his hands alone... and he executed his missions perfectly. He slaughtered all of his brethren, stopped a revolt... prevented a coming war all by himself... he even infiltrated the Akatsuki as a spy to protect the village. On the condition that I protect YOU within the village." Hashirama says about this "Well then... Sasuke, you had a good older brother... a Shinobi even greater than I." Itachi's abilities are clearly being mentioned as well just not in a direct comparison a this point, afterwards Hashirama plainly states "A Shinobi even greater than I." So this can be left to fan interpretation and left in. YOU are the one who wants to put your own interpretation in instead of leaving it plain. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 02:30, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

YOu put in the context and completely ignore it. None of what Hashirama said after learning that is of a power statement. Its of a character statement. You're again, comparing apples to oranges to justify what you're calling me out for: fan interpretation. I even told you the reason why it wasn't included, why it was put in there in the past but was decided to not be a statement of Itachi's power. Seriously, if you want to add that put that in the right section. It doesn't belong in abilities and you know, deep down, that it doesn't. Please, this is getting ridiculous and getting us nowhere since you're refusing to see any side of the argument but your own.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:36, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

No, you are the one acting as if it can't be in both sections. It can be about power and character, it's about fan interpretation. You just don't WANT it in the abilities section and are adding your own definition to it. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 02:38, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Except it can't man. You put in the context, it has nothing to do with power in the statement especially since Hashirama is in the dark about Itachi's abilities. Seriously its like i'm talking to a brick wall here.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:41, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

"Slaughtered the Uchiha clan, thought like a Hokage at age 7, executed his missions flawlessly, stopped a rebellion, stopped a coming war, did it all on his own." These are some of what Hashirama has heard. He is clearly speaking of his abilities as well at this point. Again, leave it to fan interpretation. It can be in both. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 02:43, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

No, you're reaching. Many of those weren't his power or skill that Itachi did either. Why do you think this is about power when it was ruled in the past it wasn't?SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:47, 18 July 2023 (UTC)
But whatever, I'm done.SuperSaiyaMan (talk) 02:49, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Kurama's lines about Minato were in reaction to his sealing jutsu usage in trying to strengthen and alter the Tetragam Seal and him not being an Uzumaki yet still able to do so, which implies it is directly about his sealing jutsu prowess and comparing that to Hashirama since Hashirama was the one who sealed Kurama into Mito.. but YOUR interpretation is that somehow makes Minato the same level in general/overall as Hashirama when it was never referring to chakra levels, power, speed, raw strength, or anything else. Just Sealing Jutsu Skill/knowledge. So again, leave it all to fan interpretation and stop inserting your own interpretation and edit warring. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 02:54, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Both the official translation and the fan translation seem to be adding words to Kurama's statement:

初代柱間以来の忍か...... こんな奴がまだ...!
A ninja since the first Hashirama... This guy is still...!

Admittedly I don't know Japanese, but Kurama seems to only be saying (thinking) half of a sentence. Obviously it's a reaction to Minato strengthening the seal but... nobody since Hashirama has been able to seal the Nine-Tails? improve the seal? I can't see how anyone is supposed to get anything from the sentence. ~SnapperTo 05:00, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Interesting, so in context Minato is trying to strengthen the tetragam seal using his own sealing jutsu knowledge and skill and Kurama says that. It further supports what I was saying. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 08:06, 18 July 2023 (UTC)

Coming back to this, why is that bit about comparing his power to Hashirama's still there? That was an english translation error. His power was never once compared to Hashirama's in the actual translations. At the very least if there is going to be favoritism for this character have the decency to mention in a trivia section that Minato's power was never compared to Hashirama's in the original text nor proper translations. BloodOfTheArchon (talk) 20:38, 19 November 2023 (UTC)

Adding the sealing jutsu to his jutsu list?[]

Minato used a sealing jutsu in his one-shot chapter. Shouldn't that seal be added to his Jutsu list? —This unsigned comment was made by Rex-05 (talkcontribs) .

Not really. What he did was hold up the seal already there in his own style, not an actual new seal. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 10:57, 1 August 2023 (UTC)

the seal he used to save Kushina is different than the one that she had. The one Kushina had has this "moon-like" thing and chains around Kurama. They are clearly different... —This unsigned comment was made by Rex-05 (talkcontribs) .

Nope. The thing extending from the central spiral isn't a different seal, that has always appeared whenever we saw the seal becoming visible with Naruto, that is part of the Four Symbols Seal. The only new seal actually featured in the oneshot is the combo of the spiral inside Kushina's residence and the wider barrier outside. They very much feel like a variation of using two Four Symbols Seals to make an Eight Trigrams Sealing Style. Also, sign your comments from now on, just put four tildes at the end. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 14:30, 1 August 2023 (UTC)