
RE:Jutsu filters[]

The staff are working on it--~UltimateSupreme 06:25, November 25, 2015 (UTC)


What's your problem. Stop deleting my user page.

What did I do to you dude?????

And now you block me from creating it?

Thats messed up dude. Stalk someone else's page or do something more productive than messing with my page BlackDragon 16:59, November 26, 2015 (UTC)

No offensive, but Clearly I didnt know, as no other wiki I know of has this.

You think you would tell me BEFORE you repeatedly delete it and block it from creation. It seems like the polite thing to do. You didnt give me a single warning / message. Would you unblock it so I can actually create it?

I just had the pictures as a place holder and was planning on updating it, but before I could, you deleted it... a lot BlackDragon 15:40, November 27, 2015 (UTC)

What requirements? You listed none.

Besides an edit summary is not enough. A Simply message letting me know whats up would have sufficed.

No other wiki has these, at least that I have been one. You didnt tell me what I did was strong either, and Your profile also has nothing but a picture...... which mine did as well......

Bit unfair, eh???? Double standard.

You also left another messaging saying to ask you any questions... which is what I am doing. BlackDragon 20:40, November 27, 2015 (UTC)

Your page is literally a picture and links to other pages......

Which is similar to what I was going to do before you deleted my page -_-

The picturew were a place holder until I got around to adding stuff.....

And you deleted it, not even giving me a single warning BEFORE deleting it. Which is rude and annoying. How was anyone knew supposed to be BEFORE you delete it, if you dont tell them?

Which is again why Im asking, what did I do? BlackDragon 14:57, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

Once again, How was I supposed to know this without ANYONE telling me BEFORE hand? Just answer me that?

I have contributed to this wiki, just not on this account in particular. I was about to add more when It was deleted and then I just recreated it again, for later. And even after the third time, you never messaged me once.

If you wouod unblock it, I read the policy.... 4 times.... since that Is all you tell me. I will create it like I was going to adding stuff about me, and using the Elements as links to other things.... like you did BlackDragon 16:40, November 28, 2015 (UTC)

Alright man, If you unblock my Userpage I wont recreate it until I have made edits with this account.

Again though, had you said this to begin with and gave me a message telling me this, I would have known and wouldnt have recreated it 3 times.....

Just Saiyan BlackDragon 15:26, November 29, 2015 (UTC)

deleting my user page[]

I'm sorry i broke the rules, i had no idea! is there a page where i can see the requirements? Nobah Dee (talk) 17:27, January 11, 2016 (UTC)


If you don't mind. Could you pitch in here. No real problem if not. Munchvtec (talk) 22:21, February 6, 2016 (UTC)

Could you revert Snappers deletion of Yusuke's Father until the consensus says otherwise. Check the above thread for why. Munchvtec (talk) 23:20, February 25, 2016 (UTC)


Hello there. Could you revert Alhutt95's edit in Byakugan-aricle? For some reason he managed to edit even after it was protected.--JouXIII (talk) 12:59, March 7, 2016 (UTC)

Thanks. (^_^) --JouXIII (talk) 19:24, March 7, 2016 (UTC)

Hi there, nice to meet you! ^-^[]

You told me that I could ask you if I had any problems, so I hope you don't mind... Yesterday I created a new page, and a message appreared telling me to add an infobox. But when I tried, another message appeared telling me that I couldn't create one. Did I do something wrong? Or is it a thing only some kind of users can do?

(Oh, and another small question. Does this wiki favourite British English forms over American English forms - like "rumour" over "rumor" and "hypothesise" over "hypothesize"?) --Kiyoitsukikage (talk) 13:48, May 9, 2016 (UTC)

I got this one. --Sajuuk 13:59, May 9, 2016 (UTC)

Follow pages[]

Yeah umm hi Jacce. Im new to this wiki stuff, so I wanted to ask you something... How do I follow a page without editing it? Is that possible? Cos I wanted to keeps tabs on some of my fav characters but there's nothing for me to edit... Can you help? Thanks. WizardSun24505 (talk) 10:54, July 7, 2016 (UTC)

Revert War[]

Hello Jacce, I fear there might be a reverted war on the Indra Ōtsutsuki.png so can you help me get this over with?--Rinnegan 4th Six Paths (talk) 23:09, July 24, 2016 (UTC)

thank you.--Rinnegan 4th Six Paths (talk) 02:53, July 25, 2016 (UTC)


Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm a new user, so I wanted to ask a few things. I've gained some experience about editing the page, however, understanding how the site works may take some time. But I wish to share my knowledge about Naruto and Naruto Shippuden here. I want to make this site the best one! ~Adya 06:40, October 6, 2016 (UTC)AdyaNarutoFan 06:38, October 6, 2016 (UTC)Adya.


Why did you delete my fan-made pic of Obito in my page? —This unsigned comment was made by Kuruk Hades1995 (talkcontribs) .

I got this one for you Jacce. :) --Sajuuk 20:45, February 4, 2017 (UTC)

Why don't you add in laws to a Characters family tab?--Erik.hoary (talk) 17:59, March 3, 2017 (UTC)


Thank you for your guidance and for your heads up as making me feel welcoming to Narutopedia. --Koralthepro (talk) 04:42, April 3, 2017 (UTC) Koralthepro

I'm so sorry for broking the rules, i am truly sorry about it and i wont do it again. --Fireholt66 (talk) 17:55, June 3, 2017 (UTC)


Do families like the very ones we have in real life even exist in Naruto (i.e., the kinds of families that are not called "clans" of which lack any special powers unique to them)? -Chris Urena (talk) 23:17, July 7, 2017 (UTC)


1. So is that a yes to my question about the kinds of families we have here in real life (the ones referred to simply as "family", not "clan", and without any special powers, or "Kekkei Genkai") existing in Naruto?

2. Do you think it would be possible for us humans to live in a society that has both clans with special powers (like in Naruto), and various countries, races, ethnicities, and cultures (like in real life)? -Chris Urena (talk) 14:57, July 8, 2017 (UTC)


How do I publish my naruto oc. Please I need help—This unsigned comment was made by Ethankaze (talkcontribs) .

That message you left on my Talk Page about OC characters was not something that I was talking to you about earlier on. It was actually left on your Talk Page by someone who clearly forgot to leave their signature on your Talk Page to let you know that it was them, not me, who spoke to you about that. -Chris Urena (talk) 21:01, July 8, 2017 (UTC)


ok i have a quick question how do i use the contributions and what do i with it? (Fireholt66 (talk) 04:15, July 24, 2017 (UTC))


Can a skilled sensor type ninja use their Sensing Technique to identify what jutsu their targets are using? -Chris Urena (talk) 16:00, August 28, 2017 (UTC)

Cells & Body[]

Hey, Jacce, I got a question: if someone has a body that is "brimming with vitality" does that grant the cells of said body extreme vitality, like in the case of Hashirama Senju? --Chris Urena (talk) 00:17, October 1, 2017 (UTC)

Chakra Reserves & Amounts[]

Hey, Jacce, aren't a shinobi's reserves of chakra their amounts of chakra? --Chris Urena (talk) 16:33, October 7, 2017 (UTC)


Ehehehe~ Thanks for leaving the message on my talk page.

I forgot to add who i am! CaptainJokerKid (talk)



I am looking to add more to the music section of the Narutopedia. For starters, Would it be possible to ask for a tab in the main menu drop-downs for the music page? I can't find the music page without having to go to google and type in "Naruto wikia music".

Second. I am looking to add things such as: Album covers, track listings, and more info. (I attempted this a few days ago and when I went back to add to it, the template had been deleted).

Third, I think I need a permission to be able to post pictures on this wikia? When I was trying to upload the over for the R*O*C*K*S single, it kept giving me a pop-up saying 'permission denied'; or something of the sort.

So in short, I'd like to ask to have permissions where I can upload images and add more to the music section.

Thank you,

-MDA —This unsigned comment was made by DuchessDream (talkcontribs) .

DVD Collection[]

Hi Jacce, just wondering why doesn't the Narutopedia include a page for the DVD Collection like the One Piece Wiki?--Rinnegan 4th Six Paths (talk) 23:49, January 1, 2018 (UTC)

Byakugan vs. Sharingan[]

Does the Byakugan’s “incredible clarity and insight” allow it to perform similar feats as that of the Sharingan or are they simply at different levels of perception when it comes to said insight?

Also, doesn’t the Sharingan’s perception come with exceptional analytical powers which allow its user to pick up on subtle details? --Chris Urena (talk) 11:33, April 16, 2019 (UTC)

1. Oh, OK, so there basically just two similar things that go in different directions, correct?

2. Can the Byakugan’s clarity and insight allow the user to see through illusions and read, mimic, and predict movements like that of the Sharingan, or are those feats exclusive to the Sharingan’s own clarity and insight?

3. Shouldn’t what I just said about the Sharingan concerning its analytical powers be included in its capabilities of perception or does the part where it says “The user is granted incredible clarity of perception” in the Sharingan’s page already cover that?

4. Could the Jōgan’s ability to see through invisible barriers that connect between dimensions allow it to see through jutsu like Limbo: Border Jail?

5. Is it true that the Sharingan’s ability to induce paralysis, instill fear, knock people unconscious, relay memories, look through memories, forcefully extract information, remove illusions placed on targets by others, and enter someone’s subconscious all stem from its ability to cast illusions and hypnosis through eye contact? --Chris Urena (talk) 17:21, April 16, 2019 (UTC)

OK. --Chris Urena (talk) 00:45, April 18, 2019 (UTC)


is there anything i can do to help out --Mickster18 (talk) 14:12, April 24, 2019 (UTC)Mickster18


Dear Jacce, I have a question. Im a very religious person, I have a question: I wanna edit on this and Dragon ball Wiki the information from the status,and if someone is deceased. Can I hide the text"Status" and"deceased"for a short time, or make a Neji Hyuga page private without the word"Status dead or decased". Its"unangenehm"für mich.

Many greetings.

If you dont like that I changed the word"was"on the Neji Hyuga Page, so you can make it back.

I dont like if a characterdescription is in the pastform"He was", dont want knowing, that someone is dead.

Can someone make, that the status from a character is hidden, so you can choose click"status", if someone is dead or alive!?

Help me!

Schöne Grüße nach Schweden aus Deutschland. —This unsigned comment was made by LittleNicky32 (talkcontribs) .

Naruto Answers Wiki[]

Hey @Jacce,

The Answers Wiki is gone! What happened to it? And how do we go about removing the link to a dead wiki?

If you could, please respond on this thread.

Thanks! AsianReaper (talk) 12:36, May 1, 2019 (UTC)

Sharingan range[]

Hey Jacce, can the Sharingan extend the user’s range of vision like the Byakugan? --Chris Urena (talk) 05:59, May 8, 2019 (UTC)

Off topic, but i wanna know abt Ino[]

Hey there. I just wanted to know why "Doctor" is not listed in Ino's occupations.. She clearly was a doctor is Sakura Hiden Novel, as she went to Sunagakure as one of the representative doctors and opened a clinic with Sakura in Konoha. So it implies she is a doctor, and remember she was treating the wounded in Medical Department in Boruto, so please add Doctor in her occupation list at least with a ^(Novel Only) sign. SnapRider (talk) 21:42, June 2, 2019 (UTC)

Thanks For The Input I Really Appreciate It (K-Geezy)


Hey, Jacce, to the Sharingan any attempt to blind the user (such as smoke and mist) is considered a deception of which it can see through, right? --Chris Urena (talk) 15:23, September 8, 2019 (UTC)

Well, Izuna managed to see Tobirama’s barrage of kunai while being blinded by smoke and I hear that the Sharingan can see through invisibility, which is why I am asking this in the first place. --Chris Urena (talk) 19:46, September 8, 2019 (UTC)


As you probably know, the forums are being retired soon; they're scheduled to be retired this month. In order for the wiki staff to continue to communicate about any wiki changes, I've created a discord for us so that communication may go more smoothly than if we tried to use the new Discussions feature, which for now lacks what we need.

The discord now has many people in it, but there is a separate role for all staff so that only staff can see chats relating to the wiki. If you'd rather not be bothered by the server unless for wiki-related purposes, you can simply mute the servers for general use and only be notified when the wiki-related channels are used.

Going further than that, you can even turn off notifications for the whole discord and only be notified when you are pinged.

Here is the link to the discord:

Squinty97 (talk) 14:45, April 7, 2020 (UTC)


Why did you delete Category:Help? Most wikis that I know make much use of such a category. --- Robin Patterson (Talk) 12:12, 7 December 2020 (UTC)

Not really sure why a page that was deleted a decade ago would matter, and likely its because it wouldn't have any use on this wiki. As this wiki is part of Fandom, some categories have "shared help" from Community Central, but I suspect that stuff is broken because of the migration to UCP. --Sajuuk 19:12, 7 December 2020 (UTC)


Hello Jacce,my apologize if i bother you but you are only admin who isn't too tiresome to do something.So i wish to ask you can clean up Category:Candidates for Deletion there are some pages that been for very long time there and should be deleted thoug i personally thing that every page there should be deleted,so can you clean up Category:Candidates for Deletion? Kireina Yume (talk) 13:01 , 22 January 2022 (UTC)

Deletion request[]

First of all thanks for answer on my question and to what i said unlike other admins you aren't MIA.I see that you delete most of pages but there is still some pages one that categorys that should be deleted(all of them are housekeeping and unused).Kireina Yume (talk) 16:36 , 22 January 2022 (UTC)

Could you perhaps have this user stop removing messages on their talkpage? Thanks
Edit: As you can see on their talkpage, it would appear this user has at least three accounts that are globally blocked by FANDOM themselves. If you can, an IP ban should be requested. Munchvtec (talk) 15:55, 23 January 2022 (UTC)

New Administration[]

Got word from Dantman that I should make official nominations for sysops. I made two nominations, one for Snapper2 and Ventillate on Narutopedia_talk:Sysop_Requests. When you have a chance, please give your input on these two candidates. Ninja Of War (talk) 13:32, 24 January 2022 (UTC)

Inori's brother[]

What was then decide for Inori's brother page? Kireina Yume (talk) 13:58 , 24 January 2022 (UTC)

Building a new tool for fandoms![]

hey there

Jaden here! A big fan of your fan-art and artistic creations! We are currently building out a browser extension that will help to aggregate fan data across multiple platforms to generate fandom profiles for fans and secondary content creators like yourself!

We are working on aggregating streaming data from Crunchyroll & Netflix, as well as secondary creator content from DeviantArt, Pixiv, AO3,, Youtube, &!

The tool is meant to help secondary content creators and fans be recognized for their contributions to communities. Given that you’re a secondary content creator who has developed great content, we’d love to hear your thoughts on what details/features you’d like to see in these generated reports and fandom profiles.

By making use of these reputations, we also hope to be able to bring together top artists , storywriters, and community leaders (such as yourself) to bring together groups that can produce great secondary fan works (doujinshi, fan animations, etc), with prizes and financial incentives provided by us of course!

We’d also like to invite you to take part in the exclusive alpha test launch of the product, which we are shipping in the coming weeks.

Please do let us know, and I’m excited to hear your thoughts :)

Best Regards, Jaden Yan

Howdy! Greetings from your new Wiki Representative![]

Hello, Jacce! My name is Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin (Though you can absolutely call me "Fenn") and I am the new Wiki Representative for your community!


If you ever need some help on the Wiki, or have something you need to speak with Fandom Staff about, feel free to reach out to me! The best way to contact me for a speedier response would be via Discord, my tag being "Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin#1949", but you can always leave a message on my wall and I will work to respond to that as soon as possible! If you have any Discord Servers affiliated to the Wiki or Discord group chats for the admin/moderator team, feel free to lemme know! I'm excited to be able to assist your community!

Have a blessed day! Fenn (Talk) November 8, 2022, 10:01 PM (EST)


Hey there! I’m reaching out to introduce the Admin+ program (if you haven’t heard about it already!) & let you know I’m here if you have any questions about it. Take a look at the details here & feel free to send over any questions you have. pikushi ✧.* 13:56, 13 September 2023 (UTC)

How are things around here?[]

Howdy, Jacce! It is good to see you! I just wanted to drop by and ask how you are doing and ask if there is anything I can do to help ya out with on the Wiki, like projects or updates or anything? :D

I hope you have a blessed day!

Fenn (Talk) March 5, 2024, 10:51 PM (EST)

Community Manager[]

Hey there!

As you may have heard last month, Fandom introduced new Community Managers who would be coming in to support wikis.

I'm just dropping in to let you know I'll be working with you on Naruto Wiki as its assigned CM! I'll fulfil similar roles to what Fennekin did on this wiki. I'll be able to support with things like:

  • Bug reports
  • Coding/templates (to the best of my ability!)
  • Design
  • Community management

You can contact me about anything though - you know how this works at this point haha.

Am I okay to join the wiki's Discord server and introduce myself to everyone? My Discord handle is spongebob456.

If you have any questions, please do let me know! --Spongebob456 talk 13:43, 7 May 2024 (UTC)

Thank you! How's best to contact you/other admins please? Is there a channel in Discord? Best to contact you in DM or talk page? :) --Spongebob456 talk 08:46, 8 May 2024 (UTC)
OK cool, thank you! I have an update to give you all that isn't a 'request' per se but also needs input if that makes sense. As it's quite large, I'll do individual talk page posts as I don't want to flood the requests thread. If you want to discuss it, perhaps you could all reply in one thread on my talk page? A Discord DM/channel can be handy for this, but happy to do it this way too. :) --Spongebob456 talk 09:45, 9 May 2024 (UTC)
Sorry, was unexpectedly out last week! I joined the server - is there a channel for admins there? Are you all in Discord? --Spongebob456 talk 09:51, 20 May 2024 (UTC)
Ok thank you! It's tricky as it's not a request per se, more a discussion topic. It might be useful to have a "Staff requests" or "Staff updates" section perhaps hmmm. I'll have a think and message you all soon. The update I had got delayed a bit anyways. --Spongebob456 talk 09:58, 23 May 2024 (UTC)

Discussion Deletion[]

Hello! Is it possible you could delete all the posts I made to discussion? I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I’ve been looking for a while now. I would prefer the stuff I uploaded not to be there anymore, since I have been working on new stuff. Thank you!—This unsigned comment was made by Uchiyoo (talkcontribs) .

Super sorry for bothering you again, it might have glitched because they weren’t there before but they are back now? If it isn’t too much trouble could you try to delete them again? —This unsigned comment was made by Uchiyoo (talkcontribs) .

Thank you so much for your time!

Form editor[]

Hey! I noticed on the Sannin page that it has an option to 'Edit with form'. Is this intentional? I notice in MediaWiki:Common.js that the relevant portion of code for it seems greyed out. --Spongebob456 talk 14:19, 6 June 2024 (UTC)

Quick question[]

Hey! I just had a query on something. Purely hypothetically, what are your thoughts on AI and its potential uses on Fandom. Are you pro it? Against it? Only under certain circumstances? There are no wrong answers here, just want to gather your views on it. Go wild! --Spongebob456 talk 11:06, 27 June 2024 (UTC)

No worries, that's fair. This doesn't relate to any upcoming AI feature, it's just to get your thoughts on whether AI could have any use. If you do have any thoughts/comments/feedback going forwards, feel free to let me know. Thanks! --Spongebob456 talk 16:01, 1 July 2024 (UTC)