
Patch 4.55 Notes

Patch 4.55 presents the conclusion to the Eureka storyline and challenges like none other in the perilous Hydatos region, as well as a new variety of Rival Wings campaign─Hidden Gorge.

* The following quests and duties are scheduled to be released in upcoming patches:
[4.56] Main scenario continuation, Even Further Hildibrand Adventures, beast tribe quests (Stormblood)
[4.57] World Visit system


Patch 4.55 contains content that can only be accessed by registering the expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XIV to your service account. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of these expansions, the following notations will be used throughout the patch notes:

These additions and adjustments only require the purchase of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.
These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward.
These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood.
These additions and adjustments contain elements that may require the purchase and registration of the expansion packs noted above.

Playable Content

New side story quests have been added.


And We Shall Call It Hydatos

Disciple of War or Magic level 70
Kugane (X:8.5 Y:14.2)
Players must first complete the story of Eureka Pyros.


Furnishings from the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest have been added.

Learn more about the Furnishing Design Contest.

New furnishings have been added.

New orchestrion rolls have been added.

The Manderville Gold Saucer

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Triple Triad:

  • New cards have been added.
  • New NPC opponents for Triple Triad have been added.


In Wondrous Tails, the Astragalos entry has been changed to Rival Wings.

New Emotes have been added.

Battle System

The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos has been added.

Hydatos marks the conclusion of the Eureka expedition. With its discovery, the elemental level cap has been raised to 60. Increase your elemental level to unlock more of the story and the ability to further augment your arms and armor.

To enter Eureka Hydatos, you must first complete the Eureka Pyros story.

Learn more about Eureka Pyros.

Level Requirement Disciple of War or Magic level 70
Item Level Requirement -
Item Level Sync 300
Party Size Eight players
Time Limit 180 minutes


And We Shall Call It Hydatos

Disciple of War or Magic level 70
Kugane (X:8.5 Y:14.2)
Players must first complete the story of Eureka Pyros.

Logos Actions

One additional logogram and six new logos actions have been added.

Eureka Weapons

After fully augmenting a Eureka weapon in Pyros and proceeding to a certain point in the Hydatos story, you will be able to augment your Eureka weapon further by speaking to Gerolt in Hydatos (X:21.4 Y:13.6).

Eureka armor augmentation will be unlocked once 56 unique logos actions are registered in your log.

Happy Bunnies

Hydatos is also home to many a happy bunny. As a reward for saving them from imminent peril, happy bunnies will help you find hidden treasure on the island.

Notorious Monsters

Players may encounter notorious monsters that cannot be found in other regions of Eureka. Those who would engage them are advised to seek aid from other adventurers.

Defeating notorious monsters yields a great deal of elemental EXP, as well as various rewards.

The Baldesion Arsenal

The Baldesion Arsenal is a brutally difficult open dungeon that can be challenged by up to 56 players at once. To enter, you will need to complete the main Eureka storyline and prepare for the worst.

The entry requirements for this duty are extremely strict, as savage bosses, devious traps, and an effect that prevents resurrection by certain means all await you within.

Those who hope to challenge this dungeon should read all available information thoroughly, and properly understand the risks before entering.

Entering the Baldesion Arsenal

Aetherial nodes throughout Hydatos can provide access to the Baldesion Arsenal.

To make use of these nodes, your elemental level must be 60. You will also require a particular status enhancement.

Aetherial Nodes

There are two varieties of aetherial nodes: unstable blue nodes, and stable red nodes. Regardless of type, each node will disappear once accessed by a player, or if a certain amount of time passes without its being accessed.
* Only the player who accesses a node will be transported, even if that player is in a party at the time.

The appearance of aetherial nodes is related to the atmospheric condition umbral turbulence.

Unstable Aetherial Nodes

An Aetheric Stabilizer is required to use unstable nodes. Aetheric Stabilizers can be acquired in Hydatos through various means, and will be consumed once they are used to access a node.

Stable Aetherial Nodes

Stable nodes do not require the use of Aetheric Stabilizers. However, each will only appear after a certain amount of time has passed following the disappearance of an unstable node.

Resurrection Restrictions

The detrimental status effect "Resurrection Restricted" will be applied upon entering the Baldesion Arsenal. While this status is active, you can only be resurrected via limit break or a specific logos action. For this reason, be aware that KO carries a heavy risk.

Withdrawal and Re-entry

If you use choose the Return function from the menu, or accept the prompt to return to the starting point while KO'd in the Baldesion Arsenal, you will be removed from the dungeon and transported to the expedition camp in Eureka Hydatos. To re-enter the dungeon, you will once again need to access an aetherial node, so think carefully before returning.


Those who defeat the bosses within and clear the entirety of the Baldesion Arsenal will be richly rewarded. To do so will be no mean feat, however─you must communicate well with your fellow adventurers if any of you are to reach the prize.

A Final Warning

The Baldesion Arsenal will present a unique challenge to even the most storied of adventurers, no matter how easily they have forged a path through Eureka thus far. Entry in itself will be difficult, and once inside, you must expect to face many a bitter defeat before ever tasting victory.

To clear the dungeon, adventurers will need wisdom, bravery, strength, perseverance, trust in their companions...and a whole lot of time.

This will not be easy. Be prepared.

The following adjustments have been made to Eureka Pyros:

  • Players whose elemental level is 51 or higher will be automatically synced to level 50.
  • The Elemental EXP Up buff will be applied upon entry.
    The amount of elemental EXP gained from defeating enemies while below elemental level 50 has been increased.
  • The following items can now be exchanged with the expedition birdwatcher (X:17.6 Y:25.3):
Item Obtained Item Required
Penthesilea's Flame Pyros Crystal x 50
  • Replicas of fully augmented Eureka Pyros weapons can be bought from Staelhundr in Kugane (X:7.8 Y:14.1).
  • The logogram Wisdom of the Remembered is now called "Spirit of the Remembered."

The drop rate for the Euphonious Kamuy Fife in Hells' Kier (Extreme) has been increased.

Moreover, players can now obtain these items in exchange for totems by speaking with Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.8).

Item Obtained Item Required
Euphonious Kamuy Fife Suzaku Totem x 99

The drop rate for the Hallowed Kamuy Fife in the Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) has been increased.


PvP actions have been adjusted as follows:


Action Adjustment
HP HP has been increased from 14,500 to 15,000.


Action Adjustment
HP HP has been reduced from 15,500 to 15,000.


Action Adjustment
Riddle of Fire Recast time has been reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.
Riddle of Earth Recast time has been reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.


Action Adjustment
Eye for an Eye Recast time has been reduced from 45 to 30 seconds.


Action Adjustment
Lightspeed Recast time has been reduced from 90 to 60 seconds.

The Feast

Season Twelve will end and preseason will begin.

When the season ends, the top ranking players from each data center will receive vouchers via the moogle delivery service.

Players finishing in bronze tier or higher can claim rewards by speaking with the Feast Quartermaster at the Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.9 Y:5.7).

Learn more about rewards.
* Tier rewards for Season Eleven must be claimed before the end of preseason.

Rival Wings

The Hidden Gorge map has been added and includes several new features.

Rival Wings is a large-scale PvP battle involving up to 48 combatants. Participants are divided into two teams, the Falcons and the Ravens, comprised of six light parties each.

During a Hidden Gorge campaign, teams vie for control of supplies delivered by ceruleum engines, and seek the aid of goblin mercenaries in a bid to destroy the opponents' core.

Provided that Rival Wings has been unlocked, players will be able to enter Hidden Gorge matches from the release of Patch 4.55.

To unlock Rival Wings, you must be a Disciple of War or Magic of level 30 or higher and have completed one of the following Grand Company quests:
・A Pup No Longer (Maelstrom)
・A Pup No Longer (Twin Adders)
・A Pup No Longer (Immortal Flames)
Once these requirements have been fulfilled, speak with Softknox in Wolves' Den Pier (X:5.7 Y:5.4).

Level Requirement Job level 30
Item Level Requirement -
Party Size Four players
Time Limit 20 minutes


The rules and victory conditions are similar to those used in the Astragalos map.

For more details, see the Rival Wings guide.

Hidden Gorge Rules

Ceruleum Engines

Ceruleum engines move across the map on rails at high speed, stopping at the loading stations in the center of the map. By taking control of the loading stations, teams can claim the supplies delivered by the ceruleum engines.

  • Ceruleum Engines in Motion
    If you come into contact with a ceruleum engine while it is moving, you will incur potentially lethal damage. A warning will sound to indicate the approach of a ceruleum engine.

Loading Stations

Ceruleum engines carry supplies to loading stations. It is not possible to enter a loading station while riding machina.

  • Occupying a Loading Station
    When a ceruleum engine arrives at a station, standing in the area next to the engine will cause a gauge to fill. Once it is full, your team will occupy that station. The gauge fills more quickly when you have a higher number of team members near the engine than the opponent. The greater the difference in players, the quicker the gauge fills. However, only the first four players from each team are counted. Those standing near the engine will also gain the Sheer Will status, which greatly increases damage dealt. Making use of this status will help to reduce the number of enemies and occupy the station more quickly.
  • Controlling a Loading Station
    Once a loading station has been occupied, a new gauge will appear indicating your control over the station. When filled, the station will be under your team's control, allowing you to claim its supplies. This gauge will only fill when your team has a number of members equal to or higher than the opponent in that area.

    When the supplies have been claimed, the ceruleum engine will leave the station and the gauges will be reset.

1. Supply type
2. Members per team (up to four)
3. Occupied
4. Occupation gauge
5. Control gauge


There are four types of supplies. For the first half of the match, the ceruleum engine will deliver main ceruleum tanks, gobbiejuice, and gobtank keys at random. In the second half of the match, they will only deliver gobcrates.
Each type grants its own benefits and increases the Soaring stacks of the whole team.

Main Ceruleum Tank

Effect Each party on the team gains 50 ceruleum.
Soaring Stack Increase 1
Arrives During the first 12 minutes of the match


Effect Fills the adrenaline gauge of every team member.
Soaring Stack Increase 1
Arrives During the first 12 minutes of the match


Effect Two gobtanks will appear at the core and will travel down the north and south routes to the enemy base.
Soaring Stack Increase 1
Arrives During the first 12 minutes of the match


Effect Grant all of the effects of main ceruleum tanks, gobbiejuice, and gobtanks.
Soaring Stack Increase 3
Arrives After 12 minutes have passed

Goblin Mercenaries

After a certain amount of time has passed, goblin mercenaries will randomly appear from the north and south mercenary bases. Initially, they will not side with either team, and will attack any player that approaches. However, it is possible to have them ally with your team.

  • Allied Mercenaries
    If the damage your team deals to a goblin mercenary surpasses that of the opposing team by a certain amount, it will join your side. If the mercenary's HP reaches zero before this condition has been fulfilled, it will form an alliance with whichever team dealt the most damage to it.

    A gauge above the goblin mercenary shows the difference in damage dealt by each team. Falcons are shown in blue and Ravens are shown in red.
  • Mercenary Deployment
    Once you have formed an alliance with a mercenary, it will appear at your team's core and will attempt to destroy the enemy's towers and core, much like a mammet would. Forming an alliance with a mercenary that appeared from the north mercenary base will cause it to travel along the northern route, with the same being true of the south mercenary base and southern route.

    Mercenaries are also governed by the Contractual Obligation status, and they will leave the field of battle once the status counts down to zero. After a certain amount of time passes, they will reappear from their respective base and will no longer be allied with either team.

Players will be unable to register for Astragalos in order to focus matchmaking on Hidden Gorge.


New items have been added.

View the new items.

New mounts have been added.

New minions have been added.


New achievements and titles have been added.

New text commands have been added.

New phrases have been added to the auto-translation dictionary.

New music has been added.

You can no longer delete a character that was logged out while in a duty.

The Server Backup function now has cross-platform support between the Windows®/Mac and PlayStation®4 versions.

* This feature is still in the beta testing phase and may not be fully compatible with your play environment. It is strongly recommended that before attempting a backup to the servers, you copy your locally stored save data to a USB storage device, or use online storage if you are a subscriber to PlayStation® Plus.

Read on for details.

Resolved Issues

  • The following issues have been addressed.
    • An issue in Doman mahjong wherein tiles in the discard pile would be grayed out after declaring riichi under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein a player using a performance action would be displayed standing upright with no music playing if the character display limit had been exceeded.
    • An issue affecting blue mage actions wherein the effect of Bristle was not removed after using Ink Jet.
    • An issue wherein submitting items for supply and provisioning missions as a blue mage prevented the correct amount of EXP being awarded to the corresponding Disciple of the Land or Hand class under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein characters could not change to blue mage while in the Ivory Chapel.
    • An issue wherein the FATE "Clearing the Hive" could not be completed if Severaint Seven Splinter was defeated with the blue mage action Doom.
    • An issue wherein the SDS Fenrir was not displayed at the correct size.
    • An issue in the free company member list wherein the information from the second page onwards was not displayed correctly.
    • An issue wherein attempting to blacklist a character via the chat log would result in a different character being added to the blacklist instead under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein the attack names "Vein Splitter" and "Concentrativity" were switched during the quest battles for "In Crimson It Began" and "The Time between the Seconds."

Other various issues have also been addressed.

Known Issues

  • An issue in Eureka wherein targeting certain NPCs after having used the /magiaauto subcommand will result in the magia board spinning.
  • An issue in Eureka Hydatos wherein the Petrification status effect is not removed even when the boss that cast it is defeated.
    * The status effect will disappear as normal once its timer runs out.
  • An issue in Eureka Hydatos wherein the visual effects for certain monsters do not display correctly when they attack.
  • An issue with the Eureka Hydatos map wherein certain text is incorrect.
  • An issue with the Challenge Log wherein the entries for "Prepare to Dice" and "Luck Be a Lady Tonight" incorrectly reference "Astragalos" rather than "Rival Wings."
    * This is a text-only issue. Participation and victories in Hidden Gorge will still be counted toward challenge completion.
  • An issue wherein the gamepad button commands are not displayed correctly when navigating Free Company member lists longer than two pages.

New Items

Item Category
Replica Pyros Sword
Gladiator's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Sword
Gladiator's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Sword +1
Gladiator's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Gladiator's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Antea Physeos
Gladiator's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Antea Eureka
Gladiator's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Battleaxe
Marauder's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Battleaxe
Marauder's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Battleaxe +1
Marauder's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Marauder's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Shamash Physeos
Marauder's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Shamash Eureka
Marauder's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Great Shin-Zantetsuken
Dark Knight's Arm
Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
Replica Pyros Guillotine
Dark Knight's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Guillotine
Dark Knight's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Guillotine +1
Dark Knight's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Dark Knight's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Xiphias Physeos
Dark Knight's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Xiphias Eureka
Dark Knight's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Knuckles
Pugilist's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Knuckles
Pugilist's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Knuckles +1
Pugilist's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Pugilist's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Dumuzis Physeos
Pugilist's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Dumuzis Eureka
Pugilist's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Absolute Lance
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
Penthesilea's Spear
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
Replica Pyros Lance
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Lance
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Lance +1
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Daboya Physeos
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Daboya Eureka
Lancer's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Knives
Rogue's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Knives
Rogue's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Knives +1
Rogue's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Rogue's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Kasasagi Physeos
Rogue's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Kasasagi Eureka
Rogue's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Samurai's Arm
Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
Replica Pyros Blade
Samurai's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Blade
Samurai's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Blade +1
Samurai's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Samurai's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Torigashira Physeos
Samurai's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Torigashira Eureka
Samurai's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Harp Bow
Archer's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Harp Bow
Archer's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Harp Bow +1
Archer's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Archer's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Circinae Physeos
Archer's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Circinae Eureka
Archer's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Handgonne
Machinist's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Handgonne
Machinist's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Handgonne +1
Machinist's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Machinist's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Mollfrith Physeos
Machinist's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Mollfrith Eureka
Machinist's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Shantotto's Staff
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
Replica Pyros Rod
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Rod
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Rod +1
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Paikea Physeos
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Paikea Eureka
Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Grimoire
Arcanist's Grimoire
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Grimoire
Arcanist's Grimoire
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Grimoire +1
Arcanist's Grimoire
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Arcanist's Grimoire
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Tuah Physeos
Arcanist's Grimoire
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Tuah Eureka
Arcanist's Grimoire
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Tuck
Red Mage's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Tuck
Red Mage's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Tuck +1
Red Mage's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Red Mage's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Brunello Physeos
Red Mage's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Brunello Eureka
Red Mage's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Cane
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Cane
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Cane +1
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Rose Couverte
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Rose Couverte Physeos
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Rose Couverte Eureka
Two-handed Conjurer's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Codex
Scholar's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Codex
Scholar's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Codex +1
Scholar's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Scholar's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Jebat Physeos
Scholar's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Jebat Eureka
Scholar's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Astrometer
Astrologian's Arm
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Astrometer
Astrologian's Arm
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Astrometer +1
Astrologian's Arm
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Astrologian's Arm
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Albireo Physeos
Astrologian's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Albireo Eureka
Astrologian's Arm
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Replica Pyros Shield
Item Level: 290 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Shield
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Hydatos Shield +1
Item Level: 395 / Equipment Level: 70
Item Level: 400 / Equipment Level: 70
Bellerophon Physeos
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Bellerophon Eureka
Item Level: 405 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Helm of Fending +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Helm of Fending +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Helm of Maiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Helm of Maiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Hat of Striking +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Hat of Striking +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Hat of Aiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Hat of Aiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Circlet of Scouting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Circlet of Scouting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Circlet of Casting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Circlet of Casting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Circlet of Healing +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Circlet of Healing +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Kirin's Osode of Fending
Item Level: 300 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Armor of Fending +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Armor of Fending +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Kirin's Osode of Maiming
Item Level: 300 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Armor of Maiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Armor of Maiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Kirin's Osode of Striking
Item Level: 300 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Jacket of Striking +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Jacket of Striking +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Kirin's Osode of Aiming
Item Level: 300 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Jacket of Aiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Jacket of Aiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Kirin's Osode of Scouting
Item Level: 300 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Jacket of Scouting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Jacket of Scouting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Vermilion Cloak of Casting
Item Level: 300 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Coat of Casting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Coat of Casting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Vermilion Cloak of Healing
Item Level: 300 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Coat of Healing +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Coat of Healing +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Trousers of Fending +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Trousers of Fending +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Trousers of Maiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Trousers of Maiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Breeches of Striking +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Breeches of Striking +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Breeches of Aiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Breeches of Aiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Breeches of Scouting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Breeches of Scouting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Bottoms of Casting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Bottoms of Casting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Bottoms of Healing +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Bottoms of Healing +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gauntlets of Fending +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gauntlets of Fending +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gauntlets of Maiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gauntlets of Maiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Striking +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Striking +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Aiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Aiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Scouting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Scouting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Casting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Casting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Healing +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Gloves of Healing +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Fending +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Fending +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Maiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Maiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Boots of Striking +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Boots of Striking +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Boots of Aiming +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Boots of Aiming +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Boots of Scouting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Boots of Scouting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Casting +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Casting +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Healing +1
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Elemental Shoes of Healing +2
Item Level: 390 / Equipment Level: 70
Aetherially Conductive Plate
A thin piece of metal that assists in dampening fluctuations in the aetherial current. Used in the creation of aetherytes.
Damascene Cloth
This cloth was woven using a long and complicated process. It is a traditional fabric from the south of Othard.
Molech's Horn
A hulking horn that once adorned the head of the cruel Molech.
Goldemar's Horn
As part of his efforts to project a sense of economic might, King Goldemar had even his own horns opulently engraved─not that it will do him much good, now that you have torn this one from his head.
Ceto's Claw
This was once the pointiest point on one of Ceto's lethally sharp appendages. Handle with care.
Crystalline Scale
A beautifully faceted scale that fell from the back of the Provenance Watcher.
Sharlayan Aether Oil
A Sharlayan imitation of an Allagan concoction, this aetherochemical oil can be applied to metal to lower its aetherial conductivity.
Cryptic Seal
A small statuette engraved with inscrutable ancient pictographs.
Aethertight Flask
An utterly impermeable vessel of Sharlayan design, created for the purpose of securely storing experimental alchemical concoctions.
Hydatos Lockbox
A firmly sealed box discovered deep in the Hydatos wilds. Only a skilled picker of locks might grant you access to the treasure within.
Moisture-warped Lockbox
A firmly sealed box discovered deep in the Hydatos wilds, its shape made irregular by prolonged exposure to the elements. Only a skilled picker of locks might grant you access to the treasure within.
Aetheric Stabilizer
A clever little device that harmonizes discordant aetherial currents, allowing for the safe use of previously unstable nodes.
Ballroom Etiquette - Overzealous Affirmations
An illustrated manual of how not to express your enthusiasm for mashed popotoes in the middle of the dinner course. Use to learn the /fistpump emote.
Eureka Fragment
Surprisingly heavy for its size, this cube contains a small portion of the aether that comprises the primal Eureka itself.
Conditional Virtue
Cuddle not to dullness; coddle not to elevation.

Use item to acquire the Conditional Virtue minion.
Yukinko Snowflake
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling...falling on his head.

Use item to acquire the yukinko snowflake minion.
This conveniently sized result of experimentation on the part of the Students of Baldesion may not be entirely stable enough to safely ride─but there's only one way to find out.
Eurekan Petrel Horn
A delicate shell horn that summons the beautiful and dangerous gastropod known as the Eurekan petrel.
Magitek Avenger A-1 Identification Key
A thin rectangular piece of what appears to be cermet. Placing it near your magitek avenger A-1 will magically bring the machine to life.
Obscure Logogram
Crystallized memory that likely contains knowledge of arts so specialized or ill-advised as to have been kept hidden from all but a select few.
Hydatos Cluster
A large chunk of crystals discovered steeping in the water-aspected aether of Hydatos.
Hydatos Crystal
A crystal discovered in Eureka Hydatos─a region where the elemental aspect leans heavily to water.
Gates of Paradise Orchestrion Roll
Orchestrion Roll
Music roll for Gates of Paradise - The Garden of Ru'Hmet. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Onslaught Orchestrion Roll
Orchestrion Roll
Music roll for Onslaught. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Turmoil Orchestrion Roll
Orchestrion Roll
Music roll for Turmoil. Use to add to your orchestrion list.
Simple Treehouse
Outdoor Furnishing
No girls allowed. And while we're at it─no boys, either.
Paissa Chronometer
As if the beastkin's physique simply does not beg to be reimagined as a convenient timepiece.

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