Welcome to the Community Finder!

Search for new friends, linkshells, and free companies
to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

Using the Community Finder

  • Step 1

    Find a Community

  • Step 2

    Contact the Recruiter

  • Step 3

    Join and Make Friends

  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Free Company

Recruiting Knights of Soken Members



Active Hours
14:00 22:00
10:00 2:00
Active Members


Data Center


Home World




#Socially Active
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
#Player Events
#Treasure Maps
The Knights of Soken are looking for new recruits of all shapes and sizes to join our family.

We love helping new players and run end-game events likes raids, mount farms, treasure hunts, as well as other fun-filled activities each week.

Here's what we offer:
☞ A large FC house that changes with the seasons!
☞ Constant buffs for crafting or battle experience, food duration, aetherite discounts, etc!
☞ Active (level 2) Discord server with the cutest emojis and stickers you've ever seen!
☞ Free FC room once you become a full member (1-2 weeks after joining).
☞ Frequent member-run events like mount farms, treasure hunts, glam contests, scavenger hunts, raid clears, and more!
☞ Free counseling after each emotional MSQ moment...

Here's what we expect of members:
☞ Be respectful to your fellow FC members.
☞ Be social in FC chat and/or Discord. For example, say"hello" when you and others log in and "good bye" when you log off.
☞ Try to engage with us as much as you can. We regularly organize social events, and those are a great opportunity to hang out as an FC!

If you have any questions, feel free to send Thorann Blitz a message in-game!

How to apply:
1. Submit an Application Form HERE!
2. In-game, go to Empyreum, Ward 11, Plot 30, click on the placard outside the house and select Submit Application.
3. You have to complete both steps above before we review your application. Allow us a weekend to accept your membership.

Group Profile



Active Members




Primary language



Plot 30, 11 Ward, Empyreum (Large)

Estate Profile

Lahee Land


Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

How to apply:
1. Submit an Application Form HERE: https://forms.gle/C6pVACrYgxmVSA1E8
2. In-game, go to Empyreum, Ward 11, Plot 30, click on the placard outside the house and select Submit Application.
3. You have to complete both steps above before we review your application. Allow us a weekend to accept your membership.

To contact me, please send me a message in-game or DM me on Discord @thorann!


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Community Member Merry Weatherbee Adamantoise [Aether]

Sounds good to me! Where do I sign up? :) I don't want to leave my discord name on here. I'm in game quite a bit on weekends, and weekday evenings.

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Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the FC!


-- -- ----

Hi!! Could I please join? :)


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Yeah! Could you message me on Discord (Thorann#3479) or in-game?


Community Member Dragonlord Lord Adamantoise [Aether]

korrick and azzilynn sent me here


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

I sent you an invite in-game. Welcome!


Community Member Ranulf Reinhardt Adamantoise [Aether]

Would love to join your FC looking for a place to call home i am very new to FF14 so please add me back on Discord @ SenpaiSmurfy#8208, so we can chat i tried messaging you, but it said i could not because we were not friends on there would love to hear back from ya.


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Great! I sent you a message on Discord.

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Community Member Chab Nyan Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey im looking join your fc. Could you message me at Chobanyan#5274


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi there! I tried to DM you, but it's not letting me for some reason. Do you have non-Friend DMs blocked? If you are still interested, send me a message at Thorann#3479 or find me in-game.


Ojjiro Ojii Excalibur [Primal]

/bow I wish to aid the cause.


Community Member Shaggy- Rogers- Adamantoise [Aether]

Interested in your FC would love to have a chat!


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the FC!


Community Member Dandelion Rosesea Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi! I'm going to be transferring to Adamantoise sometime in the next week - would I be able to join up?
(Also, I sent you a friend request on Discord, Dandelion#secretnumbers)


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the FC!


Griffin Winsome Malboro [Crystal]

looking fora group online and active on Discord

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Peiradox Zee Midgardsormr [Aether]

Hello. I am interested in joining your FC. I attempted to message you on discord. But it's friends only.


Landrief Rahl Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi I would like to join as well. I can be reached on discord as landrief . I'm also known as Landrief Rahl in game.


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Sorry, I was out of town and did not see your message. If you are still interested, feel free to message me at @thorann on Discord.


-- -- ----

hi im new to FFXlV and im looking to get into the game , im coming from 16 years of WOW and id like to try something different....ish


-- -- ----

Hi w would like to join please I’m on all day I sent a app in game my discord is firefox2991


Moglin Mogglemog Adamantoise [Aether]

Hi, I am interested in joining your FC. Are you still recruiting? I tried to message you on Discord, but I haven't used Discord much before and I don't know how to search for people on there.

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Ray Mist Adamantoise [Aether]

Hey there! am I able to join? I just send you a discord request! :)
btw this is my discord name: _raylin

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Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

I'm about to respond to you on Discord :)


Community Member Ichi Shimada Adamantoise [Aether]

Hello, I was wondering if you guys were still recruiting? Looking for mates to play the game with and in dawntrail xpac.


Community Member Thorann Blitz Adamantoise [Aether]

Welcome to the FC!


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