Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

Hermaphroditic []

The alien is not hermaphroditic. It would be Asexual at best (and even that really isn't right). Hermaphroditic means possessing both genders genetalia that are fully functional, which they clearly do not thave.Heartlesslove93 (talk) 03:21, February 21, 2019 (UTC)

Unaligned or Neutral[]

The Xenomorphs are semi-sapient. D&D 5e describes that unaligned creatures "lack the capacity for rational thought do not have alignments." An unaligned creature is "incapable of making a moral or ethical choice and acts according to its bestial nature." This description seems more accurate given the Xenomorph's lack of full sapience. Neutral is for characters that do understand the concept of morals and are capable of taking a moral stance. The Predator fits this category considering the Yautja Honor Code. The Xenomorph lacks the intellectual capacity for moral decision-making (despite that they can act upon acquired knowledge), thus incapable of being neutral (or good/evil) at the first place. Slayer of Dragons sss (talk) 01:59, 7 November 2023 (UTC)

  • There is media of different Xenomorphs that express intelligence, such as Specimen 6 in the 2010 video game, as well as Grid and Dragon. Xenomorphs can also be trained as well, so yes, they can have an alignment, as such as the Tarkatan Xenomorph simply wants to expand its hive, it falls under neutral. ---- Fizorak (talk) 02:43, 7 November 2023 (UTC)