Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

New Picture?[]


The female red ninja

What do you think of replacing that main image with this one?

Best regards —Kuro Selastalk 13:17, March 27, 2011 (UTC)

I think Kung Lao is too in the way xD Azeruth 14:30, March 27, 2011 (UTC)

Hey i added that amin image could you give me credit please i found that before anyone the one that is the main pic now.

I agree that kung laos to in the way but its still a good pic Emoink15 04:56, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

Skarlett, Ruby, or a Completely New Character?[]

So, with the name not being revealed, who do you think it is?

Mortal Kombat producer Shaun Himmerick said the tweet regarding the 3 DLC's was wrong (see reference 12 of Mortal Kombat (2011)), but in the tweet it said the 3 confirmed as DLC were Kintaro, Kenshi, and Skarlett. From my point of view, it can be taken as the DLC is fake, OR the fact that they said Skarlett was DLC was "wrong" and therefore makes the Lady in Red either Ruby or a whole new character. Remember when Ed Boon tweeted if we'd like to see a new character? So, what are your thoughts? Is it Skarlett? Ruby? Or a brand new character? Azeruth 17:00, March 27, 2011 (UTC)

One of the interviews referred to her as "Scarlet" (that was the way it was spelled). I wouldn't be surprised if she was given a brand new name or something. However, I think it's clear she was based on the Mortal Kombat 2 rumored character. However, I do not believe that it's Ruby; I doubt the MK-team would directly base the character on someone from Defenders of the Realm (however, Quan Chi did make his first appearance there, so who knows).
However – this may go without saying – once her official name is revealed the page will be renamed from "Lady In Red" to whatever her official name may be. —CavalierTunestalk 19:17, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
New character Ryan Porter 19:20, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
Its Skarlet it says so here. BurnInIce 22:03, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
I think it's just a remake of Kira look at the similarities
1.She has long knives
2.She's red-headed
3.She has a pony tail
4.She has the same boots as Kira's alternate costume
5.She's dressed in red
1. No. Kira has the knives like Kano. Scarlet has two short swords on her back and some very different looking throwing knives (I believe they're Kunai)
2. Yup, so?
3. This one is related to 2. You didn't need to seperate them.
4. No she doesn't. Similar doesn't mean the same. They're only the same if your description start and ends at 'long red boots'.
5. Again, not important and not evidence.
6. I know it's not listed, but she's unpopular and Boon has stated that the more unpoplur characters, especially those who are largely a copy of another character are gone for good.
If she came back I'd eat my own shorts.
She's not Kira, Kira is Black Dragon, not a ninja, since when does Kira have ninja swords? Besides Kira didn't come in until Deadly Alliance (or maybe it was deception?), and she's not popular enough.
Maybe Kira took lessons from Tasia? I am AnnhilationNation... and I thank you for playing on the DFW. 06:16, April 11, 2011 (UTC)
We know her name is "Scarlet" or "Skarlet" or "Skarlett" or "Scarlett" or some other variation of that. All the interviews either hint, or basically say what her name is. However, all those interviews were conducted in person (or over the radio), and the name was spoken, and no clarification as to spelling was made. And since all those names are pronounced the same, the actual spelling still remains to be revealed. We'll find out soon enough though. I'm fairly certain that she'll be a brand new character, if not, this would be the first main-series-MK game (not counting expansions and ports) to not have a single new character. —CavalierTunestalk 06:48, April 11, 2011 (UTC)
Recently tweeted by the official MK handle:!/MK_MortalKombat/status/64698930075668482
Possible confirmation of her name's actual spelling, perhaps? Ambokiko 10:42, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

The Previous topic[]

Maybe, but I'm the one who uploaded it on the wiki in the first place. -Seannix

Ninja Mask vs. Veil[]

Someone keeps changing the appearance regarding the ninja mask. Now, I'm not opposed to just taking out the whole "unlike the other female ninjas" part and just leave it at "She wears a ninja mask" but I feel it's noteworthy considering the DLC Scan points it out. Also, there is a difference. The female ninjas all wear veils, Mileena even has a page about her veil: Mileena's Veil. The ninja mask continues past the neck, while the veil only covers the bottom half of the face. I don't mind deleting the part and leaving it at ninja mask, but there's a difference, and I feel it's slightly noteworthy. It's a difference. Azeruth 12:45, March 29, 2011 (UTC)

Picture of Her[]

is that the picture I posted on Twitter? either way i want to see gameplay of her and what element she has power of.

Her name[]

i saw an online interview with Hans Lo one of Mortal Kombats directors and he said "Yes Kenshi and Scarlet are DLC for Mortal Kombat" i don't remember exactly what he said but thats how her name was spelled, a "C" and one "T".

I'm pretty sure that the person who wrote the article just spelled it that way, it's not known how her name is spelled. It's highly likely it'll be Skarlett, which is the way the fans named her, and it uses the "k" like most Mortal Kombat names/words. Azeruth 03:49, April 3, 2011 (UTC)

I don't know the 2 "t"s look good in my mind if thats what her name is, i think it would be "Skarlet", i dont know thats my opinion. MKvsKI 01:04, April 3, 2011.


you guys got your exclusive, are you happy stop whining, it is a free xbox exclusive it will be automatticaly on the disc, no dlc required Ryan Porter 02:19, April 3, 2011 (UTC) also it is scarlett Ryan Porter 02:20, April 3, 2011 (UTC)

OH YEAH!(Hangingmanpeter0 03:31, April 3, 2011 (UTC))

Are you telling me that SHE is the Xbox 360 exclusive?! wheres your proof? if its true, i will Leap for Joy. MKvsKI 01:07 April 3. 2011 (UTC)

If she is DLC then she won't be Xbox exclusive,Personally i think Kintaro will be the Xbox exclusive.

I don't know about kintaro, you have to remember, he's a boss character, and relativley larger than Goro, plus Kintaro is part of the 300th challenge, endgame and the challenge tower is on both ports, We'll just wait and see.

I heard or read,I forget where sorry, that Xbox gets some kind of extra mode. Don't know/remember what it is, or if it was being reported as true or just a rumor GrimmShadows 10:46, April 16, 2011 (UTC)

She isn't the exclusive character... there is NO exclusive character for 360. --Byakuya600 11:41, April 16, 2011 (UTC)

Forget Kratos,she's the real deal[]

Oh,yeah she's my new main sorry,Sareena and Li Mei.(Hangingmanpeter0 03:36, April 4, 2011 (UTC))

I have been hearing rumors that she's a xbox exclusive Saints95 03:38, April 4, 2011 (UTC)Saints95

Oh yes,I can't wait and she might not be for long,she will appear on the PS3 once you think about it.(Hangingmanpeter0 03:52, April 4, 2011 (UTC))

Well if she IS xbox exclusive and will eventually appear on PS3, then its only fair that Kratos will be DLC for 360, just saying. User:MKvsKI 12:31, April 4, 2011

Kratos could never be DLC for Xbox, PlayStation owns him. 20:14, April 12, 2011 (UTC)

Technically, Sony owns him not Playstation; but yeah theres no way a character would appear on a console made by a competing company. GrimmShadows 10:43, April 16, 2011 (UTC)

Saying Sony owns him or saying Playstation owns him really ammounts to the same thing. Kratos appearing in an Xbox game is just as likely as Master Chief appearing in a Nintendo game. -Rm2kking 07:49, May 6, 2011 (UTC)


I don't fully believe that she's the xbox exclusive, either way, i'm glad she's at least playable, i've experienced the "Skarlet" glitch first hand, but i never thought she was a secret character, like the original "Ermac" rumour, i just thought she was a glitch, but I thought it was cool, and I can't wait to see her signature moves!MKvsKI 19:30, April 4, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI 03:30, April 4, 2011.

Here's a song about a Lady,a lady in red.[]

Oh,one day while I was out on a walk,looking at my watch had no time to talk,on my way to the mall,to pick up MK not time to fall,saw this lady,this beautiful girl in red took me by surprise oooh lady in red,she's the lady in red put a dagger in Scorpion's head,ooh lady in red refusing to date Johnny Cage she's the lady in red.(Hangingmanpeter0 07:29, April 5, 2011 (UTC))



I smell Sarcasm.(Hangingmanpeter0 05:13, May 1, 2011 (UTC))

Did anyone else notice...?[]

That whenever a glitch character becomes a real character the glitch is always dressed in red.

First of all, sign your posts. Second of all, my rule of thumb is "two points make a line, not a pattern." If we get a third glitch character, and he or she is dressed in red, then that'll be a little odd. Good catch, though. —CavalierTunestalk 02:00, April 12, 2011 (UTC)
That's because when they did the sprites, the costumes they used were red. They were recolored to be yellow/blue/pink/green for the different characters, but the original costumes the actors were filmed in were red. Azeruth 02:02, April 12, 2011 (UTC)
It was red for the girls in MKIII (blue outfits in MKII according to the portrayer's page Katalin Zamiar, but it was red for MK1 for Scorpion/Sub-Zero/Reptile, mention in the first Mortal Kombat game's trivia "In the arcade version of Mortal Kombat, an unproven glitch occasionally caused Scorpion or Sub-Zero to morph into a red ninja (due to color, with which the original ninja animations were shot), named "ERMAC" (short for "error macro")" --Azeruth 02:42, April 13, 2011 (UTC)
So,she was the base for the other girls,just like Ermac was for the male ninjas..(Hangingmanpeter0 17:46, April 18, 2011 (UTC))
Technically she wasn't, but I believe that people made the assumption that a glitch for the girls would end up being red like the glitch was in MKI for the guys due to the guys base being red. Just an assumption turned real now. --Azeruth 17:49, April 18, 2011 (UTC)

well i think the lady in red deserves to be called the red ninja cuz she's one tough woman

Once again, sign your name. Secondly, why? That's not her official name or title? CrashBash 17:12, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Hard to Get[]

Hi, I'm a new user and I was wandering how do we get her and the other DLCs to play as. Are they even out yet? I really want to know so if you guys could help me. Thanks - user: Lindsaysbiggestfan

The game just came out today... So no. And are you a PS3 user or Xbox 360?

PS3. Thanks for the info. Now I wonder when they will come out - Lindsaysbiggestfan


Looks like its possible to get the game to load up her model with one of the available animation sets in game. SInce they would of needed to fully skin and rig her for the cinematics in Story Mode, I don't see it being difficult at all for somebody with the means to hack the code to play as her as seen here. However since she would have no moves or be emulating another character seems more like a novelty.

Heres the vid if anybody hasn't seen it yet

You could probably do the same thing with any of the unplayable characters from Challenge Tower too. Emonegarand 06:08, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

This proves once for all her name is Skarlet! GunBlazer 23:30, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

Yes it does, so instead of this page called "Lady in Red" shouldn't we change it to Skarlet due to its confirmation? 23:51, April 24, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI 07:51, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

I think we should wait until the DLC comes out. They could easily add a t later on or completely change her name just because of the hacks. --Azeruth 23:56, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

Seconded! GunBlazer 00:01, April 25, 2011 (UTC)

Ok, i just thought we might as well if there is an announcer voice file that says "Skarlet" I figured that would be enough proof to change it but your probably right... MKvsKI 01:40, April 25, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI 09:41, April 24, 2011

Skarlett Babality Glitch? ill show you more later.[]


Mortal Kombat 9 (2011) - Skarlet Babality

Glitch of not moving

Rename the page[]

Hector Sanchez confirmed her name, and the hack showed it. GunBlazer 15:59, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

Look 1 discusion over this one ... we will wait-- 16:10, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

got it. just wanted to know since Tahitia wont give up. GunBlazer 19:58, May 3, 2011 (UTC)


How do you guys know she is Human? She looks very "Edenian" to me, in the looks and clothing. Please remove the race if there is no official reference quoting it from the devs. Also she was originally a glitched clone of Kitana, KItana being Edenian. And IMO she does not dress or fight like a human, lore wise.

She isn't listed as human... --Azeruth 03:07, May 4, 2011 (UTC)

EDIT: Nevermind, Cav changed it and I didn't notice. --Azeruth 03:08, May 4, 2011 (UTC)


Skarlet's moves are supposedly based around blood and the manipulation thereof, and her voice in videos is very inhuman sounding. I wonder if she is a vampire? -Rm2kking 07:47, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

I care not, she's a slime girl and that's all that matters 8D Kaihedgie 07:59, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

Do I even want to know what a slime girl is? -Rm2kking 08:21, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

She just likes blood,nothing more.(Hangingmanpeter0 09:26, May 6, 2011 (UTC))

And you know this? How? Seems like conjecture to me. -Rm2kking 09:29, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

You don't have to have fangs to like blood,you should know that..(Hangingmanpeter0 09:32, May 6, 2011 (UTC))

It's not the blood that makes me wonder, it's her inhuman voice combined with the blood. Just for the record, I don't think she's a vampire, I'm just kind of throwing the possibility out there. Nitara is a vampire and she doesn't have an inhuman voice, and Skarlet's voice sounds Ermac-like anyway, so who knows what she is. -Rm2kking 09:34, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

Blood is her mouthwash...hahaha(Hangingmanpeter0 09:37, May 6, 2011 (UTC))

Haha. I kind of hope Skarlet isn't a vampire. Something new and original would be cooler. Perhaps she's some kind of demon? Who knows. Though as a vampire she'd be cooler than Nitara, since I was a bit disapointed by her moveset and her look. I guess we'll just have to wait for more details. Can't wait to play as her -Rm2kking 09:43, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

Sareena is a demon,so nothing new there maybe she's Sub Zero(s) long lost sister?(ReimondoMyImmortal 09:58, May 6, 2011 (UTC))

Yeah there are a bunch of demons. Sareena, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Moloch, Drahmin, and a few others. What's one more? Lol. What makes you think she's Sub-Zero's sister? -Rm2kking 10:07, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

she isn't Sub-Zero's sister, i think that Sub-Zero's sister is Frost. :)

Maybe she's a female Ermac. She is red and has a similar voice effect. That would be terribly unoriginal though. -Rm2kking 10:17, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, she's a female Ermac. Because Ermac was first red male ninja who originally in Mortal Kombat. When, in Mortal Kombat II, He replaced by Skarlet, is a new red female ninja.

nay, that was a voice glitch for me. listen her other voice clips and judge. either way, maybe the MK team has added some new species (cough,cough,cough,smoke,cough,cough,) GunBlazer 12:09, May 6, 2011 (UTC)


I read her ending, if that IS her ending and Shao Kahn IS her master shouldn't her allignment be Evil? MKvsKI 01:57, May 7, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI

I agree, in her ending it says her "fallen master" that being avenging Shao Kahn's death. She is logically speaking evil. Also in none of her plot does she aid the earth realm warriors, thats another sign that she is alligned with outworld. Seems to me, according to what I have read in the plot, that she was mind-slaved by Mr. Quan Chi to attack and kill Shao Kahn. So seems to me that she was alligned with Kahn from the beginning. Also a ninja assassin that Kahn specializes in employing.

Most endings aren't canonical.. I don't see why this one would be any different. And Iron, always sign your posts. --Byakuya600 09:15, May 7, 2011 (UTC)

I agree with Byakuya600 she may NOT be evil I mean she is chained up in Kahn's Coliseum ,but Tanya is evil and chained up, we'll just wait until she is Downloadable.

She is chained up because Quan Chi send her on a mission to kill Kahn and acquire his power. She failed hence the result was being tied up in chains at his arena. She also wears the typical Kahn ninja assassination outfits that bear ressembelence to Kitana and Jade. Also according to her ending in MK11, it says she avenges her fallen master, that being Shao Kahn. If all my calculations add up, she is evil. Forgot to add, I also believe she is an outworlder, like Kahn, Reiko and Li Mei.

I vote we wait until she comes out as DLC and we see what she does/her bio. --Azeruth 15:59, May 7, 2011 (UTC)
Yes. She might have been tricked to work for Shao Kahn. Csand 16:30, May 7, 2011 (UTC)
Also, Being Outworlder does not make her automatically evil; Li Mei is an Outworlder and she is good. GunBlazer 17:52, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Kahn's Colleseum[]

if she can turn into blood, how can she be tied up in kahns arena? also isnt she an ally of his?

First of all, sign your posts. Secondly, what do you mean? Zain is my name! 00:41, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

I think they mean it's not exactly plausible for her to be chained up in Kahn's Arena if she has the ability to turn into a pool of blood. I haven't seen her do that, haven't looked around at her gameplay. And the 2nd part probably deals with the way the her ending sounds. It makes it sound like she's an ally of Shao Kahn. --Azeruth 01:15, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

Maybe the chains disable her powers? --ByakuyaTALK! 01:25, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

Sorry I didn't sign my post, and secondly, Azeruth, that's exactly what I mean xV DEaD ShOT xV 15:41, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

Deadshot, i don't really think that she is a ally of Shao Kahn, not very much is known about her, apart from being a blood mistress, a glitched version of Kitana (MK2), what weapons she has, that she was chained up in the arena, etc. You can't belive what you hear, you have to see it for your self to belive it. I think she would be like scorpion, neutral, Scorpions ending sounds actually sounds like he is evil, when he actually is neutral. I gotta self agree with Byakuya, as an example: why can't Kira free her self? She is really powerful... The chains really would disable the powers of the victims chained to it, as if it would be so embarrising, why wouldn't Tanya just then turn her self invinsible to avoid the embarrisment? Alta1r 17:44, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

@Alta1r, I saw the video on youtube.

xV DEaD ShOT xV 23:32, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Ooooohhh Fiddlesticks. Still, does not Confirm her Aligment. Havik is neutral, and he admires Shao Kahn. Alta1r 16:57, May 10, 2011 (UTC)

Yay! A new character[]

So they finally made Skarlet a offical playable character! Hey.... didn't it say she used throwing knivies? Why is it gone if the fatality shows her using a knife? Anyways, according to her design, she's supposed to be the 4th ninja girl, right?

Now, all they need to do is put Tremor in one of thier fighting games... Tremorfan94 01:13, May 10, 2011 (UTC) 01.52, May 8 2011 (UTC)

That is because the video's released of Skarlet, are still in the testing fase. The programmers are now finisching the final elements. These video's are just apetisers of more things to come. Arie81 07:16, May 11, 2011 (UTC)


2.Tremor has been denied for the game until new advice. GunBlazer 19:45, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Why does so many users forget to sign their post? Alta1r 21:39, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

I think it's either they don't know how to (even when it says how right above the box to write) or they forget. --Azeruth 21:44, May 9, 2011 (UTC)
Oh.....Sorry I'm new here Tremorfan94 21:50, May 9, 2011 (UTC)
I forget alot xV DEaD ShOT xV 23:33, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Back on topic... I think it would be interesting if Tremor made it into another game. If a character based on a mere rumor/glitch can make it, there are chances he might make it aswell. Now personally, I'm not a fan of him, but it would be a treat to those who are fans. --ByakuyaTALK 09:08, May 11, 2011 (UTC)

THANK YOU!!! Finally, somebody else agrees with me! Tremorfan94 21:01, May 12, 2011 (UTC)

I agree as well, people LOVE Tremor, so it would be cool if he appeared.Sub-Erstryktile4 04:06, May 14, 2011 (UTC)

he might be a good idea, since he is the only non playable ninja. but, like all things, time will tell................ Enter if you dare Leave a message! 13:52, May 23, 2011 (UTC)

Released yet?[]

I saw this article:

So is it true? Has the first wave of DLC (i.e. Skarlet and Kenshi) been released? And if so might we be able to expect an update to this article soon? (Sorry if this is a n00b post but I don't have my PS3 handy).

Not that I know of. Haven't heard anything about it. --Azeruth 00:48, May 21, 2011 (UTC)
Not yet. She will be playable at E3, but nothing after that. Enter if you dareLeave a message! 15:01, June 6, 2011 (UTC)


User:SonicWiki provided a YouTube video with Skarlet's ending, it confirms her to be evil. {C


Mortal Kombat 9 - Skarlet Ending

Skarlet's Ending

Oddly, she's still chained up in the arena xD --Azeruth 21:49, May 22, 2011 (UTC)

Evil or Not[]

I'm tired of seeing it put it then taken out and just repeating. For me, the video above is enough proof that Skarlet's evil. While if they just said "Skarlet" like I hear with the Fujin hack, I consider that a possible throw off, but Skarlet's ending is out. I highly doubt they'd create a fake ending when everyone knows she IS DLC. Take it out if you want to, but I say it's 100% confirmed that she's evil. --Azeruth 00:11, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

I'm gonna take it out because that doesn't mean anything, are you saying that Kratos's ending is canon or even better: Li Mei's Deception Ending is canon? The Endings don't prove nothing (until the release of the next game), we need to wait for the Bio, that maybe there will reveal her alignment. -- Dragon NJMB 00:24, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

FINALLY! Somebody understands. Ddill 00:32, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

Her ending is about herself, it said she killed Shao Kahn, and then avenged her fallen master. That means she avenged Shao Kahn, her master, making her evil. --Azeruth 00:34, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
I understand why you guys want to keep it out for now, but to me certain parts of the endings usually are true, and in this case, she had to have been evil to start with. They wouldn't make her good or neutral, and then turn around and avenge Shao Kahn and call him her master. --Azeruth 00:44, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

But we don't know anything about her. We are not dealing with a old character but a new character with a new background, but with the release of her Bio when she is avaliable, we are going to know if she is evil, neutral or good. So, that ending alone don't prove anything.-- Dragon NJMB 01:43, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

Not another thread! Enter if you dare Leave a message! 13:03, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

We HAVE to wait to the release of Skarlet and her BIO to confirm her alignment. -- Dragon NJMB 20:46, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

I agree. We should wait until it's 100 % confirmed that she she IS evil or not. We shouldn't jump to conclusions so soon. You should know better than that, Azeruth. Tremorfan94 20:58, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

Threads like this always make me wanna Noob smoke blah GunBlazer 20:53, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

I'm not jumping to conclusions at all. Why would they make a fake ending for a character when she's going to be DLC? That makes 0 sense. --Azeruth 21:02, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
No you're not jumping to conclusions, but you're still infering, and infering is a form of speculation. the only way we could know 100% that Skarlet is evil is either if someone of authority says flat-out that she is evil or if we actually see her work with shao kahn or something along those lines--ShadowsTwilight ST Talk Bubble 21:06, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

I've already agreed to stop adding she's evil (SonicWiki added it this time), but it seems 100% clear to me that if your ending says you "killed" Shao Kahn, then avenged your fallen master, that she's aligned with Shao Kahn for evil. She wouldn't avenge his death in her ending if she was good or neutral, let alone call him her master. She's evil, the only thing that doesn't show is whether she's willingly or unwillingly evil. --Azeruth 21:09, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

It's not speculation, and it's not inferring, it's in her damn ending that Shao Kahn is her master. If Raiden was her master, she'd be good, but Shao Kahn is, therefore she's evil. --Azeruth 21:11, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
You people don't listen althoug her ending makes her evil doesn't mean its by will, for all we know she could be Kitana's sister who is unwillingly evil like Sindel, wait until her release MKvsKI 21:31, May 24, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI
Exaple: Liu Kang is a good guy, yet becomes evil during his ending. Does that make him evil? No. The same could apply to Skarlet (though I doubt it), despite the wording. Thus, we do not know until her offical release. Tremorfan94 21:53, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

Except, Liu Kang's doesn't say he avenges his master, like Skarlet's does. She avenges her fallen master, the master whom she kills in the beginning of her ending, named Shao Kahn. That's something you guys keep overlooking, I've already agreed to leave it be, but you keep skipping the "she avenged her fallen master" part. You don't avenge your master, who is evil, if you're not evil. Reptile is neutral, but he works with Shao Kahn because of his power. However, at no point does it ever say Shao Kahn is Reptile's master. He's like Havik, work with whomever advances your goals. Shao Kahn is Skarlet's master and she avenges his death. That spells E-V-I-L to me. But I agreed to leave it blank until her bio comes out. --Azeruth 22:00, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

We're not overlooking that and no one is saying she's NOT evil. Though I think so, yes, we'll wait 'till her bio is released. Tremorfan94 22:12, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

Azeruth, we are not saying that Skarlet's Ending is fake or not but i told you that her ending only don't prove anything, i.e. Li Mei in Deception: in her Bio, her actions are good but in her non canon ending, her actions are evil. We need to know about her bio to see her alignment and i'm start to think that all character's endings are non-canon because the Story Mode. -- Dragon NJMB 23:15, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

There is no proof at all. I see her as neutral, as in Havik worships Shao Kahn, but still, he is Neutral. Why don't we just make her Alignment status Neutral/Evil? Alta1r 12:11, June 1, 2011 (UTC)

She's evil. People wanted to wait on the bio, the bio is out. There is no point in waiting now. --AZERUTH 14:08, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

Next game[]

Does anyone think that Skarlet will have a major role in the next game? She might as well in my opinion. 02:14, May 25, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI

No point in such useless speculation. She's part of the first round of DLC that has not even been released (yet unless I'm mistaken) and we're already asking about the next game? Come on man the game is only a month old and the game has just set roots. So suffice to say, I think this is a pretty irrelavant question that shuold be considered much later, teh soonest well after we've had some time to see how the character plays out and then examine the fanbase's reception. Otherwise we may as well try to fly an airplane blindfolded because we have almost nothing to go off of right now.

Image are not fanart[]

The images are not fan art, are taken from the game but only cut by my. --Wildboyz 00:44, May 27, 2011 (UTC)


At no point do I remember a dragon logo like that being behind characters. Is it Concept Art from the Krypt? --Azeruth 00:46, May 27, 2011 (UTC)

I found the images on a trusted site, you can take a look, they also have images of Mileena's Flesh Pit costume. :) --Wildboyz 00:56, May 27, 2011 (UTC)

you got them from there? Enter if you dare Leave a message! 12:47, May 27, 2011 (UTC)

Nice try, but it doesn't take a keen eye to differentiate this fan renders from the original. Official Skarlet render has a muscular, sculpted physique with defined abs. Her clothes are shinier. The black highlights on her hair are thick and more obvious. And her eyes are fierce, not looking all laid back and stuff. Official Flesh Pits render has yellow eyes instead of red. Like Skarlet, she has better physique compared to the fan render. The bandages are more detailed, showing folds of the cloth. And again, her overall facial expression is fierce. These fan-made renders would be totally awesome Sims 3 skins tho. But that's another story. :) -- Ambokiko 01:03, May 28, 2011 (UTC)

Prepare to edit[]

Skarlet´s trailer Comes on Monday! Enter if you dare Leave a message! 19:39, May 28, 2011 (UTC)

can anybody find if its out already? Enter if you dare Leave a message! 12:45, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

It's only 10:00 in the morning (at least it is where I'm at) give it some time --ShadowsTwilight ST Talk Bubble 14:01, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

its 10:30. Enter if you dare Leave a message! 14:35, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Hey it has came out goto youtube and type in MKDLContent goto his user page and and right their Mortal kombat 9 DLC Skarlet Trailer 16:52, May 30, 2011 (UTC) Flapjak

Mortal Kombat 9 Skarlet DLC Trailer

Here is the video link 17:00, May 30, 2011 (UTC) Flapjak

Shows gameplay but nothing else about her. --Azeruth 17:17, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
Still, the trailer says alot about her moves. From what it looks like, she can throw those kunais, summon a gushy ball of blood, and crawl on the opponent & stab thier neck. She looks pretty badass. Tremorfan94 17:36, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
yeahhhhhhhhhhh.Enter if you dare Leave a message! 17:50, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Legit MK2 Skarlet glitch pics.. Do they exist?[]

Has anyone actually seen this? I can't find anything that doesn't look like a fake or a pic from somebodies MUGEN roster. I've only seen pictures of the glitched 'Red Robin' from old magazine scans but never Skarlet. If anybody does have one it should be used as a ref for the statement on her article. Emonegarand 21:55, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

Isn't there one in her page? --Azeruth 21:58, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

Actually the first time I got MK2 when it came out, my sister fought me as kitana and she turned red, at first I thought she was playing as Mileena, but the health bar said "Kitana", it is legit. MKvsKI 23:36, May 31, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI

Her real second Fatality?[]

I paused at the very last frame before it whitens out on her video. I saw red spikes come up from the ground below the blood gieser. Smokeman140 12:04, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

geiser. i think it was one of her swords, but i cannot be sure Enter if you dareLeave a message! 13:35, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

There was like 5 of them. Smokeman140 18:03, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

is there a video of her second fatality? now that´s nasty! Enter if you dareLeave a message! 15:07, June 8, 2011 (UTC)

Allignment ?[]

It says she is allies with Shao Kahn , so that makes her bad , but then shes eneimes with Quan Chi , which makes her good , so is she good , bad , or even neutral 01:26, June 6, 2011 (UTC) Flapjak

Did you watch her ending? She's allied with Kahn and serves him, but for her ending Quan Chi mind controls her to kill Shao explains why she's chained up in Kahn's Arena, Quan Chi controlled her and Kahn caught her. We don't "officially" know it as the bio isn't out but the endings have canon parts. That means she's evil because she's allied with Kahn and serves him, but people want to wait for the bio to officially say what she is alignment-wise. --AZERUTH 01:47, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

Exactly! Enter if you dareLeave a message! 13:17, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

Well, we still lack proof of her being evil. Even that she is allied with Shao Kahn, does it not mean that she is evil. If we think that she is evil, but we lack proof, why not just say Evil/Neutral? The ending could say that she would be, but why is she chained up then? It's not like she betrays him? As told, because that we have no proof of her being evil, we will have to wait with the bio to confirm our thoughts just because of the ending does it not mean that she is evil? We can already confirm that she does'nt have a good alignment how ever. Alta1r Say What? 12:06, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

Another Ermac. Yay! Enter if you dareLeave a message! 12:31, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

More like a female one. But focuses on blood instead. Also i hate having wrong. Alta1r Say What? 15:23, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

1.sign your posts.

2.When I said that, I meant "another" because she is composed of the blood of who-knows-how-many. Ermac, on the contrary, is made of who-knows-how-many souls. Enter if you dareLeave a message! 15:49, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

1. I did sign my post, but i did it a little to late.

2. I know, i know! That's what i was trying to explain! But where did they get her biography? She is'nt out on the PS3 yet? Alta1r Say What? 09:44, June 10, 2011 (UTC)

Official website: -- Notanmkfan. I hate fatalities, X-rays and stuff. 09:46, June 10, 2011 (UTC)
Shes allies with Shao Kahn and eneimes with Quan Chi , so shes evil ( it says it on her page ) 23:27, June 11, 2011 (UTC) Flapjak

Self Mutilation = Powers?[]

I saw her stab herself for a split second in the trailer, then she proceeds with her fatality... strange. --ByakuyaTALK 13:25, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

It may be her way to become puddles of blood. I'd say wait on it though. --AZERUTH 13:30, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

In her ending it said she uses blood to make her stronger , whos to say she cant use her own blood 16:12, June 6, 2011 (UTC) Flapjak

you got a point. yet, blood? Enter if you dareLeave a message! 17:05, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

to think ALL of her abilities make her opponent bleed. the first female character to have an excuse for wearing reveling clothes. Enter if you dareLeave a message! 19:44, June 7, 2011 (UTC)

who got her second fatality? Enter if you dareLeave a message! 23:28, June 7, 2011 (UTC)

I did , she stabs herself and four pillars come out of the ground , wrap around the oppenets arms and legs . So while there up in the air she slices there stomach , she puts her head up , and all the blood goes on her face FATALITY 19:34, June 8, 2011 (UTC) Flapjak

She can morph without the need to stab herself Kaihedgie 14:26, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

Important info on Skarlet[]

This video from E3 tells not a whole lot but stuff that can be added.

1. Her Blood Ball sacrafices some of her own health.

2. Her first Fatality is called "Blood Bath"

Heres the video. Smokeman140 01:48, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

When will she be out?[]

when will she be relesed? and how much money? I just can't WAIT to get her! H4xHer0

June 21st Smokeman140 15:24, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

how you know that? Enter if you dareLeave a message! 15:41, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Oh I don't know only the newest info on her release today. On with her bio trailer, aswell as confirming Rain and also stating that Klassic Sektor and Cyrax will come with Skarlet. Smokeman140 15:52, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Kano wtf Enter if you dareLeave a message! 15:59, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

I don't get it what did I do? Smokeman140 16:18, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks guys! H4xHer0

like WTF!? That Early!? Enter if you dareLeave a message! 16:56, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Yep. I hope another rumor character is brought into another game like Skarlet was. Smokeman140 17:02, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Here's the article with a video: IGN, I wonder who the ??? is. --AZERUTH 17:28, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

My sources say Shinnok but I want it to be Fujin

and over at MKO they say that the silliuette looks very similar to Jason Voorhees...I see it.Smokeman140 17:31, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

jason voorhes!? Kano wtf Enter if you dareLeave a message! 17:33, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

I'll buy Freddy and Jason anyways. I love both of them. If the rumor is true, I just hope that Freddy doesn't look like how he did in the remake, atleast have that as his alt.Smokeman140 17:36, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

What about Kenshi? Alta1r Say What? 20:57, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Still nothing, but they will be here "shortly" Enter if you dareLeave a message! 20:59, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Character Relationships?[]

If Skarlet is created by shao kahn from warrior blood and ermac from warrior souls would that make Skarlet and Ermac technical siblings? 07:21, June 15, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI

No. Enter if you dareLeave a message! 12:28, June 15, 2011 (UTC)

No , but I guess that would kinda kool . But you know maybe they should be allies if the both were created by Shao Kahn 15:44, June 15, 2011 (UTC) Flapjak

Could be. But for now, it stays like that. Enter if you dareLeave a message! 15:52, June 15, 2011 (UTC)

On that note, Since Skarlet and Ermac were created by Shao Kahn (or atleast for him) like Mileena was, wouldn't that make them his children also?

- Viral Master


In Skarlet's Bio trailer, it may hint that Skarlet will eventually betray or turn on her master and turn Good as it says that if Skarlet develops a plot to betray Shao Kahn/Master, there will be hell to pay. But since the creators couldn't put that just for nothing since the bio tells about the character, it might mean something. This is much like Kitana and Jade as they turned on their former master and became Good. Ddill 03:16, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

Uhh, he says discover, not develop Smokeman140 03:51, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

It doesn't matter, well what's the difference between puting develop in the comment since you guys no what i'm talking about. Now, what do you guys think of the comment posted. Any agreements, any regects. Ddill 04:04, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

No. Too Bloodthirsty. Also, she was created by his will (for the one who says, she is not ermac, so the possibilities for someone to turn her good are pretty low) and as such, she has a deep bond with him. Hotaru nono Enter if you dareLeave a message! 13:09, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

You never know. She could turn Good. Ddill 23:31, June 18, 2011 (UTC)

Red Kitana[]

For the one who keeps with the thing of changing her game information, stop. The Glitch is LEGIT! it is real! Hotaru nono Enter if you dareLeave a message! 13:14, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

Prove it. Without relying on PhotoShopped images. Hint: You can't, because you're wrong.

Burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

You know, I googled it and several people and sites say it's legit. They say it happens when you switch between Kitana and Mileena. All I know is, I barely remember MK II and you're blocked for edit warring. --AZERUTH 13:52, June 16, 2011 (UTC)
I don't agree with decision to block him. He was editing it to be neutral on whether the glitch was real or not, while others wanted to declare it as absolute truth.
Besides the MK2 image

This image is definitely altered.

in the gallery is not proof of the glitch. I've carefully looked at it and since it was saved as a lossless PNG, I could examine the colors and (with way too much time on my hands) can conclusively prove it is altered.

MK2 uses a 15 bit color scheme. So there are 2^15 = (2^5)^3 = 32^3 possible color combinations meaning 32 possible values each for red, green, and blue. Emulators differentiate to some degree on the actual color values as there is no perfect way convert 15-bit to the common 24-bit color scheme, but there will still be only 32 possible values. However examining all colors outside of the "Skarlet" sprite, I've found the possible color values of whatever emulator was used:
0, 8, 16, 24, 33, 41, 49, 57, 66, 74 , 82, 90, 99, 107, 115, 123, 132, 140, 148, 156, 165, 173, 181, 189, 198, 206, 214, 222, 231, 239, 247, 255
So each RGB value on that image, if unaltered, should only use those values. However the following RGB values can be found on the red portions "Skarlet":
254;115;132, 246;99;115, 230;73;99, 205;57;73, 188;49;58, 154;33;50 146;54;41, 130;0;16, 88;0;10, 64,0,3; 57;15;22
For a contrasting example these values can be found the yellow portions of Shang Tsung:
255;247;140, 255;239;90, 255;231;90 255;231;49, 247;214;0, 214;189;0 165;148;0, 140;123;0, 115;99;0, 74;49;0
Shang Tsung's colors fit within the spectrum of color values used by the emulator this image was captured from, whereas "Skarlet"'s do not, because it is actually Kitana altered red via an image editor.
Maybe some other day when I'm bored again I might examine the MK2 rom for any possible palette that could result in a red Kitana. Many people have suggested that Kitana turns red when her palette fails to load because that was the color used during filming. However if a palette were to actually fail to load, the sprite would simply be black. For the red color to be present, the developers would have to have separately add it as possible palette, but why if it's going to be unused? Really, any possible memory address in the rom can be used as a palette, but the colors will look random. If the rumor was that Kitana would look like a mostly red garbled mess of colors rather than a hue change to red, I'd be more inclined to believe it.
- Evil Jerk 04:32, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
well, I have experienced the glitch, but this is an CSI-like analysis XD Enter if you dareLeave a message!No 12:41, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
Actually MKII used a blue suit, see Katalin Zamiar. However I trust GunBlazer, and even if the picture is fake the actual glitch itself is real. No sites have "legit" glitch pictures. --AZERUTH 14:42, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
And I think the developers would have the red palette uploaded into the game because they have to change the colors to make the other ninjas anyway. --AZERUTH 14:48, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
BTW, you can remove a picture if you KNOW it's fake. Just remember to put that in the edit summary...and someone will end up putting it back and not read it, that's from experience :P --AZERUTH 14:46, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
I'm thinking the caption could be change to something of the effect of "altered image rendering of what the Skarlet glitch might look like" or should the image be outright deleted?
I just want the image to be clearly identified as a fake, because recerntly with all the DLC news, it's been posted on some sites as real. I've actually known for awhile it was fake using a quicker, though possibly more confusing method. I didn't want to bother to explain nor did I have the rep here for people to take my word for it. I do have some experience ripping game data and graphics, which should be obvious now, like, for instance, that demo text file dump... my bad :P - Evil Jerk 16:29, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
It should be deleted if it's fake. --AZERUTH 16:45, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
I have no experience with deleting files on wikis or this wiki's policies, so I will look into it later. I do think the Secret_character page could use some kind of image to represent the Skarlet glitch, preferably a magazine scan for notability. Can this image, clearly labeled as a fake and removed from Skarlet's gallery, be used on the Secret character page? Afterall nobody who has claimed to see "Skarlet" has contested the image, so it seems to be a fair approximation of what they claim to have seen. - Evil Jerk 17:20, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

BTW I have noticed there's an Ermac MK1 screenshot on this Wiki, but it's a scaled, lossy JPEG, so I can't disprove it, though it can't be proven either.

Shall we name him image inspector? XD.

Leaving jokes aside, It would mean to ignore the policies, but every rule needs an exception. Enter if you dareLeave a message!No 17:29, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

The intention is what matters. Thanks for defending me Azeruth. Shangtsung friendship Enter if you dareLeave a message!No 15:01, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

The problem is there is no real 100% proof of it unless the person who doesn't believe it sees it themself. I've looked for YouTube videos (too lazy to watch the dozens of glitch videos) and pictures are photoshoppable as has been stated before. I saw Cyrax in the sand during a Challenge and no one believed it until I was able to get a picture of it. I barely played MKII, I still have it somewhere in my cellar but I lost a Sega cable so I can't play it anyways. But you've proven you're trustworthy, and I believe someone else also mentioned they saw Skarlet once, so just because a photoshopped picture is the only "evidence" we can find doesn't mean it didn't happen. Several people have said it's happened, for all we know, they added a red ninja but didn't have space for her so it stayed unmade. --AZERUTH 15:07, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

Yes someone did. Next issue. (Finally!) Enter if you dareLeave a message!No 15:28, June 17, 2011 (UTC)


Does anybody know how much she'll cost? Sub-Erstryktile 00:24, June 19, 2011 (UTC)

No idea lad. No idea... Alta1r Say What? 12:01, June 19, 2011 (UTC)

$4.99 Smokeman140 13:17, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

what Smokeman140 said $4.99 A.K.A. 400 MS points 02:10, June 21, 2011 (UTC)MKvsKI

Where is she?[]

I looked on the PS Store but I can't seem to find her and I know she's out due to a youtube post about an hour ago. So what's the problem? I need some help w/ this. Tremorfan94 15:37, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

6 pm bro, 6 pm. *sighs* Smokeman140 15:57, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

yeah, they never mentioned when she would be released today (gawddamnit) --ShadowsTwilight ST Talk Bubble 16:21, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

Skarlet's up on the PSN now--ShadowsTwilight ST Talk Bubble 20:45, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

Skarlet's official render[]

I want a full size over 5000 or 6000 pixels, not 835x1080. I think that it's possibly. When?

Skarlet renderfinal



Does she appear in Nekropolis at all? I can't find her and I even beat arcade ladder 17:11, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, she appears in the Nekropolis. What you need to do load up a character, then puase the game and go to "Player Select", then select Skarlet, and you can view her model. Hope it helps. Dinosaurfan1 18:28, June 22, 2011 (UTC)

Turns out this trick also works for viewing Klassic costumes--ShadowsTwilight ST Talk Bubble 17:23, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Alternate Outfit[]

I beat Shao Kahn with her but i don't get her alternate... So maybe it's just a beta or a later DLC-- 17:50, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

Late DLC possibly. I've looked through the title update and DLC data and the data for it simply isn't there. In the leaked DLC there was problems with her alternate, so it's possible they weren't able to fix them in time for release. I expect it to be included in the next character and compatibility pack DLC. - Evil Jerk 17:58, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
are you a hacker or something!? Enter if you dareLeave a message!The Blog 18:02, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
I wouldn't say so. I was labeled a hacker for simply ripping a pure text formatted file from the demo back when it was released. In that case I just proxied my PS3 through my desktop via system settings to retrieve the download link, downloaded it on my computer, and used the proper program to extract the data. The programs used are pretty easily found and I don't own any modded consoles. - Evil Jerk 18:15, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
As in did you download Skarlet or did you hack her--ShadowsTwilight ST Talk Bubble 18:17, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
Downloaded and then extracted, hacked if you want to call it that. I don't have a modded console, so I would't have been able to use the leaked DLC previously released, so my only exposure to her alternate costume was the same as most others: Youtube videos. You can see there were problems with her alternate costume with what looked like ribbons in her hair staying rigid and clipping like crazy, so it's possible NRS was still having the same issue preventing it from being released. - Evil Jerk 18:50, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
oh Enter if you dareLeave a message!The Blog 18:56, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
Maybe Skarlet's alternate costume thing was later ditched/cancelled? After all, Kenshi didn't have an alt (though I remember that one of his with the karate outfit and no blindfolds back in Deadly Alliance), and I doubt Rain will have an alt either, as much as I'd like to see his prince outfit from Armageddon as one... Ridley Prime 07:23, July 9, 2011 (UTC)

Another clone of Kitana?[]

She does remind me of Kitana more than Miss Fangs..(Hangingmanpeter0 00:52, June 22, 2011 (UTC))

Technically, she's a glitch of Kitana lol But I think they made her as different as they could. So I'd say no. Jade and Mileena are a lot of like Kitana though, but Skarlet is different enough for me. --AZERUTH 01:04, June 22, 2011 (UTC)
Shang Tsung must really love women.(Hangingmanpeter0 01:49, June 22, 2011 (UTC))
True. I mean almost all (if not all) of his known creations are women! Enter if you dareLeave a message!The Blog 01:52, June 22, 2011 (UTC)
Well apparently this is a Kahn creation this time, and in regards to Mileena he wanted a replacement daughter. --AZERUTH 01:59, June 22, 2011 (UTC)


How do you do her other finishers? All I can do is her first one, but what is the button combination for her 2nd Fatality, Stage, and Babality? Sub-Erstryktile 03:33, June 22, 2011 (UTC)

Here is the info you are asking for - PS3/Xbox360:

Down, Right, Down, Down, BLK - Blood Bath (Touching)

Left, Right, Down, Down, Down, BK - Make it Rain (Jump)

Right, Left, Left, FP - Stage Fatality

Down, Right, Down, Left, BP - Babality

Hope this Helps

MortalWizard 04:24, June 22, 2011 (UTC)

Shouldnt she be put in the Finisher theater? Enter if you dareLeave a message!The Blog 13:16, June 22, 2011 (UTC)

Neutral/Evil or just Neutral.[]

I have some suggestions of her being Neutral/Evil or Neutral.

1) In her bio trailer, it gives a hint that if Skarlet discovers a plot to betray her creator, there will be hell to pay. Meaning that she might not like doing evil deeds. But is still royal to Shao Kahn anyway.

2)In her ending, despite avenging Shao Kahn's death. She had stopped Quan Chi AND the brother hood of shadow from bringing ruin to outworld. And their are some Good people in Outworld. She could've just killed Quan Chi and had just injured the brother hood of Shadow form bringing ruin to Outworld. But she saved that realm too. She killed both the brotherhood and Quan Chi.

3)We don't even know that much about her or how she feels. We just know that she was created by Shao Kahn.

She reminds me of Cyrax in this game because both of them are loyal to the Emporer, but they seem to have something in common from Cyrax that makes Skarlet the same kind of Evil/Neutral or Neutral.

It's your decision. Ddill 02:00, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

She's evil, she's bred by Shao Kahn to serve Shao Kahn as his enforcer...endings are non-canon, and her biography states if anyone plots to destory Kahn SHE destroys the plotters first: "Shao Kahn has a new mission for this formidable kombatant: discover Quan Chi's true intentions and kill him if he plots betrayal of the emperor." If Quan Chi plots betrayal, she is to kill him, aka protect Shao Kahn and enforce his will. --AZERUTH 02:22, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Not a glitch[]

Skarlet was never a glitch in MKII, just pure baseless rumor. And probably not a ninja either. Tam001 12:37, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, it was a glich. You can say 'No' all you want, but it was, like the ERMAC glich in Mortal Kombat 1. I've expirenced the glich myself a couple years back. So it's not a baseless rumor. Tremorfan94 23:24, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Unless there's official info confirming her as such, she can't be labeled as a glitch. Tam001 03:24, June 24, 2011 (UTC)

Banned, you can't just remove information because you don't believe it. --AZERUTH 03:31, June 24, 2011 (UTC)

How is this even open to discussion? You have a text from Boon stating she wasn't a glitch in MK2. Even if she WAS a glitch, a red-paletted Kitana with "Kitana" on her health bar is not even close to being a legimate character. Including MK2 as an official appearance in her bio is completely fanon, which is not even what a wikia stands for. I hope to hear some logic comments supporting this instead of people reverting valid edits because they feel like it. --Tam001 03:41, November 21, 2011 (UTC)

I disapprove of you removing those comments, but then again, Tam's a fu*king idiot, so I could care less. Tremorfan94You talkin' to me? 04:07, December 3, 2011 (UTC)

And the glitch info keeps being put back. Funny how the users doing it don't bother to justify their edits or participate in this discussion. --Tam001 14:35, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

"Having teased prospective downloadable Mortal Kombat characters via Twitter back in January, Ed Boon has apparently now counted the votes and the results are in. NetherRealm Studios' Hans Lo has revealed that the first two characters to be made available as DLC will be blind master swordsman Kenshi and a new character named Scarlet, who is based upon an infamous glitch found on old Mortal Kombat arcade cabinets.

Scarlet is now a full character in her own right for the upcoming Mortal Kombat, but back in the day, the character was a glitch that turned Mileena, Kitana and Jade, a rather fetching blood red.

"People always thought it was a hidden unlockable character and it wasn't, it was purely a programming glitch," Lo explained. "She's no longer a glitch - she's an actual character, and she'll be coming pretty soon post-launch." " From the words of a NetherRealm Studios employee. Source: --AZERUTH 03:48, June 24, 2011 (UTC)!/noobde/status/92476278598414337

"RT @TechnoSyndrome It'd still be cool if you gave Skarlet a red MK2 female ninja outfit since she was supposedly a glitch Noobde: Not true."

Boon > Lo. In any case, competent Wiki editing policy is to maintain a neutral viewpoint on issues where facts are in dispute.

Even more clearly stated:
Ed Boon Talks Freddy Krueger in Mortal Kombat, Secret Origins of DLC Characters
"PSB [PlayStation.Blog]: What about Skarlet? She was a rumored secret character from MKII, right?
[Ed Boon:] She was a completely rumored character. She never existed, she was born out of a rumor. It got such legs that a name actually came out of it; there was never a glitch that turned Kitana red, that never existed. That was just an urban legend like Animalities and Ermac — a rumor that we eventually wanted to make true."
--Evil Jerk 15:40, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

That has already been posted, thanks though. --ByakuyaTALK 16:05, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

She is being listed as a MKII character again in her template. --Tam001 (talk) 11:39, July 12, 2012 (UTC)


Does anyone know how much it costs to download Skarlet and the other DLC for the ps3? - User:Lindsaysbiggestfan it cost 4.99 Mortalkombat100 23:25, July 19, 2011 (UTC)

Young Girl[]

Hi, Nave_Ninja here, been a while, not the point. Here was my addition to the page as an anon not logged in:

As revealed in Fatality Practice mode, her favorite historical figure when she was a young girl was the 16th century Hungarian Countess and murderer Elizabeth Báthory, who is often compared to Vlad III the Impaler, on whom the fictional vampire Count Dracula is partially based. This would possibly also imply that she was created as a child and raised, and not created as an adult, like Mileena and Ermac.

The part in bold/underline is what I added at the end of my edit. I'd like discussion regarding its legitimacy, because of the very specific use of the term "young girl." Now, this is not wikipedia. I severely, severely doubt that on-page speculation is something not found on other pages, even ones for main characters. If directly challenged, I'll hunt for it, but in the end that's not my point. My point is that I think the mention of "possibly... imply" means it clearly is speculation and not hardcore fact. I'm not claiming it's true, but I'd like the question to be raised. So I'm raising it. The idea that she was raised from a childlike or young womanly state is, I believe, better for the character. It would flesh out, no matter how little, her backstory a little. Perhaps she was raised by Shadow Priests or something. THAT is pure speculation, with no proof, so obviously I don't think that belongs on the page. But my point, highlighted in bold/underline, I think has some honest founding in the scarce facts we've been given. Perhaps it will be elaborated on later by the team, in which case Word of God (aka the creators) trumps fan theory, but until then, I think the speculation is sound.

I invite others to argue.

NaveNinja 23:50, August 10, 2011 (UTC)

it truly doesn't matter what your argument is, it is mere speculation--ShadowsTwilight ST Talk Bubble 02:17, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

Well, thanks for giving it a thought and the time of day. NaveNinja 04:21, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

I too am curious about this information in the game. Angie Y. 19:02, March 10, 2012 (UTC)



Since Skarlet was created by Shao Khan, does that mean she's like MIleena and Kitana's sister since shao Khan calls Kitana and Mileena his daughters. Csand 04:44, April 20, 2012 (UTC)


--Byakuya The Slayer of Colossi 08:11, April 20, 2012 (UTC)

Not to be racist but, I noticed how Jade looks African/Black and Kitana Latino, what would Skarlet be if she were to be compared to real life races?

Skarlet the Hedgehog[]

I created a Sonic character based on Skarlet and a bit of Nitara. Angie Y. 19:05, May 6, 2012 (UTC)


It was confirmed in a PS Vita challenge that Skarlet was transformed into a Cyborg. Does anyone know or want to guess if she will stay a Cyborg or is it just for the Challenge Tower. Ddill (talk) 19:10, July 31, 2012 (UTC)

That was just for the challenge tower. It can be mentioned in the trivia section if it isn't already in the article. SmokeSound off! 21:25, July 31, 2012 (UTC)


I read this

"Skarlet is the only one of the female "ninjas", that can be truly considered a kunoichi (female ninja) due to the fact that she possesses Kodachi Swords and Kunais and her fighting style is based on Taijutsu. "

and I wonder. By what rule she suppose to be some more truly ninja (spy) than other females? Where's some reference backing it up? The only external source is linked here is "kunoichi" article, which itself mentions that kunoichi is fictional and is not a thing. And nowhere there's a mention of any "kunoichi weapons" whatsoever?

If the fragment refers to some MK wiki text I'd gladly see it linked. Don't mix MK wiki and actual wiki, OK?
