Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

MK4 Ending[]

So,I've been watching Jarek's MK4 ending and it seriously sounds like he's screaming "Where's my cake!!!!" as he falls off the cliff running towards Sonya Blade. Hangingmanpeter0 03:13, September 24, 2010 (UTC)

Seriously, remember to sign your posts.
And, as I said in response to what you posted on my talk page:
"People make up tons of funny things that they think that the characters are saying (when most, if not all of the time, they're saying gibberish). However funny it may be, unless you can prove that the MK Team made it intentional funny – or if it is particularly notable for some other reason – we can't put it on the wiki. This isn't just a place to post every little tidbit of information tangentially related to Mortal Kombat, there has to be some level of discrimination here, otherwise we could post all sorts of things that (regardless of how "true" they may be) have little to do with the overall scheme of MK. For instance, did you know that Sareena's hair is similar to Rogue's from the X-Men, and that her facial tattoos resemble Sage's scars from the X-Men? However, since I can in now way prove that those similarities are intentional, and they're by no means important, they wouldn't be worthy of including on Sareena's page. Does that make sense?"
CavalierTunestalktheSubwayWall 07:25, September 24, 2010 (UTC)

Still it sounds pretty funny,like the Shinnok and Raiden quotes they give each other, I think it should be present and allowed here if the Raiden/Shinnok one can be it should be too. (Hangingmanpeter0 07:39, September 24, 2010 (UTC))

Thank you for pointing out the Raiden/Shinnok piece of trivia. It has been deleted from their pages. It shouldn't have been there in the first place. Just like this Jarek quote shouldn't be either. If you really think it should be included, though, I suggest you contact and administrator and let him or her make the final judgement as to what is too trivial for the trivia section. CavalierTunestalktheSubwayWall 07:43, September 24, 2010 (UTC)

Your welcome Mr. Mod/Admin,I'm glad I could be of service to the Forces of light. (Hangingmanpeter0 07:45, September 24, 2010 (UTC))

I'm not an administrator or a bureaucrat. I'm just a rollback user. If you are interested in contacting a Moderator, your best bet is Smoke.. CavalierTunestalktheSubwayWall 07:49, September 24, 2010 (UTC)

Ah,is he the Robo Smoke or Human Smoke? (Hangingmanpeter0 07:56, September 24, 2010 (UTC))

You'd have to ask him, but I'd guess "Cyborg" Smoke. CavalierTunestalktheSubwayWall 08:01, September 24, 2010 (UTC)

I see,thanks for the help you are an influence to those who seek justice at this wonderful Wiki. (Hangingmanpeter0 08:07, September 24, 2010 (UTC))
