Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

What could the prize be

Saints95 03:59, April 3, 2011 (UTC)Saints95

The Prize[]

What could the reward be?

Saints95 04:00, April 3, 2011 (UTC) Saints95

Concerning Challeges Pages[]

Will challenges get their own individual page, or will all 300 be listed here. Or will just the noteworthy challenges get their own page. I am not a contributer (well, at least not yet) to the wiki, but I am just curious about the subject.

~Jakeinator (to lazy to sing in)

Probably just the noteworthy challenges will have their own pages. And all 300 will certainly be listed here. But, things may change between now and five days from now (Wow! Only five days left!). CavalierTunestalk 04:09, April 14, 2011 (UTC)


will the list be completed? GunBlazer:Shadow Assassin! 00:10, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

- This wiki has been of so much help to me that I'm trying to finish off the list as a karmic thank you sort of thing.

What it should have is...[]

I think the challenge tower should have actual unplayable characters. Not some random character, like the director. They should put in instead of the regular demons, maybe put in Jataaka, Sareena, and Kia.

Bonus Challenge Tower[]

What about the new challenge tower in the PS vita version ? should we create a new page, or just include it here ?

Youtube can be of some help, or a FAQ in gamefaqs ( )

I would put it in an additional section here. Also, please remember to sign your posts on talk pages. SmokeSound off! 19:08, July 15, 2012 (UTC)