Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki


Should her status be demon slayer, demon hunter...? I'm opening a discussion for this. Kuro Selastalk 19:52, June 7, 2011 (UTC)

Demon Hunter. She may slay them but I think that she should be labeled a hunter, like a Bounty Hunter. --AZERUTH 19:57, June 7, 2011 (UTC)


Why are all of her tabs titled "Ashrah" when you click on 'em? Sub-Erstryktile 22:38, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

MK1 - INTRO involving Ashrah VS Kitana[]

Kitana: Can all demons assume humanoid form?

Ashrah: Only those of us who are cambions.

Does this count as an add-on for the trivia on Ashrah's page? Was she born to both mortal and demon in the Netherrealm because it is said for a description on Wikipedia (poor source, I know) that says: "In European mythology and literature since at least the 19th century, a cambion is the offspring from the union between a demon parent—whether incubus, succubus or other type of demon—with a human parent."

Is this noteworthy towards her species tab or trivia? (Cold Abyss)

P.S. This other conversation with Shang Tsung VS Ashrah Shang Tsung: "Human-demon hybrids --" Ashrah: "Have existed for millenia." Now I'm curious if she is a cambion

  • It can be noted in Trivia that it is suggested that in this timeline she is a human-demon hybrid but be reminded that Arcade Interactions are usually non-canon unless stated otherwise by the devs or writers. It can be added but do not change other things on the page because of it. ---- Fizorak (talk) 13:10, 18 May 2024 (UTC)
    • Okay, thank you. Not sure how to add it in the trivia myself, since I don't like to mess with character pages just in case, but thank you :)
  • Just add it like normal text but follow the site's guidelines is all. If needed I will make corrections to it. ---- Fizorak (talk) 03:20, 19 May 2024 (UTC)