Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki
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New Line Cinema's Logo

New Line Cinema 2011 Logo

New Line Cinema is a motion picture production company founded in 1967 by Robert Shaye (Bob Shaye) and Michael Lynne as a film distributor, later becoming an independent film studio. It became a subsidiary of Time Warner in 1996 and was merged with larger sister studio Warner Bros. in 2008. Popular franchises under the studio's umbrella include Austin Powers, Nightmare on Elm Street, House Party, the Friday films, Rush Hour, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Final Destination and The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. They have also produced Mortal Kombat, its sequel Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, and the 2021 film.


This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at New Line Cinema. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with the Mortal Kombat Wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
