StarVaders Studio


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StarVaders Studio

Press Pack:


In StarVaders, dive into an adrenaline-fueled blend of grid-based strategy, mech warfare, and deckbuilding brilliance. Take command of formidable mechas to repel an unrelenting alien invasion in a gripping roguelike adventure.

Drawing inspiration from acclaimed titles like "Into the Breach" and "Slay the Spire," forge formidable decks, unleash devastating attacks, and navigate through perilous biomes to safeguard Earth from imminent destruction. Confront towering adversaries, uncover hidden secrets, and harness the power of synergy to turn the tide of battle in humanity's favor.

Will you rise to the challenge and lead the charge against the cosmic menace in StarVaders?

Key Features:

  • Embark on a thrilling three-act roguelike campaign through dynamic biomes, confronting powerful bosses and adapting your tactics with each encounter.

  • Forge potent decks with wild synergies, where each card presents an array of strategic possibilities, unleashing chaos and creativity in battle.

  • Strategically position your mechas on the vertical battlefield grid to outmaneuver enemies and unleash devastating attacks.

  • All movement, attacks, and special abilities generate Heat. Overheating grants an additional move, but burns the card for the remainder of the round.

  • Rewind time and redraw your hand with Chrono Tokens, providing crucial second chances to alter the course of battle.

  • Craft diverse combinations of pilots and mechs, each duo offering unique abilities and card pools to enhance your combat strategy.

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